Hmuartt Crimson
Nineteenth Yimr
Following a r scent musical hit at a
local theatre the tune became very
familiar on the campus. From almost
sec: Ion of the campus one could
hear, “Who's afraid of the big bad
wolf, the big tad wolf, the big bad
wolf? Vbo’s iifrsld of the big bad
wolf, trn la la la la? Some one was
overheard last week singing the same
song wi h the words slightly changed.
The new version ran, •‘Who’s afraid
of the Mg bad elephant, the big bad
elepban . the bid bad elephant? Who’s
afraid of the Mg bad Elephant, who
is? whe la? who is?
• • •
It s:ems that Howard graduate*
are coming In for their part of
promotion In spite of daya of
econo ale difficulties. Howard
H. Higdon, A.B., Howard, '26,
has b en elected Dean of the Bap¬
tist Junior College at Campbell-
vllle, Ky. Congratulations to Mr.
• • •
And mother Howard man who Is
getting his share of glory is Ben H.
Walker (married a Howard graduate,
Lois Siandrett). At a district meet¬
ing of the Equitable Insurance Com¬
pany lr New Orleans, Walker gave a
talk or the “New Insurance Oppor¬
tunities in the Era of the New Deal.”
The or finality o:f idea shown In the
talk ban brought him praise from In¬
surant men.
• * *
Chap >1 and what to do with it has
been a problem for the administra¬
tion ju.it as long as it has for stu¬
dents. At the last minute an out-of-
town speaker may appear and if stu¬
dents are not in chapel it would be
hard tc get them there. And the fac¬
ulty la no more interested in having
to get up chapel with nothing to do
or say :han the student la to listen.
- V w •
Is to be congratulated
on having solved the problem. We
will have a abort devotional every
chapel period and the roll will be
checked. Then if there is no speaker
or fur. her program students will be
excused. This will be welcomed by
students who, after all, should have
some v.ish In whether they sit through
an uni itereeting program.
Number 6
Proposed Revision For Student Body Constitution
Centennial Meeting of Assoc.
Includes Faculty, Alumni
On Varied Program
The Birmingham Baptist Associa¬
tion b-gan Its centennial meeting at
Ruhama Church Tuesday and will con¬
tinue through Wednesday night
Dr. Neal and a number of the fac¬
ulty t ok part on the program. Dr.
Lee McBride White, instructor in
Bible, preached the introductory ser¬
mon. Tuesday night Prof. Chapman
read i paper on the "Epochs of the
Century of the Birmingham Baptist
The association was organlred in
ith ten churches and a member¬
ship or 717 nnd has grown In the 100
years !o 106 churches with a member¬
ship cf 39,187, and now has property
valued at more than four million dol-
dollar: , said Dr. Chapman.
“Soon after the Caanan Association
was fi rmed the Ruhama Academy for
men was founded and located at
the pi ;sent site of the Howard cam¬
pus. Howard moved to Birmingham
in 1817 and began operation in the
old R hama Academy plant.’’
Dr. Neal t liked Wednesday on How¬
ard College and ita relation to the Bir-
mingtim Baptist Association. Dr.
read bis annual report for the
Sunder school, showing that the
sohoo had grown from nothing In
1850 to
schools with more than
thirty thousand enrollment
The program Wednesday night will
be demoted' to the young people with
Joe I «vie Heicock, an alumnus of
Ho wa i^ ln charge.
Believing that student government
is helpful and beneficial in achieving
a’ spirit of co-operation among the
students; that it develops an Intelli¬
gent student opinion on important
questions and fosters an understand¬
ing among the student body; we, the
students of Howard College, do or¬
dain und establish this constitution-
the Student Body of Howard Col¬
The name of this organ I ration shall
be "The Student Body of Howard
All regularly matriculated students
and members of the faculty shall be
members of this organization.
The jurisdiction of' the organization
shall extend to all parts of the school,
Including every organization in any
way connected to the school.
It shall be. the purpose of this or¬
ganization to control all matters per¬
taining to students as a social group,
and to co-operate in every possible
way with the administration which
shall be the final authority in all mat¬
ters affecting the policy or reputation
of Howard College.
The Student Body, by a two-thirds
vote of the qualified voters, may re¬
quire the resignation of any unsatis¬
factory officers elected by the Student
Body. Bulletin board notice shall be
given one week prior to such action.
Whenever the votes are obtained re¬
quiring a resignation, that office shall
be declared vacant and shall be filled
by regular constitutional procedure.
The Student Body by a three-fourths
vote of tbe qualified voters may re¬
scind the action of the Study Body of¬
ficers or of the Student Council.
The office» of the Student Body
shall be: A president a vice-presi¬
dent a secretary, a treasurer, an edl-
tor-ln-chlef of the Howard Crimson, a
business manager of the Howard Crim¬
son, an editor-in-chief of the Entre
Nous, a business manager of the Entre
Noun, an editor-ln-chlef of tbe Bull
Pup, and a business manager of tbe
Ball Pup.
The president of the Student Body
shall be a member of tbe Junior Class
and shall have completed at least 80
semeeter hours with an average of
“C" or better. His eligibility shall
be determined by a committee com
posed of the Incumbent President of
tbe Student Body and Dean Burns.
He shall be passed on by tbe Student
The vice-president of the Student
Body shall have a minimum of -48 se¬
mester hours with a minimum average
of C at tbe time of bis candidacy, ills
eligibility shall be determined In the
same manner as that of tbe president.
The secretary may be a member of
any class, and shall have a minimum
average of C. His eligibility shall be
determined in tbe same manner as
that of the president
Tbe treasurer may be a member of
any class and shall have a minimum
average of C. His eligibility shall be
determined in the manner of tbe pres¬
The editor of the Howard Crimson
shall be a member of the junior or
senior class at the time of bis serv¬
ice. He must have bad at least one
year of journalism and shall have
served as one of the subeditors. The
Alg.m Lambda Tai
noum ss the initiation of Oita
of Birmingham and Paul Dm
Chen kee.
sub-editors shall be: News, Sports,
Society, and Feature. The editor-ln-
chlef shall be elected by a committee
composed of Dean Burns, Prof. Lohr,
Prof. Rothermel, Dr. Mason, President
of the Student Body and the incum¬
bent editor. The sub-editors shall be
elected in tbe same manner.
The business manager shall be a
member of the junior or senior class
and shall have served at least one
year as an apprentice to the business
manager. He shall be elected by the
ea me committee mentioned above for
the election of the editor, except that
the in.ombent business manager shall
replace the incumbent editor.
The editor and business manager of
tbe Entre Nous and the editor and
business manager of tbe Bull Pup
shall be elected in tbe same manner
an the editor and business manager of
the Crimson.
Editor and business manager of the
Bull Pup shall be made the first Mon
day in March.
There shall be an Election held the
first Tuesday in May at which time
the president, vice-president,
tnry, treasurer, editor and business
manager each for the Howard Crim¬
son and the Entre Nous shall be
A committee composed of five re¬
sponsible students shall be elected by
the Student Body. This committee,
aided by a member of the faculty ap¬
pointed by the president of the Stu¬
dent Body, shall open the polls, count
the votes and poet on the college bul¬
letin board the results of the election.
The committee shall be elected and
the faculty member appointed at a
at least two weeks prior to the date
of election.
This committee shall furnish to each
student a ballot with tbe names of all
candidates for each office printed
thereon. Each student shall mark bis
ballot, and place it in tbe eealed box.
The polls shall be open from 9:30
A. M. until 1:30 P. M. (college time)
on the date of the election.
The results of the election shall be
published on tbe college board imme¬
diately following the final count of the
ballots cast. Each member of the
election committee shall sign the cer¬
tificate of result
To be elected, a candidate must re¬
ceive a majority of tbe votes cast ln
case no candidate receives a majority
of tbe votes cast, a special election
shall be held on the Thursday follow
ing the general election. Tbe two
candidates receiving the highest num
ber of votes in the general election
shall be candidates for such office or
offices in the special election.
The election committee for the gen
eral shall have charge of the special
election and shall conduct it In the
mer prescribed for the general
For any election to be legal two-
thirds of tbe qualified voters must
vote. In case two-thirds of the quali¬
fied vote» do not. vote, a special
election shall bo held as specified
Should a vacancy occur ln any Stu¬
dent Body office (except that of the
president) which has been filled by
legal election, the Student Connell
shall appoint to the unexplrod term
of that office a student who Is eligible
under Article IV, Section 2. This
newly made officer shall receive the
finl number of Honor points applying
to his office.
Should tbe office of the president
become vacant, that office shall be
succeeded to by the vice-president
All ballots shall be kept in tbe col¬
lege vault for a period of three daya
following the date of election. They
shall then be turned Over to the presi¬
dent of the Student Body who shall
immediately destroy them.
In case an election Is contested no¬
tice must be filed with the Student
Council within two days after the date
of election. The Student Council shall
then take charge of the ballots, and
shall Investigate tbe chargee of the
person or persons contesting the elec¬
tion. If, as a result of this lnvestl-
Requirement* of
Holding Office Will 1
Be Increased
Editors and Bus. Managers of
Publications Elected
By Committee
The revision of the constitution of
the Student Body of Howard College
comes as a result of a need that both
students and faculty have felt, and
.... I after much study and planning on the
gallon, the Council deems It wise to p.rt of ^ pre„dent of the Student
conduct a new election, it may do so.
The results of the new election shall
be considered final.
The election committee shall use no
method whatsoever to ascertain how
any student votes In an election.
Any candidate who Intends to offer
for any Student Body office shall
submit his name at least two weeks
before election or appointment data
to a committee composed of the Presi¬
dent and Dean of the College and of
the Student Council for their approval.
The action of the committee ehall
take place at least two weeks prior to
election or appointment day. If the
candidate is offering himself for an
elective office, he shall post or cause
to be posted on the college bulletin
board his announcement at least one
before election day.
AH newly elected officers shall en¬
ter upon their duties on the day fol¬
lowing tbe commencement
Installation exercises shall be held
at the last regular meeting of the Stu¬
dent Body before an officer or officers
duties of office.
The Student Body officers and the
Student Body Council shall take tbe
following oath: *■ •
"I do solemnly promise to support
the Constitution of the Student Body,
to perform the duties of my office to
the best of my ability, and to hand ln
my resignation to the proper authori¬
ties immediately ln case my wo
shall prove unsatisfactory.”
The President
The president shall preside at all
meetings of the Student Body, and
shall be chairman of the Student Coun¬
cil. He shall call meetings of these
organizations when the Interests of
the Student Body demand such action,
or upon the request of fifty students
or of the president of the college.
He shall Install all. new officers at
the last regular meeting of the Stu¬
dent Body before they are to assume
He shall be an ex-officio member of
all organizations, other than social,
listed as Howard College activities.
He shall have the power to appoint
committees to Investigate anything
relative to Student Body conditions.
The recommendations of all such com¬
mittees shall pass through his hands
to the Student Council for further ac¬
- (Continued from Page 2)
Body, hie associates, and members of
the Trident Club, according to Lamar
Kennedy, president of the Student
One of the outstanding features of
the revised constitution is the strict
requirements for election to any of¬
fice. All candidates for president of
classes and council members must be
passed upon by the Dean and the
President of the Study Body and must
have a minimum average of C.
"Following the belief that the edi¬
tor and business manager of the Crim¬
son and Entre Nona hold very respon¬
sible positions, strict requirements
have taen placed upon them.’’ The
editor must have had a year of Jour¬
nalism and served as one of the sub¬
editors. The business manager shall
have served as an apprentice to the
incumbent Both editors and business
managers for the three publications
shall be elected by a group composed
of the president of the Student Body,
tbe incumbent and- a faculty com¬
"Upon recommendation of Doan
Burns tbe profits, if any. coming from
the Howard Crimson will be divided
equally between tbe editor and the
business manager Instead of forty-
sixty per cent as has been the case."
Election to all offices except editor
and business manager of tbe Bull Pup
shall come the first Tuesday ln May.
“The revised constitution has been
submitted to fifty students who signed
a petition for lta adoption, and after
It has been printed ln the Crimson it
will be brought up ln Student Body
meeting Friday, and students will be
asked to vote on It the following Mon¬
day,” said Student Body President
Grudge Game Friday
Results In A 0-0 Tie
The annnal Sigma Nu-PI Kappa Phi
grudge game lived up to its reputa¬
tion of bqing a hard game, and re¬
sulted In a (Ml tie. The PI Kappa
Phis were slated to Win over the
lighter Sigma Nn team.
Most yardage during the game was
made by end
of both teams.
Sigma Nu PI Kappa Phi
Milford, Wurtlo ends Cox, James
Harrison, Sims tackles Bennett,
Douglas, Floyd guards WflHMa
Latta «enter Mason
Kidd, Hall halve* Bains, Lucas
Legge quarter Jones
Bentley fullback Grave*
Sigma Nu mbs: Bay and Harrell. Pi
Kappa Phi subs: Gain, Mtahbnrn and
Porpoae of Organization U To
Do Creative Writing
Tryonts for Chi Delta Phi, honor¬
ary literary sorority for women, are
now being held. All girls ln the three
upper classes are urged to submit
their manuscripts to Elisabeth Kron-
enberg Immediately. Tryouts for this
a— ter are to continue through
October 16.
.Tbe purpose of Chi Delta Phi, a
national organisation, is to encourage
and further creative writing among
girls In collegiate institutions.
Active members of Chi Delta Phi
on the campus are: Mary Kay Brown,
Dorothy McKinney, Ere Hargrave,
Elloatine Wright. Ann Ruth Wynn,
Louise Tlppen and Elisabeth Kronen-
berg. .
Cross-Country Team
b Taking Form
Interest shown In the first practice
for cross country running points
toward a good year, said Prof. George
Irqps, who Is ln charge of track at
Howard this year.
Meets have already been arranged
with Birmingham-Southern and the
Those showing best form in the first
practice, according to Prof. Irons are:
Robert O’Daniel. William Holland. -
Grady Ballard, E. E. Clayton, Wood-|out
row Owen, Tow Clinks cale, Mark
Lower and Truman Bass.
Beta Sigms Omicron
[edging of Lula Wright and the lnlti-
tion of Mrs. Mary Mitchell, former
igma Iota CM.
Finding* Based On Study And
Experiment Conducted
Over Period of Years
The biology department Is doing
some research work that has been
given space ln many of the leading
biological journals of the country. In
one experiment started several yea»
ago 6,000 microscopic Mood pictures
of a normal man, rabbit, guinea pig,
and dog have been taken. More pic¬
tures of the blood of cats and rats are
to be taken soon.
The pnrpose of these pictures is to
find a new prime criterion for the de¬
termination of a normal blood tesL
This test will also correlate with other
physical and mental tests for the de¬
termination of a normal Individual.
The significance of these Mood pic-
Universtty of Alabama. The entire
schedule will be announced at a later tnre*
discussed before the Ala- •
bama Medical Association by Dr.
Braketleld at lts meeting four years
being carried
is to find tbe functions of dis¬
turbances caused by obstructions pro¬
duced mechanically ln the organs of
mala. Thus far work has
on the kidneys and livers
of dogs.
of Wilma McDonM^and Stella Jo