ШЬе Жпишгй
Twentieth Year
| Deadline For
Picture* I* Set
By Yearbook
| Manager Of Entre Nous
Extends Limit To
December 8
Deadline for pictures to be tak-
|m for appearance in next Spring's
of the Howard Entre Nous
| has been extended to Saturday, De
Manager Jack Bell an-
ed today.
This is positively the last deadline
be set. Bell said. No pictures
be accepted after next week,
t is necessary that this time limit
! made in order that the publica-
tnav be issued in the early
ring. All copy must be in the
nds of the printers at an early
Organizations that have not been
ted for space in the annual
old see Bell immediately. It is
I that the book this year will be
eof the best in the history of the
and it is necessary that all
identsadn organizations cooperate
oieheartedly with the editorial
business staffs, the business
ger said.
Mirror Of Campus Life
Number II
How The Baptists]
Will Celebrate
Gobbler Hobday
Girl Elected B.S.U. Head
For First Time In History
Lohr Is
Forum Guest
tard Professor
On Pittsburg Plus
Tuesday Night
| Dr. Louis W. Lohr, professor of
nics at Howard, spoke on
fcould Pittsburg Plus Be Abol-
?" before a large crowd at the
«id program presented Tuesday
nnder auspices of the Bir-
im Forum.
I Having made a special study of
question, Dr. Lohr is recognized
Birmingham as an authority on
subject which he discussed
' >y night. His especially pre-
paper on this important' issue
eh right now is of vital con-
to Birmingham has been quot-
at length by John Temple Grav-
in his "This Morning" column in
Birmingham Age-Herald.
Lohr was the second of ten
kers which the Birmingham Fo-
is presenting this season. Eight
| them are from out of town and
are local speakers. Admission
' season ticket only and tickets
still available, Mrs. Harvey
terson. president, has announced.
Parade FoaU
Chosen By Judges
nouncement was made Monday
Mrs. I. R. Obenchain, dean of
ratn. of the three organizations
osc floats won special recogni-
> in the Howard-Southern parade
; Saturday.
4rs. Obenchain said that first
had been awarded to the Phi
Sorority, second place to the
[W. C. A. and third place to the
Delta Pi Sorority. The win-
of first plate will receive the
cup awarded by Maurice Ca-
each year to the sorority en-
the best presentation in the
For the last two years this
has been won by the Alpha
Pis and had they won it
this year it would have been
1 Permanently.
The Pilgrims landed on Plymouth
(copyright by Chrysler Motors)
Rock to find the Indians there sell¬
ing hot dogs, cotton candy and
Coney Islands at reductions on ac¬
count of winter, and so they (the
Pilgrims), seeing it was the last
Thursday of the month, gave thanks
for all their good luck, singing
three verses arid a chorus of Count
Your Blessings.
We at Howard, no less thankful,
celebrate our great giving of
thanks by not coming to school on
Thursday. The Crimson’ staff
proves itself thankful by not work¬
ing on the paper, thus making it
early in publication this week.
Robert Allen will celebrate by de¬
claring it a legal holiday for the
Student Activity fee, signing no
Shorty Propst celebrates by be¬
ing thankful it wasn’t 40-0. •
The science hall crew will work
only until five o'clock Thursday
afternoon, proving to all it may
have concerned that they too are
more than cognizant of their great
blessings during the past year.
The office force in the Registrar’s
retreat will forsake typewriter, out¬
side line and grade file to cavort
about in high festive glee.
-Dr. Neal will show his gratitude
by making no optimistic speeches,
and Mr. Cole will pay a bill as soon
a sit comes in his office.
The library workers, in their
joyous thanksgiving, forgot and
talked above a whisper.
The student body at large will be
gorged plentifully with much good
turkey and cranbery sauce, cut all
classes, with the president's permis¬
sion, which they would have done
anyway, in fact, most of them took
today, too, to show just how truly
thankful are they!
“Three-Cornered Moon,” a mod¬
ern comedy of money and love,
concerned chiefly with the be¬
havior of a family of Rimplegars,
will be presented Thursday, Fri¬
day and Saturday nights at the
Birmingham Little Theatre.
The curtain will rise at 8:15
o'clock. Student tickets arc fifty
Julia Reaves, Anniston,
Named To Direct
Student Group
For the first time in its history
a girl has been named president of
the Howard Baptist Student Union.
Julia Reaves, Anniston, a junior,
was elected head of the organiza¬
tion by the B. S. U. Council this
week after her name had been
submitted by a nominating com¬
mittee composed of Charles
Granadc, Eloise Denton, Howard
Weaver and Newell Matthews.
Miss Reaves was elected to fill
the vacancy created recently by the
resignation of Henry Allen Parker,
who quit in order to give more time
to his work as president of the
Alabama Baptist Student Union, an
office he was elected to at the re¬
cent Southwide Baptist Student con¬
vention in Nashville.
Other Officers Named
Other officers elected along with
Miss Reaves were: Eloise Denton,
co-first vice president; Audie Comp¬
ton, co-second vice president; Sam
Sayers, .co-third vice president;
Charles Barnes, secretary; Martha
Jordan, associate Baptist Student
Magazine representative; and Hen¬
ry Parker, chorister.
The other members of the B. 9.
U. Council are: John Hingson,
first vice president; Gussie Heifner,
second vice president; John Isom,
third vice president; Clara McEach-
ern, treasurer; Howard Weaver,
Sunday School representative; Eve¬
lyn Ansley, Sunday School repre¬
sentative; Charles Granade, Minis¬
terial Association; Mr.Kinley Gilli¬
land, B. Y. P. U.; Eloise Denton,
Y. W. A.; Virginia Eagles, Y. W.
C. A.; Olin Wilson. Y. M. C. A.;
Davie Napier, pianist, and Hugh
Frank Smith, publicity chairman.
Leading Worker
Miss Reaves has been one of the
most outstanding members of the
B. S. U. and has contributed much
to the success of the group on the
Since she was a freshman she has
taken an active interest in the or¬
ganization and in the
which it embraces.
Seeks Scholarship
Bulldogs Are
Defeated In
Final Game
Annual Parade Precedes
Grid Classic
Mr. Cosby, along with George
Lorimer Hendricks, has entered his
application for a Rhodea scholar¬
ship for 1934. Cosby received his
A.B. in 1933 and his A.M. in 1934.
He is a member of Pi Kappa Tau,
highest honor society at Howard,
and of Trident, men’s honor group.
He ia now an instructor in account¬
ing in Massey Business College.
Hendricks received his A.B. degree
in 1932 and his A.M. in 1934. At
present he is an instructor in the
Shades-Cahaba High School.
Glee Club To Give
Christmas Cantata
The Girls' Glee Chib will offer a
Christmas cantata, the Life of Christ
in Music, at the Ruhama Baptist
Church on the night of Dec. 9.
The chorus of thirty-five trained
voices, under the direction of Mrs.
Bertha Severin Frost, will sing
Fred B. Holton's “King of Christ¬
mas." The leading voices will be:
Anne Berry, soloist; Libby Jean
Reeves, solo obljgato; duets- will
be sung by Emogene Jones with
unit .groups I Janet Mullins, and Sarah Bryant
I with Ruth Allred.
Ending their 1934 season of foot¬
ball idolatry, the Howard Bulldogs,
under the direction of their new and
popular coach. Shorty Propst, went
down to a 21-0 defeat at the hand*
of the Golden Panthers with colors
Captain Olin Kelso, getting out of
bed to lead his team into the grid¬
iron classic, played only a few min¬
utes, but he played as a captain is
expected to play. Kelso, a senior,
played his last game against the
Southern squad. Jim Stuart and
Ewing Harbin were the only other
first-string seniors in the game.
First Half Interesting
The first half of the game was by
far the more interesting. The Bull¬
dogs seemed to be fighting harder.
It was tragic that the Panthers
were able to score in the first few
minutes of play, on a long, lucky
Howard’s big line, the hope of the
Bulldog supporters, was disappoint¬
ing in its performance, but there re¬
main plenty of years in which to
wipe out this defeat. The Bulldogs
will not only bark next year, bnt
bite, and also practically eat the
Panther alive.
Parade Staged
Preceding the game, the thirteenth
Howard-Southern parade began at
10:30 o'clock. Howard lead til
parade with a fierce bulldog,
Howard banner and the resplend
band. The gags in this parade
declared to be the cleverest in re¬
cent years, although lack of decora¬
tions kept the exhibition from being
one of the most elaborate.
Howard fans are backing Coach
Propst and the prospect of a cham¬
pion team next season. They were
delighted to find, too, that the
beauty of Howard co-eds has not
been exaggerated, for the sponsor
float in the Baptist parade this
year was voted the most beautiful
yet seen in this yearly contest of
Beauties Were On Parade Last Night
Announcement of the six win¬
ners of the Entre Noes besuity
contest held Tuesday night at
Me 11 Smith Hall will not
be made until the publication is
issued next Spring. The pret¬
tiest co-eds will be selected by
John Temple Graves, columinist
of The Birmingham Age-Herald;
Alyce Billings Walker, society ed¬
itor of The Birmingham Post; W.
J. Van Scheck. nationally known
artist; Judge Charles N. Feidel-
son, editorial writer of The Bir-.
miagfaam Age-Herald; and Dor¬
sey Whittington, director of the
Birmingham Civic Symphony or-
By Martin Hardwick
•TRYING to find a beauty up at
1 Mamie Mell Smith Hall on
Tuesday night, was like searching
for a straw in a hay stack — the
place was lousy with 'em.
In fact, Howard College never
looked so dressed up in its exist¬
ence, not even at a Twilight Club
dance. Parents of co-eds will be
drawing checks to pay for all
those new evening dresses, for the
next six months, while every tux¬
edo in East Lake was borrowed
and in evidence. The male popu¬
lation from the faculty down to.'the
humblest freshman, was dressed
up like a sore thumb or a Bir¬
mingham-Southern fancy ball or
The evening dresses worn by
the co-eds were things of beauty
and what there were of them— a
joy forever. Every color imagin¬
able, every design ever thought
of, flowing over hips like oil
floating on water, rounding curves
like the Chattanooga River snakes
its way around Horseshoe Bend.
Evening gowns that swept the
floor and others that swept the
male element off its feet Rhine¬
stones that dazzled the eyes and
silver slippers that would make
Cinderella go into a nose dive
with envy.
Beauty might be skin deep, but
you could have drowned in it
Tuesday night. There were
blondes, brunettes, red heads and
undecideds on hand to delight the
customers. And if the custom¬
ers were of the feminine gender,
.the escorts of the beauties were
right there to do their special
song and dance.
Everybody had a whale of a
good time. There were refresh¬
ments for those of gourmandish
disposition, there was music for
savage breasts and there was
beauty enough for everybody. In
fact, to see the 1934 beauty pa¬
rade was a treat for any loyal
A prediction as to the outcome*
Well, we’ve heard that between
the five judges, one likes red
heads, another goes for blondes,
one for brunettes, one likes ’em
simple and another goes for so¬
So what? So — pick ’em your¬
self I
_ X.
Dr. Bliss Speaker
At Meeting Of
Chi Alpha Sigma
Speaking on pharmacological ac¬
tion and chemical structure. Dr. A.
R. Bliss, dean of pharmacy, ex¬
plained the results of various kinds
of drug mixtures in the administra¬
tion of medicine Thursday night to
members of Chi Alpha Sigma,
chemical fraternity.
Dr. Bliss said that the use of
more than one remedial agent at
the same- time is not a modern one.
Polypharmacy, the use of a drug
for each symptom of a Bisease, was
the rule from the time of the an¬
cient Egyptians to the first part of
the nineteenth century, he said.
Contest Winners
Vinner* of last week's fodt-
Laevcrt Wl