с г\:лм
Timuarft Crimson
Tbe number of year* 11 co^d bu
wn on Howard's campus will have
, weight in the «election of a
Prof. Lohr Speaks
On NRA Program
At Women* s Club
GUST IS SELECTED Co-Ed Receiving Most Votes
Will Be Crowned Between
MAbUUtnb Hdves At Game Saturday
er of foot-
_ _ One daas
hu lust as goo 1 a chance aa another.
Tie class which sells the moat tick¬
et* lor the Spi ink
Saturday will 1 are the honor of har¬
ts* Its "qnpen" rel*n lor the re¬
ader of the year. The fact that a
Mi i ticket will be given with each
ticket sold ami the sale will connt
tor two ticks’
sold 'will make It
esslr-r on thoen selling.
Prof. Louis W. Lohr, head of the de
panment of Business Administration
at Howard, spoke to the Faculty
Women's Club Thursday on the presi¬
dent's program under the NRA.
"I am better pleased with the results
of the NRA than many people, because
I knew that we could not overcome
the depression In any short length of
time," said Prof. Lohr. "It will take
some time yet to get back to normal,
but the NRA Is paring a solid founda¬
tion that is already making itself felt
in the entire country,” he continued.
Thb Faculty Women’s Club, of which
Mrs. August H. Mason ie president,
met at the home of Mrs. P. P. Burns.
Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Jam
H. Chap-'
man were joint hostesses. Refresh¬
ments weTe served following the pro¬
The cast for J*A Doll’s House”, the
next production of the Howard Mas¬
quers. has been selected by. Director
Antionette Sparks, following a week
of tryouts.
DoriB Bridges, a veteran of the
Howard stage, will portray the lead-
Featured with her
When the .‘reahman lirst came
to Birmingham he noticed a black
automobile driven by police, and
later found that 1ft was called
“Black Mari.-i”. He never knew
why It had been so chriiitened, but
he had-. alw*ya observed It with
more or leas curiosity when he
nw It He nt /er seriously thought
at out whether he would like to
ride In it or r ot, but there was just
always something that drew his
attention wh an It can»* In sight
Recently he Jaw It roll up to the
eurb where te was learning (?)
ajainat a mail box . He la atlll
interested In “Black Marla” when
sees her coming, but la sure
he is not iniarested In her from
tie standpoint of joy-riding.
‘‘Queen of football activities", who will reign throughout the
remainder of the season, will be crowned Saturday afternoon between
halves of the Howard-Spring Hill game at Legion Reid. She will
be a representative of the class which has won the highest number
of votes based on number of sales of tickets for the game.
- • - Each class has selected a queen
I LflllU U U III I L L I L crowned queen for tbe remainder of
the season. The Senior queen is Ha-
the Junior, Isabella Da-
ing role of Nora,
are Francis Wheeler, as Ton-aid Hel-
mer; Jack Robertson, Dr. Rank; Mar¬
tha Bums, Mrs. Linden; Amass Wind¬
ham, Nils Krofetad; Evelyn Suddeth,
Ann; Mildred Godwin, Ellen.
The first rehearsals will be held at
1:30 P. M. Friday, Miss Sparks said.
The production staff will be selected
within the next few days.
will probably be
zel Johnson
vies; the Sophomore, Lettle Lou John¬
son; and * the Freshman, Kathryn
Campaign committees have been se¬
lected by. each class and these com¬
mittees bave charge of sales. Tbe
senior committee is composed of E.
T. Waldron, chairman; Marjorie Mau-
ney, Amasa Windham, Mada Berry
and Dixie Patten.
The committee of the Sophomore
Class is composed of Elisabeth Weak¬
ley, Juliette Weeks, J. B. King, Clar¬
ence Clinkscales, Mildred Godwin and
Mildred Wilkinson.
8ate of Tickets
Each ticket sold will -count 100
points for the class making the sale.
The class having made the most
points by 10:30 Friday will have its
representative crowned queen for the
remainder of the season at all foot¬
ball festivities and she will have a
prominent place In all parades, includ¬
ing Jefferson County Armietice Pa¬
rade Saturday, in which Howard will
be represented by a section.
With each sale of a ticket one
ladles' ticket will be given free. Prof.
Causey has announced. This ticket
also counts the same number of points
as tbe original sale.
Alpha Gamma of Phi Mu announces
the initiation of Elisabeth Tiller, Wil¬
ma Collins and Martha Huggins.
Student* Can Have Picture*
After Paying A Small
Initial Fee
“A Doll's House’
presented Tuesday night, December
14, although that date is not definite,
said Miss Sparks.
Alpha Delta Pi announces the pledg
Ing of Miss Lenora Holloway.
List week's news article on the trip
to Vicksburg is another example of
bos 'closely an editor should check
source of news before it goes
In the paper. It is understood that
the editor checked flw information
with a rallrot.d man who was sup¬
posed to knov what ho was talking
But to the railroad man who
Plans for the Entre Nous have been
completed and students are respond¬
ing by paying the initial fee of twen¬
ty-five cents which permits them to
have their pictures made for fifty
cents, and a complete staff has been
named, according to Bess McComas,
The staff Is composed of: Assistant
Editor, Stanley Mate; Feature Editor,
Amasa Windham; Organisations: Reli-
Students Elect Committee
To Write New Constitution
B. S. U. HIGHLIGHTS Committee of Ten Chosen to
wilt the tlcl ets, that any person
coud ma£e a trip to Vicksburg and
return on the amour t mentioned in
the Crimson last week seems rather
Motion was made in Student Body
Johnson and John Mlglionico; Stu¬
dent. Virginia Engles end Martha
Huggins; Greeks, Mildred Wilkinson
and AlvautOutland.
Claeses: Senior, Edna Stewart and
Henry Smith; Junior, Clara McEach-
em and Walter Harper; Sophomore,
Wilma Collins and J. B. King; Fresh¬
man, Elizabeth Gourley and Hugh
Frank Smith.
Art, Jack Bell and Isabell Wilson;
Athletics: Football. Roy Fayet; Bas¬
ketball, Vic Randolph; Women's Ath¬
letics. Ethel Howie.
Announcement of a staff meeting
will be made In the near future and
work will begin immediately in order
that the Entre Nous may be distrib¬
uted by the first of April. Miss Mc¬
Comas said.
meeting Friday that a committee of
students be elected by the student
body to draw up a constitution. The
committee of ten was elected and in¬
structed, according to the motion, to
explain each amendment and give stu¬
dents an opportunity to ask questions
about it.
Nominations were made from the
floor and then the nominees were
voted upon by the entire student body.
Those elected were! Henry Allen- Par¬
ker, chairman; Henry Smith, Stanley
Mate, Elizabeth Brown, Barnett Wig¬
gins. Alex McCutchen. Marjorie Mau-
ney, Tom Smith, Mada Berry and
John Johnson.
The motion for a committee to draw
up a constitution was made by Henry
Allen Parker, who said that if ’stu¬
dents really want a new constitution
some other method than the one now
being used should be adopted.
Immediately following completion of
nine-weeks exams a meeting of the
committee will be called and sub-com¬
mittees will be formed to study the
provisions of the new constitution and
recommendations will then be made to
the committee. If the proposals are
approved they will then be submitted
to the student body for discussion and
finally for approval.
State Convention
Highlights of the recent statewide
Baptist Student Union convention
were given last week at the October
meeting of the Howard union.
With Estba Mae Irwin, Howard
campus religious director, in charge,-
a program outlining the varied activi¬
ties that were conducted was pre¬
sented. Speakers besides Miss Irwin
were Gussie Helfner and Oland Wil-
One of tha East Lake barbers
r;cently ran an advertisement In
The Crimson that haircuts were
ill thirty-five cent a— “big one ahd
little uns". Prof. Eaglet visiting
ip barber ahop Immediately after
j math class, wae In a< highly tech-
r ical state of mind. He enquired
tf the barber what kind of hair
(ut one fo- hlmialf would be
railed, a “big un or a little un.”
"he barber teemed to enjoy the
joke, but never answered the
question. He became very quiet
a» he continued hit. work. Hla
mind was aleo working along
■echnical Urea, and ha was won¬
dering whether he wae trimming
the top, back or *ide of Prof.
Sagles' face.
After the program. Miss Irwin urged
Howard B. S. U. workers to cooper¬
ate with their council in its'plans from
time to time. She also Invited all
Howard students to participate in B.
8. U. work and to attend the monthly
During the business session, pre¬
sided over by President John John¬
son. several officers were elected to
fill vacancies made recently. These
were: Allan Hyatt, third vice presi¬
dent; Fred Pennington, publicity
chairman; Newell Matthews, choir-
ater; Mark Lower and Oland Wilaon,
B. Y. P. U. presidents.
A full program for the next few
monthf has been mapped out by the
B. S. U. Council, Johnson said. This
includes a general mission study
course and a series of revival meet¬
which is to be
Church Department
Celebrates Season
Some teachers seen to be very
much Interested in seeing that all
books ordered by the book store be
so d. No student falls to realise that
he needs a textbook If he Is to get
th > most from any course, and teacb-
en have a right to demand that a
st ident have a bool: for the course.
Bi t some students
finding it im¬
possible to pay the exorbitant price
that is charged for new books; and
lor various reasons. :»me good and
some not so good, textbooks are
clanged often, and second hand
«pies cannot be bought It is hoped
Bat the peculiar hcok-sltuation at
Howard will cause now books to be
studied more carefully by those plac¬
ing orders beiore dianges are made.
that new looks do not have tf be
bought every year.
With Weiner Roast
Howard Bryant junior at Howard,
and ministerial sfudeat will be or¬
dained to the gospel ministry Wednes¬
day night at Hunter Street .Baptist
Dr. R. T. Skinner will preach the
ordination sermon and Dr. J. La Moye
will present the iBlble. Oscar Davis
will give the prayer.
Howard has been called as a full¬
time pastor of West End Baptist
Church of Anniston, having served as
supply pastor there since the begin¬
ning of the Fall term. He will con¬
tinue his college work.
Fifty members and ten teachers of
the young people’s department of Ru-
hama Baptist Church celebrated the
Halloween season Thursday night with
a wiener roast at Avondale Park.
With Estha Man Irwin in charge, a
varied program oi entertainment was
Assisting her were Gus-
Houtard Boxers To
Participate In The
State Tournament
carried out.
sie Helfner and Julia Reaves with
Lena Mae Burt as social xhairman.
Contributing to the program were
Grady Ballard and Virginia Speer,
who put on a stunt; Campbell Napier,
David Napier, and Bradford Wood,
trio of singers. A play of the Old
West, written by Gussie Helfner, was
dramatized by various groups of the
Outstanding among the features was
a football game played by two teams
of girls with Frits Schultz as referee.
The teams were known as tbe "Army”
and “Navy” and the score ended, 6-6.
Pep squads and sponsors added in¬
terest to the contest
College Ministers
Hear Brother Bryan
The address by the Rev. J. A.
Bryan, widely known Birmingham
minister, featured the meeting Monday
night of Howard College Ministerial
Marvin Gardner, preaident presided
and introduced the speaker.
Dr. Frank MacDonald, pastor, Wood
lawn Baptist Church,
to the
Howard ministers at their meeting last
week. He discussed questions pertain¬
ing to funeral», marrfagee. **"*'"*'
Three Howard mittmen will partici¬
pate Wednesday night in the Alabama
State Amateur Boxing Tournament
which will be held at the Municipal
Auditorium. They are: Eddie Wo-
jecky, Adrian Taylor and Jack Less.
Other Alabama colleges entering
the tournament' are: Birmingham-
Southern. 'Auburn. University of Ala¬
bama, and Spring H11L
Students may be admitted for fifteen
cents with a ticket which may be se¬
cured, from the Athletic Office.
The fight tonight will be followed a
week later with a championship bouL
Tbe fights are put on by the American
Legion and D. A. V.. and are being
sponsored by the Boys' Council of Bir¬
Howard Runners To
Meet Crimson Tide
The intersating talk In chapel
Wedneaday of Mi-. Acker, man¬
ager of Bl-mlnghain'a Municipal
Airport, on tha- pant and future of
Aviation brings to mlhd aome of
the chapel Ulka that have been
S'ven in thi. past. One talk that
ttandi out vividly In that of Prof.
Lohr last
:ar on boneety. Tharo
are many students now at How¬
ard who did not haair that impreo-
Those who are showing beat form
for the race, according to Prof Irons
are; Duncan, Archibald, Clinkscale,
Clayton, Lower, Lassiter and Melvin
Hyatt. The course will be approxi¬
mately three and one-half miles. Prof.
Irons said.
After the ran the Howard team will
remain in Tuscaloosa for the Alabama-
V. P. L game, as guests of the Uni¬
nature that those who have heard
It once would enjoy hearing It
•gain. Tb: talk would certainly
hold the attention of ait etudenta,
•nd would 'It In very nloeiy with
*ny piece of scripture that might
be read for a devotional- Another
talk on Astronomy by Prof-
Rothermel would also be enjoy*»
•nd appreciated na much aa the
Virginia Speer, winner of one of the
five Howard College scholarship*, was
elected secretary, and Jack Bell treas¬
urer of the Freshman Clasa at a