GUINEA PIGS. In the picture are shown the individuals who constituted one of the age-groups
of human subjects who cooperated with Dr. A. Richard Bliss, Jr., Professor of Pharmacology
at Howard, in his studies of the actions of certain chemicals on the human skin. Over forty
persons took part in the work ; it was necessary to include persons of- different ages and com¬
plexions. Among other .observations, it was noted that the youngest subjects, the girls, those
with soft, finer skin textures' — especially the blondes, are more susceptible to the local actions
of the chemical compounds studied. Dr. Bliss’ studies have extended over a period of six
years. He has reported his previous findings before the XIV International Physiological Con¬
gress which met in Leningrad, U. S. S. R. in 1935, and before the XV International Congress
which met in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1938.
Front Row (1. to r.) : Rowena Craig; Marian Headley; Jappie Bryant. Second row: Mil¬
dred Downs ; Ada Powell ; Evelyn Hendricks ; Lynette Borland; Looney Bentley; Joyct
Brown. Back row: Dr. A. R/Bliss, Jr.; Miss Jessie May Gill; Frances Hogan; Mary Let
Vines; Margaret Sue Denton. Cage: Mary Malone. "
classes excused).
Tuesday: 10:00-11:00 (chapel period).
Wednesday: 9:30-10:30 <9:30 classes
will recite at 8:30; 8:30 classes are
Thursday: 10:00-11:00 (chapel pe¬
Friday: 9:30-10:30 <9:30 classes will
recite at 10:30; 10:30 classes ex¬
Dr. John P. Slaughter, pastor of
the First Baptist Church, will speak
at each of the meetings.
Chapel seats will be checked for
absentees. All students are urged
to attend the meetings.
Students To Be
Excused From
Classes To Attend
The Student Council has set the
date for the vote on the proposed
constitution as Wednesday morning.
Ballots will be distributed in the
classrooms by members of the Stu¬
dent Council-during the 10:30 period.
A central poll will be opened in
the hall of Main Building for stu¬
dents who have no class scheduled
for that period.
Next week, Monday through Fri¬
day, has been set aside as Religious
Emphasis Week at Howard. Meet¬
ings are to be held each day in the
chapel according to the following
Monday: 9:30-10:30 (regular 9:30
Merger Discussed By Students
After asking students their opin¬
ion on merging Howard and South¬
ern it was found that the pro's and
con's are about even. Maybe the
trouble is that all of the facts are
not definite in their mind, any¬
way here are some of the answers
the editor got when she asked dif¬
ferent students the question: “What
do you think of merging Howard
and Southern?"
Gladys Scott: “It's not as bad as
most people think it is but 1 don't
believe It will ever be done."
OUve Poeey: "No, never, I hate
them! Anyway, I'm afraid Main
would crumble to pieces if we
ever moved it”
Grady Hutchinson: “People at
Alabama and Auburn have the
advantage over us and if Howard
and Southern were combined we
could have them too."
Harry Ted: - Good thing to merge
the two schools If you don4 sub¬
coming back next year.”
Little Watkins: “I'm agin it 1
don't want to associate with those
Jimmy Redd: "We can all pull in
the same direction then.”
Cletus Ford: "Both together could
accomplish more than they could
Lafayette Walker: "Any attempt
to merge the schools means a sub¬
merging for Howard.”
Eddie Merle Smith: “Cats and
Dogs never did get along together."
Jared Walker: "In the present
condition it will be the only sal
vation of the two schools.”
Wayerly Watkins: "My only ob¬
jection would be that those South¬
ern students would get to thinking
they were as good as we are."
8araael Buford: “Suits me fine if
they’d put Howard where Southern
la— then I wouldn’t have so far to
only school to train Baptist min¬
isters in the state, and I believe if
they were combined, two separate
departments would finally merge.”
Oalher Putman: 'They are Meth¬
odist and we art Baptist, therefore
we would have to get an Athiest for
president to keep down the rows,
but I am in favor of it since it
would increase the number of co-
Weaver: “I don’t know and Southern should
about it to commit myself.'' there would be some
Lea Vines: “1 hadn't thought I boys around."
Sophomore Class Edition
The Howard Crimen
Mirror Of Oampum Ufo
Birmingham, Alabama, Friday, March 3, 1939
Number 19
Howard Theologues
Take First Stop
In Campaign
The Miisterial Association is the
first to take definite steps toward
abolishing cheating at Howard by
passing a resolution to take care
of its own members. It was brought
out in the discussion of the move
that it would not only stop malic¬
ious gossip by clearing those who
are innocent, but also would deter
any student from masquerading as
a ministerial student while dis¬
gracing the body by distinctly un¬
ethical practice?.
It was also brought out that the
responsibility <jf the Association is
to go no further than its own mem¬
bers until an honor system is put
forward which will include the en¬
tire student body. It is expected
that other organizations will take
similar steps to abolish cheating
within their ranks.
The resolution is as foUows:
Whereas: The Ministerial Associ¬
ation of Howard College has no way
of preventing any student from en¬
tering as a ministerial student, re¬
gardless of his character or license
to preach. And whereas: The ma¬
jority of the members have suffered
in the estimation of other students
due to the failure of a small mi¬
nority to maintainthe conduct be¬
coming to a miniate» of the Gospel.
And Whereas: It haa been con¬
tinually reported that one or more
members of this Association has
been dishonest or examinations,
thereby limiting the Christian influ¬
ence of the entire body.
And Whereas: The nature of the
Association is such that it demands
of its members the maintenance of
absolute integrity of character and
Christian conduct.
Therefore, be it resolved:
I . That we. the members of the
Ministerial Association of Howard
College, covenant together, each to
do his part in maintaining the high
position of the group as a body of
Ambassadors for Christ both on and
off the college campus.
II. That we cooperate with the
faculty In abolising cheating at
Howard by taking definite steps in
event that one of our members
is reported to have cheated; said
steps to be as foUows:
1- That the president appoint a
temporary committee to investigate'
the case and report to the Associa¬
2. That, if necessary, a ..jury be
•elected from the members of the
A®ociaUon. said jury tb be selected
in any manner which the Associa¬
tion will decide at the time, which
hear the evidence In the pres-
*nc'e of the Association, and in
secret session return a verdict as
fellows: Either (A) Not guilty.
®) Guilty but leniency recom¬
mended an da second chance given
00 proper acknowledgment to the
Association. (C) Guilty and a re-
tnest that the college authorities
take further action.
3 Further steps shall be left to
*e college authorities.
That all students studying
lor the Baptist ministry at Howard
*rc considered to be member* of
| “Us Association and are included
“Oder the provisions of these reso¬
Passed by the Ministerial Associa-
be>. m session, Feb. 27, 1939.
Hypatia And
Mortar Board
Speak At Schools
Marriage is still thought of as a
career among college girls, accord¬
ing to the poll taken last week in
chapel. Ir fact, marriage as a career
and marriage and a career took
third and fourth place on the roll.
Teaching came first with social
work running a close second. Other
careers that received a majority are:
library work, government work, re¬
ligious education, home economics,
stenography, dramatics, physical ed¬
ucation and journalism.
The poll was held in connection
with the Career Conference to be
held at Phillips High School. March
7, between 3:30 and 5:30. Hypatia
of Howard and Mortar Board of
Birminghnm Southem. together with
the Altnisa Club, are sponsoring
the conference for co-eds and high
School seniors.
The high schools that are to be
visited in interest of the conference
and the girls to speak are: Wednes¬
day, March 1: Ramsey, with Mar¬
garet Ann Wilmore, Sarah Postelle,
Katherine Walkev, and Ellen Ruth
Isbell as speakers. Wednesday,
March 1: Ensley, Fannie George
Hurtt, Mildred Sims, Louise Echols.
Woodlawn, March 2. Katherine
Walker, Virginia Hess and Margaret
Ann Wilmore. Phillips. March 2,
Lillian Keener. Frances" Harris, El¬
len Ruth Isbell, and Blanche Walls.
Shades Cahaba High School, March
3, Fannie George Hurtt, Ellen Ruth
Isbell, Sara Postelle. West End,
March 3, Blanche Walls, Martha
Malone, and Lillian Keener.
Gene Claytor, sophomore, won
first prize is the “Battle of Brains”
held Wednesday night at the Rex
Club, between the students of How¬
ard and Birmingham-Southern.
Bob Sylvester acted as professor
in the a la Kay Kyser contest and
awarded Miss Claytor the prize
after she decidedly subdued the
contestant from Southern. The
prize was a month's membership
to the Rex Club and she also had
the honor of placing the guilded
Dunce Cap on the head of the
loser from Southern.
Miss Claytor has the distinction
of being the only woman member
of Club Rex.
Other highlights of the program
were songs by “The Sophisticated
Lady of Swing,” Olga Vernon, fea¬
tured vocalist with Bob Sylvester
and the selection of Southern
Beauties for their annual.
The publication of the sophomore
class edition this week, edited by
Verna Mae Mitchell, is the second
paper in the annual Crimson Class
edition contest
Hal Bennett edited the senior
edition last week.
Bill Stickles will publish the jun¬
ior edition next week, according to
Blanche Walls.
The winning class is to be pre¬
sented the Jobe-Rose Crimson cup,
now in possession of the sophomore
class, the freshmen class last year.
After the editions have been pub¬
lished, they will be sent to St least
five prominent newspapermen to be