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Thursday, June 14, 1945
Number 18
The quaint fragrance of politics
filled the morning air that covered
the spacious Howard campus Mon¬
day morning of last week. The oc¬
casion — J. B. Davis for President
day — begun in front of Main, wheefe I
some of the more ardent supported j
of the Davis regime had erected a
stand, similar to those typically
used for selling hot dogs or ham¬
burgers at the seashore. (For the
benefit of those who are no‘. so
fortunate as to have visited the sea¬
However, this stand was used for
the distribution of “free" refresh¬
ments — including cigarettes — and
was the center of attraction until
the Boys in the Back Room arrived,
fully equipped, then the crowd real
ly began to gather. As the notes
of the more popular musical inter¬
ludes filled every cowier of the
campus, the frantic screams of the
co-eds could be heard as they dashed
madly toward the ever-increasing
multitude that surrounded the tal¬
ented Swingsters. This confusion,
as wild cheers for individual re¬
quests came forth, could well be
compared with that of a small cigar¬
ette counter where five hundred
women had just discovered four |
packs of Chesterfields that had ar¬
rived a few moments previously.
The entertainment, however, was
more or less halted for one brief
moment when one fanatic enthusiast
vaulted upon a garbage • can and
proceeded to encourage the crowd
into openly giving J. B. a few thun¬
derous cheers. He was quite suc¬
cessful until he was forced to aban¬
don his position because of lack of
physical support. You see, the lid
came off. But within a few mo¬
ments the crowd was in its usual
uproar— enjoying themselves to the
Shortly following the exposition
by this polished thespian, several
grotesque figures appeared on £He
scene, garbed in archaic attire.
They added a bit of spice to the af¬
fair, until their real motive for be¬
ing on hand was discovered. It
seems that they were to be in a
play and were to have their pic¬
tures taken. So off they trouped
to a more serene locality, where
the obstreperous political gathering
would not interfere with their
dignity of posture.
The remaining days of the' Week
also showed political enthusiasm.
Take Wednesday for an example.
The contest to procure votes in¬
creased in intensity. The boys back¬
ing J. B. moved their stand down
to the Sherman Oak and began to
distribute ice cream cones to any¬
one who even looked as though he
were still debating mentally as to
whom his vote was going to be cast.
However, the "Moon-beams" were
also on their toes: They had found
(or kidnapped) two colored shoe
boys and were having them ad-
minish "Moon-shines” to any and all
passers-by. They were, of course,
"for free."
The climax of the campaign was
revealed Thursday morning, when
we all awoke to find Loyd Moon
hanging by the neck from one of
the trees in front of Main. It seems
he had been mobbed — (It wasn't a
very nice thing to do, but it was
fun.) Also there in front of
that famed “Boot
Climaxing a hard-fought cam¬
paign, the election of J. B. Davis
as president of the Student Body
was heralded throughout the unit.
The novelty of the entire week of
pre-election activity and the keen
interest and spirit with which the
campaign was conducted created a
colorful atmosphere that will not
be soon forgotten.
Advocating a program of student
centered activities he stressed the
importance of recognizing the in¬
dividual student as the most vital
element of successful student gov¬
ernment. With this in mind he in¬
tends to bring about a readjustment
of student campus activity and to
encourage a cooperative spirit
among the various organizational
J. B. was born here in East Lake
and as a resident of the vicinity
he attended Woodlawn High. Very
much interested in aviation he en¬
listed in the U. S. Navy V-5 early
Thou” organization of the “called
Thus it went, ardent supporters
backing their candidates with every
conceivable trick of the trade. But,
when Friday moming'r^Uied round.
bag of
Official 1
By Goeke ^
See, Sailors, all along we’ve been
reminding you that the end of the
term is not far Of?, and now we
have a look-see at the-c^lendar and
find the end just about a week
What-ho!, final exams are
And through the fine efforts
of Mrs. Kirkland we were able to
secure the final exam schedule.
Here 'tis — read it and?:
Friday, 15 June:
0830-1130—0830 Monday classes
1300-1600— Chem la. Religion 222,
Chem 25, Physics 4.
Saturday, 16 June:
0830-1130—0830 Tuesday classes.
Monday, 18 June:
0830-1130—0940 Monday desses.
1300-1600— Physics 13, English 1
and 2.
Tuesday, 19 June:
0830-1130— History 2 and 3.
1300-1600—0940 Tuesday
Thursday, 21 June:
Wednesday, 20 June:
0830-1130—1140 Monday
1300-1600—1040 Tuesday
0830-1130— Math 5 and 6,
and 22.
1300-1600—1140 Tuesday classes.
We know that all of you have
heard and read about the Nation’s
7th War Bond Drive, and perhaps
many of you have already dished
out part of your Navy pay to buy
that extra bond to further help
Uncle Sam end this war fast like.
However, we would like to remind
you that Howard College has a
booth right here on ;the campus.
And through an agreement with the
college all sales for bond«t ,both
civilian and Navy, will be ac¬
credited to the Navy ^V-12 Unit
here at Howard.. All the sales that
are made between 4 June and 7
July will apply to the report of
bond sales that goes to come from
V-12 here. Howard College is plan¬
ning to buy 6 j certain amount, the
r classes.
6^>Iath 21
by Moigatroide and Cobina.
Well guys and gals, here’s your
old rovin’ reporter bringing to you
all the goin’s on about town. Yes
■iree, Friday nigHt was the big night
of the year— and how the Liberty
Hounds did howl. One of the fea¬
ture events of the year took place
in the Green Room of the old “T.
J.” where 'that “crack” drill pla¬
toon from Howard’s V-12 unit had
■.heir annual blowout, a cocktail
Arriving a little late, your rovin’
reporter found the party well un¬
der way, with Crim and Hargrove
matching to see who would get the
next glass of punch (?). One by
one the boys and their dates drifted
in and the center of attraction
seemed to be the punch bowl on the
left. It was easy to see that payday
had been quite recent because the
boys all had on clean whites. The
girls were all very attractive (just
ask Riley) with their formal gowns
set off by flowers purchases at
Langston-Pate (paid adv.) Ernie
“IH trade my licorice stick for ‘88’
it appeared that the bag of tricks
from both sides had been complete¬
ly emptied. The only sign of en¬
thusiasm visible was that of a few
groups raising their weak and feeble
voices in shouts for their candidate
or the traditional “fifteen” rahs for
so and so. The tenseness of the
“final result” period began to show;
the atmosphere had calmed to an
There was quite a gathering on
the first deck of Main Friday morn¬
ing. Occasional cheers from dif¬
ferent sections of the crowd fol¬
lowed the posting of the latest elec¬
tion results, as first one and then
the other candidate for office leaped
ahead by .four or five votes. Com¬
ments followed. For those who
supported the one who was rapidly
bringing up the rear, phrases could
be heard such as: "You know, I
think they must have stuffed the
ballot box” or “It's looks bad, but
there’s still a chance.” From the
others, nothing but cheers and hand¬
shaking followed.
It was fun, wasn’t it? This elec¬
tion week will probably go down
in Howard's history as one of the
greatest. Speaking for those who
have been at Howard for only a
short time, it seems as though it's
the first time a major campus ac¬
tivity has been so una'nimously par¬
ticipated in. It seems as though
we ought to have more of ’em!
' I .
in 1943. Ordered to report for the
first phase of his training on July
he came to Howard and
regained two semesters, after which
he was assigned to Prep-Flight at
Northwestern State College in
Louisiana. His next station was at
U. S. Navy Pre-Flight School,
Athens, Ga., where he remained for
three months. While at Pre-Flight
J. B. starred on their track team
and competed so successfully that
he broke the three-mile track record
Returning to Howard last Novem¬
ber he is now in his 5th semester
and studying Business Administra¬
tion. Active in both Howard’s so
cial and athletic circles, he is^esi-
dent of Pi Kappa Alpha and partic¬
ipated in the two boxing shows
sponsored by the unit recently.
Now, as President of the Student
Body he hopes to contribute even
more to the welfare and prestige
of the school’s student and campus
Davis’ entire campaign was con¬
ducted masterfully by one of the
most outstanding student personali¬
ties at Howard, Cecil Little. Affec¬
tionately called “Little Cecil” by
the boys, he deserves a huge round
of applause for his splendid efforts
throughout the election project.
Highlighting the affairs of the
election week were the ever popu¬
lar presentations of the “Boys in
the Back Room” and the whole¬
hearted and spirited support of the
entire Navy unit both of whom
were among J. B. Davis’ most avid
and ardent supporters.
exact has not yet been decided,
which will also be included.
Fellows, this looks like a grand
chance to put the V-12 here at
Howard over the top as far as War
Bond buying is concerned, but this
can only be done through the
united efforts of all. So let’s all dig
down a little further into our
pockets, and see if we can’t get that
extra bond during this current
drive. It’s true that leave is com¬
ing up soon, but I believe we can
all sacrifice a little fun in order
to have the money to get that “one
more” bond — and not only will you
be letting “Unc" use your money
for a good purpose, but you will
also be storing up that cash for
further and good use.
Some of you have been inquiring
as to whether or not there will be
a "special pay” at the end of this
current term and before we go on
leave. Headquarters has informed
us that a special pay es of 15 June
has been promised. i^Chis will de¬
finitely apply to the men being
transferred, and will possibly apply
to the men who are to return for
term. A request has been
to the Disbursing Officer for
pay as of 15 Juhe for leave
and/or travel.
On Monday, 4 June, Ship’s Com¬
pany helped our Executive Officer,
Lt. Crossley, celebrate his birth¬
day. When asked as to the exact
number this birthday was, his only keys” Gremli entertained spontan-
reply was that it was his second in eously at the pianp with his fendi-
tion of “Bell Bottom Trousers.” The
punch bowl was well guarded by the
“Wolf Pack” headed by Chauncey
“90-proof” Ericksort. As the photog¬
rapher prepared toltake his supreme
masterpiece, your Reporter saw Ed
“Damn that 2nd Louie” Barrett,
gazing forlornly into the eyes of a
Certain blond BSO. It was plainly
seen by this new-boy that the Lib¬
erty Hounds didn’t know when to
stop because the walls of the room
were green to begin with. The
members of Room 308 (Baker,
Reaves, Sheffield and Smith) lived
up to their promise target "skonk
d?onk.” At this “pernt” an un¬
earthly racket was heard, followed
by a cloud of smoke, out of which
stepped our friend Trent “Where’s
that eye chart” Howell and Bob
“only two weeks left \ill pre-flight”
Osborne. By this time most of the
boys had arrived and “Pep©” Har¬
grove advanced on the cake with his
trusty saber in hand. The cake, a
very good likeness of a sleek de¬
stroyer, was the nearest thing to
the real Navy that the boys had
seen. As the evening wore on, the
amount of spike in the punch
larger until there was a little
added to a hit of spike. It
pitiful to see the forlorn look on
Rex Kalin’s face when he arrived
late and found the punch nearly all
gone. As we left we saw that blond
Illinois bomb shell soaking * his
handkerchief in the bottom of the
bowl and wringing it out in his
glass. How thirsty the boy must
have been! The mystery of the
evening was how Riley rated all
those women when he had his pic¬
ture taken. Everyone had fun un¬
til Ship’s Company arrived; then
.the boys felt they had to be gentle¬
men, if only by act of Congress.
As we stumbled out of the once
beautiful green room, now «covered
with broken glass and debris we ,
heard the boys saying what a great
party it was. But that wasn’t hard
to see because it lasted from 1830
until tight.
the Navy. Wonder if it'$ a
secnet? A belated, but hearty, con¬
gratulation, Sir, from all the boys
in the Howard V-12 Unit
From the Registrar's Office we
were informed that pla-.s for next
semester are that some labs and
PT classes may be moved up to
mornings, and some recitation class¬
es may be held in the -a’ternoon.
Well, fellows, for a ‘ long ' time
now everyone has been wanting to
know whether or not he’ll be trans¬
ferred from this Unit at the end of
this semester, and, if so, where.
Orders have been received by Head¬
quarters for a number of men, and
others, including orders for those
who are going either to Pre-flight
or Tarmac, are expected monent-
['"There are thirteen 413) men to be
transferred to Georgia School of
Tech, and are to report not
than 1200 on 1 July. They are:*
O. F.; RAY, J. J.; REED, H. E.;
O. U. Jr.; and WATSON, L. A., Jr.
To report not later than 0800 on
2 July to Duke University, Dur¬
ham, N. C. are DAVIS, J. B.;
TON,'«. A. Jr.
Those who are to report to Tu-
University are: ALDERSON,
W. T. Jr.; BACKSTROM, W. F.;
B.; ROMEO, A. M. Jr.;
SMITH, L. L. Jr.; and STEINER,
M. E.
R. L„ both Pre-chaplain, are to be
transferred to the University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.,
for further training. *■
It is anticipated that orders for
will be received momentarily for
transfer to either Med school or to
a Naval Hospital for further train¬
ing in Pre-med.
Orders for SENKOW, who is now I
a 4th termer, have nf*t yet arrived.
It is assumed, so Headquarters in-j
(Continued On
Dub: “Do you know
over there?”
Bub: “Yes. She’s Helen Carrs.-"
Dub: “How is sh£ on a park