New Members
Selected For
Glee Club
Youth 9s Christian
Temperance Union
New Organization
John Moore Elected Head
of New Organization
The girl'» glee dub will be com¬
posed of Mickey Berkstreeser. Fran¬
ces Butler, Margaret Sue Denton,
Mildred Downs, Vivian Houlditch,
Dorothy Huff, Mary Ella James,
Betty Jordan. Sara Jordan, Marga¬
ret McClellan Lorene Moore Robbie
Owings, Olivia Philibert, Jane Pur¬
ser, Frances Ray, Gladys Scott, Nina
Strickland, Martha Taylor, Myrtice
Thomason, Margaret Thompson.
Mary Frances Vaughan, Mary Lee
Vines. Mary Elizabeth Walker. Mar¬
jorie White, Barbara Woods, and
Olive Poaey Wood.
New members of the boy’s Glee
Club are Jack Akin. Bill Stewart,
Harold Cranford, Harwood David¬
son, William Glass. Boacoe Gold¬
smith, Roscoe Griffin, Rae Brown
Gurley. Rule Hendon, Arthur Hor¬
ton. Seymour WHke*, Woodrow Wil¬
son. George Jackson, Cecil King.
Mabry Lunceford, Charles Mullins,
L. A. Ratley, J. W. Richardson.
Herm Smith. Jared Walker. Mu
Weatherly, William Weaver. anJ
Carl Whurley.
Rehearsals for A Capella Choir
will be held Monday during chapel
period. The Girls’ Glee Club will
meet Mondays and Wednesdays of
each week at 2 o'clock in
H. A.
(1)- and the Boys’ Glee Club will
meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays
at the same time and place.
If You Like To
Write, Tryout For
Chi Delta Phi
A new organization on the cam¬
pus, the Youths’ Christian Temper¬
ance Union, has received the en¬
dorsement of the faculty committee
on organizations, -it was announced
by Mrs. L R. Obenchain, .dean of
John Moore, c'40. was selected
president of the group, at the_ first
meeting held last Friday afternoon.
Mary Elizabeth Walker was chosen
vice-president and Margaret McClel
lan, secretary-treasurer. Faculty ad¬
viser will be Dr. Vernon Davison,
professor of Bible.
The Y.
T. U. will be guests of the
local Women's Christian Temper¬
ance Union at monthly luncheons.
All students interested in studying
temperance and the effects of alco¬
hol on society are invited to become
Tryouts for membership in Chi
Delta Phi. national literary sorority,
are now open to all sophomore, jun¬
ior, and senior co-eds interested in
creative writing.
Manuscripts submitted may be in
any form of writing, such as essay,
poem, short story, sonnet, and so
forth. All works must be written
under a pen name and will be
judged by a committee selected
from the English department The
deadline set for entering these try¬
outs is November 1.
Chi Delta Phi is an honorary sor
ority for young women and is active
in sponsoring an interest in writing
on the campus. President of the
group is Alice Waters and faculty
sponsor is Miss Annie Boyette.
All students are invited to at¬
tend the Post Amsterdam Confer
ence to be held October 13 and 14 at
the Sixth Avenue Presbyterian
Students Like The New Method Used
In Making Pictures For Entre Nous
"Entre Nous pictures are being 1
ade by Photo Reflex this year.” 1
ere the words that greeted the i
udcnts when they registered. This
as a most welcome innovation by 1
ie staff, because In the- past the i
ictures have not been as good as i
could have been. This will not
e the case this year, as Mr. Robt
Tem sen. manager of Lovetnan't 1
hoto Reflex Studio, Is taking ape-
ial care to give us the best pic-
ires we have had in years.
The students are well pleased
'ith this new method as shown by
heir remarks.
Robbie Owings was so well
'eased that she. bought six extras
* "little Dave.”
Waverly Watkins came up to Bill
;tickles the other day and asked
or another appointment curd. “I
»nt to have mine made again.”
'•Why." asjead SUckka, "weren't
Is it true that Barney Brack and
Orville !!■ ear haven't been the
same since they saw that iady from
Billy Rose's Aquacade?
And what do you think about Dr.
Chapman, who tried to get in Mon¬
key Island for a dime? (He'll never
live it down.)
Wyatt Fupe and Gey McKee seem¬
ed to be “taking It easy” at the
Howard exhibition of the typical
college room. Boy. was that real-
Program Of
Sports Begun
King Announces Plans For
Student Participation In
Football, Golf and Tennis
Plans for this year's Intramural
sports program were completed yes¬
terday at a meeting of the newly
appointed Intramural sports commit-
I tee. it was announced today by Cedi
I King, chairman of the Student Ac-
I tivity Board.
Six football teams are expected
I to be organized, including one from
leach of the fraternities. Pi Kappa
I Alpha, Sigma Nu, and Pi Kappa
I Phi. Boy's Dormitory, Ministerial
I Association, and Science Hall These
I teams will play games during the
I four weeks the varsity team is out
I of town. Immediately after the
I football season, golf and tennis tour-
I naments will be held, if enough in-
ltercst is shown.
I The Student Coundl will doni
I trophies to the winning teams. Mem-
I bers of the Intramural Sports Com-
I mittee are Cecil Kng. Eddie Welch,
I Tom Ogle, John Warren, Sam Gra
I ni ie. and Ira Gunn.
(Officers Elected
For Freshman
Y.W.C.A. Group
Officers for the Freshman Com-
| mission of the Young Women's
I Christian Assodation have been
elected Virginia Nell Reynolds will
jbe president; Dorth Helen Sayers,
| vice president; ar.d Marjorie White,
Martha Merck, chairman of the
| Commission, at a recent meeting,
the purpose and functions
! Y. W. C. A. to the following girls:
| Martha Lou Gober, Dora Helen
Virginia Nell Reynolds,
Jane Jeffries, Ruth Harris,
Devers. Marjorie White,
Godwin. Vivian Holbrooks,
Pierce, Lucile Ambenon,
WiJson, and France* Butler,
Co-op To Open [State Baptist Students
To Gather On Campus
Books, Sandwiches, and
Drinks To Be Sold
Students will now have a place
to “hangout," and they won't
starve between classes, either.
The campus bookstore where
students may buy books, sand¬
wiches, soft drinks, and novel¬
ties. will open the latter part of
this week in the building just
off Berry Field across the street
from Main Building.
The building to house the new
Co-op was formerly used for the
same purpose but has been re¬
modeled and is up-todate in
every way, according to Mr. E.
H. Wrenn, college business man¬
The Co-op will be under the
management of Mr. D. F. Cooper
with Jack Owens as student as¬
B. S. U. Head
Howard Host
To Annual
“ Three Hundred Delegates,
Expected Here Oct. 27,
28, 29, ” says Weaver
Three hundred students represent¬
ing colleges over the state are ex¬
pected to attend the State Baptist
Student Union Convention to be
held at Howard College October 27-
23-29. William Weaver, state B.S.U.
president, announces.
Dynamic speakers will be on the
program, including Dr. H. C. Goer-
ner, Ph.D., Professor, Louisville
Theological Seminary; Dr. R. Elton
Any students having room far
a visiting student during the B.
8. C. Convention, for Friday and
Saturday nights. October 27 and
28. please see William Weaver.
Johnston. President Baptist College,
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil; Mias
Marjorie Moore. Assistant Editor
The Baptist Student, Nashville, Ten¬
nessee; Rev. Lucasa L_ Sezoner.
Supt. of the Baptist Seminary.
Bucharest, Rumania.
Convention features include the
opening Banquet — Friday evening
at 5:45 o'clock at Ruhama Baptist
Church with William Weaver as
toastmaster. All who wish to at¬
tend are invited. Alabama College
will present a play on Saturday
Registration fee for all students
except Howard Students will be
$1.35 which includes a 75c Ban¬
The following committees have
been appointed:
Entertainment; Margaret McClel¬
lan, Chairman; Thomas Hunter,
Martha Merck, Anne Claire Coop¬
er. Gussie Mae Guyton.
Registration; Bertha Nel Mason,
(Continued on Page 2)
Did You Have Fun At The Fair?
Crimson Reporter Gets The Lowdown
all that cotton candy and a boy on
on each arm?
We wouldn’t mention any names,
but a certain person who is presi¬
dent of a certain class was seen
with a certain freshman bolding
inds on the merry-go-round. For
iam<r, for shame.
At the hula-girl shows, “Taraan”
■krlli ■ waa cm band to take some
candid camera shots of those beauti¬
ful dancers. (Don't rush, boy*—
Room 212.) ^
We saw Frances Gilbreath and
Number 5
Twenty-Fifth Y