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Howard Students
Are Elected
To State Offices
A group of girls selected from the
Girls’ Glee Club sang at a meeting
of the Women's Missionary Union
of the First Baptist Church in Bir¬
mingham,. Thursday morning.
The following were on this pro¬
gram: Edna Jo Medlin, Margaret
Ward. Jane Claire Wood. Mary Sue
Neeley. Betty Prince, Doris God¬
win, Bette Jane Houlditch, Sara
Jordan, Esta Bell Coshatt, Vivian
Houlditch. Mary Elizabeth Walker.
Betsy Barnes and Doris Smalley.
John F. Rothermel will lead an
informal discussion on a review of
Thomas Mann’s lecture, which was
given in Birmingham Mnrwi.y
night. Rothermel will be the guest
of the International Relations
Friday at 3:00 in Riley Hall
A morning meeting of the organi¬
zation’s members will be announced
at a later date, Grace Ezell, club
president, announces.
CHRIST was the theme of the State
Baptist Student convention which
gabled at Tuscaloosa Friday
evening and until its close on Sun
day afternoon it was the testimony
s( every speaker, the absolute de-
r- of every delegate. Outstand-
that all schools of the State
rf Alabama were represented and
that the students came for spiritual
uplift ... for lifetime decisions . . .
College young men and young
vomen who were concerned more
about the higher values of life than
any other thing. One of the speak¬
ers said that the impact of such a
meeting should be felt twenty-four
hours after the meeting was over
the lives of students present and
fd ttheir campuses, upon their re-
Howard was well represented by
a Urge delegation of students rep¬
resenting a cross section of the
campus ... as well as the other
schools. . . Approximately four
hundred students were there to
hair the outstanding speakers and
to participate on the program them¬
After the business session How¬
ard bad placed two of its reprase*
tatives on the roster of State offi¬
cers They were Ray Atchison and
Joe Bill Knowles. Congratulations!
Hu Mu again (this is the
correct speOSTg). This fraternal
group has moved to a new location.
Prosperity seems to have been
found . . . Just around the corner
u everyone has said it was . . .
anyway, that's what hppenad . . .
tor in a very impressive two-story
stucco house just around the cor¬
ner at 111 78th Street they now re¬
ad*. Membership has been in¬
creased to eight and the beautiful
new location is quite impressive.
the boys are thinking about hav¬
ing a tea on the terrace root gar¬
den. . . Mrs Obenchain should help
out here although this is a nude
group. . . After all Dr. Dale doesn't
know anything about pouring tea.
. . Anyway watch for the date
when open house will be held and
you will have opportunity to visit
the new site of the fraternity.
Bas Lead
Thirty-two girls and three boys
Two Howard students were
elected to state offices for the year
at the recent Alabama Baptist
Student Union convention held at
the University of Alabama. •
Ray Atchinson, Junior, will be
editor of "Round the State, a pub¬
lication dedicated to the activities
of the B1S.U. in Alabama. As
publicity chairman, his duties will
also include reporting the activities
of the various groups of the con¬
vention to Southwide Baptist pub¬
Joe Bill Knowles, freshman, will
serve as Ridgecrest Chairman for
the state and will be in charge of
plans for the Alabama delegation
to the Southern Baptist Assembly
.in Ridgecrest, North Carolina, next
summer. ^ _ -
Retiring as vice-president of the
convention was Ann Weaver, Sen¬
ior and president of the Howard
chapter of B.S.U.
Howard students taking part on
the program at the convention were
John Dodd, James Beasley, Joe
BUI Knowles, Ann Weaver and
Mary Ellen Yancey. Dr. John Xan,
head of Howard's chemistry de¬
partment, and Dr. J. C. Stivender,
college pastor, were also on pro¬
L A. Ratley, former Howard
student, was in charge of all group
National Contest
"George Washingon's Foreign Pol¬
icy Today" is the subject of the
prize essay contest being
conducted by Scribner's Commen¬
tator magazine. Lake Geneva. Wis¬
consin. The first prize is *1,000.
There are also prizes of *200 and
*100. each, and eight *25 prizes.
The contest closes December 1. 1W1.
All manuscripts should be ad¬
dressed: Contest Editor, Scribner's
Commentator. Lake Geneva. Wis¬
For further details read the bulle¬
tin board.
Freshmen Elect
“Y. W ” Officers
The Freshman Commission of the
YWCA, met Monday. Oct 20,
and elected the following officers:
president Mortha Patterson; 1st
vice-president Polly Cochran; 2nd
vice-pres., Jean Buchanon; secre¬
tary, Sue Patrick; treasurer. Jean
The freshman are having a picnic
on the campus Saturday, Oct 25,
at 12:30. All freshmen are bringing
lunches and are planning for lots
of fun. Sara Chisolm is helping
with plans for entertainment.
Ann Weaver ia beading the Fresh-
man Commissi on.
Howard Students
Leave For Army
McNutt Replaced
By New Frat Head
Norman Hamm, sophomore from
Haden. Ala, is believed to be the
first student this semester to leave
from Lanett, wUl bead the Howard Khool in answer to the draft
chapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fra- Gilbert Burks, senior ministerial
temity this semester. McEachem student and James Sh
replaces Bob McNutt who resigned ter student this semester, have also
from the office and left school to been added to the national defense
accept a position in Childersburg. forces in uniform.
Roy Simmons was elected to re- -
place McEachem as treasurer of the _
Fraternity. Dick Clay Gives
McNutt who was editor of the
prize winning class edition of the SlifleS To LADS
Crimson last year, and who had
the leading role in Howard's last
clay. Howard honor gradu-
major dramatic productuon, was a ate presented to the Biology De¬
member of the 1941-42 Crimson panment with a 100 valuable his-
riaff. torlorical slides recently. Clay is
Women Leaders
Give Program
Campus etiquette for college girls
was the theme of an “Uncle
George" skit presented by the
Women's Student Organization Fri¬
day in chapeL
Women presidents who were in¬
troduced on the program were
Katheryn Abercrombie, president of
the Women's Student Organization;
Kitty Russell, Delta Zeta and secre¬
tary of the women students; Marge
Holcomb, Phi Mu; Sue Blanton,
A. D. Pi; Norma Jean Sanders,
Beta Sigma Omicron ; Doris Walls,
Chi Delta Phi and Booklovers;
Jean McDaniel, Hypatia; Cathryne
Word, Women’s Christian Volun¬
teers; Ruth Harris, Dormitory
Council; Vivian Norton, Pan Hel¬
Students Invited
To See Exhibit
Howard students are invited to
a demonstration of the most com¬
plete * lighting equipment and ex¬
tensive exposition of certified fluo¬
rescent ever assembled in one place
to be displayed in the "Fluorescent
Futurama" show Oct. 28-30. Giving
the latest information on correct
application of fluorescent lighting,
the Futurama will be offered free
of charge at the Thomas Jefferson
Wierd tricks, prizes of beautiful
floor lamps, and a display of fluo¬
rescent flowers are only part of the
entertainment planned in next
week's show.
This fascinating display will be
10 A M. to 10 PM. all three days of
its stay in Birmingham.
journeyed back from Tuscaloosa
from the student conference Sun-
'toy ... the three boys who sat on
last seats on the bus together
were Kimball Johnson, Ray Atch-
“on. and August Lovegren.
Gilbert Burks and James Shew-
®»ke have answered the call of
“*fr Unde . . . Sam. Both there
preachers will be mitred . . . by all
Your Crimson Reporter Interviews Dr. Mann
It was discovered that Thomas
Mann does not plan his stories com¬
pletely before writing them down,
the attentive students learned from
seems he started The Magic Moan-
tain as a shart story and it de¬
veloped into a long novel.
Dr. Mann said that the ability to
write is not enough, and unless
the would-be author has experi¬
ences that convince him that his
life ia one of destifly he will never
create literature.
However, Dr. Mann admitted that
style is very important
A few studenta sneaked in ques¬
tions about German politics, but
your reporter obligingly forgot
them. _ -
The four "high school studenta"
got to shake hands with the world's
greatest living man of letters. Any
Howard student stashing to shake
the hand of your reporter may do
so by appointment
Seated beside Dr. Mann, and
often repeating the questions that
he could not quite catch, was the
writer s wife. Although both spoke
with accents, Mrs. Mann usually
interpreted questions, and at times
explained in German to the Doctor.
And what sort of questions were
asked the world's greatest living
author? Because his lecture that
night was to be on world events,
the studenta were asked to confine
themselves to literary questions.
Someone asked Dr. Mann if his
characters were drawn from real
life or his own imagination. He
answered that when he was
younger he often drew characters
from life, but that for many years
he has made them up out of his
To the query as to which of the
two types of characters he most en¬
joyed writing. Dr. Mann's eyes
twinkled and he answered, “I like
to meet the imaginative ones, be¬
cause they do so many surprising
things which I had not anticipated
when I first created them."
"And these are some high school
studenta who write for their school
said Mrs. Luke as three
high school studenta and your
Crimson reporter were ushered
into a roomful of Birmingham-
Southern studenta seated on the
floor in front of Thomas Mann and
his wife in their suite at the Tut-
wiler HoteL
"Oh. how one must suffer for
the rake of news.1" sighed the Crim¬
son reporter, resigning herself to
the classification of high school
student and seating herself in the
midst of the enemy.
But patience has Its rewards.
When the Southern studenta had
finally been herded out by their
professor, the "high school stu¬
dents” stayed and talked with the
,0ur football team will play In
“Mu tonight and though we can't
' *’lth lhem in person we cer-
wish for the boys a grand
and hope they win ... last
game deserves applause tor
Play and
№ Chattanooga had been picked
• Would you tike to be in a play?
Are you wilting to work? If so.
you are Invited to try out for a
part in the comedy, “THE WHITE
HAIRED BOY” (Lennox Robin¬
son) next Monday afternoon start¬
ing at 2 o'clock in the Auditorium.
Miss "Toni” Sparks wants it em¬
phasized that all studenta, whether
they are enrolled in the dramatic
department or not. are invited to
try out The play has a nice variety
of roles and many types of charac¬
ters will be needed, she said.
,ve you rea<f the gossip coi-
If not, it probably means
already know what it says,
use you must be a staff
^er- And if you are a staff
you had better read
because there will be an
«ant staff meeting Monday
bapel period in Riley Hall
member of the Crimson
1 “ expected to be present
Now ia ihe time
for all good
gtndrnrti to write
|И памп*
v„_, Liniumi
Umimrii Crimson
Hang on to that
candy wrapper
’till yon get to a
waste paper
r—niv.Srvi'nth Y d
Z'3 Published By Students of Howard College, Founded 1842 _
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