breathe and touch.'
Howard Welcomes Her
It must be admitted, of course that
>at of the beauties of this world
e offered r.o the sight and can be
at .appreciated through viewing
em.'but that does not mean that
ten we have seen a thing that we
re seen all of It. nor does It mean
at If we see a thing which we think
particularly beautiful that we have
rtafcen of all Its beauty or that we
ve even realised it possibilities as
thing of beauty..
Miss Towns will head the newly-cre¬
ated department of commercial art at
Howard this Fall, President Neal has
announced.. Mlsa Towns has studied
In the Art Institute of Chicago, the
Chicago Academy of Fine Arts and
the New York School of Fine and Ap¬
plied Art She has exhibited in New
York and Chicago. She Is an expe-
When a child, I was blinded by
the sting of “ioney bees. Had I
bee t older, peNtaps there would
have been a fear gnawing at the
bacx of my brain that
would not
see again, and spoiling all the de¬
light of the experience. But I
wai too young and confident for
that. All I realized was that I
wan deprived of the use of my
eyes for a time, and as soon as
the pain- of the stings had -gone V-.'
cast about In strange adventure.
Miss Holloway will teach home eco¬
nomics In Howard’s newly-created
home economics and dietetics depart¬
ment this Fall, Dr. John Xan, head
of the department, has announced.
Miss Holloway Is a graduate of the
Battle Creek College, Mich., where she
studied food and nutrition.
Thu house was a familiar place, and
1 knew the place of each object, but
tl ere were things about the furniture
a id (he doors and dishes that I did
n it linow. things I found with the
c ishions of my fingers, or wtlh the
b .se of my hand, or an elbow, a sboul-
<1 ir, and even a knee. I even wandered,
u lattended, into the yard and felt the
e .rth and the trees and flowers.
I heard a bird singing in the yard
id knewt its song for that of a
ockingbird. I tried to recall his ex-
t shape and size and markings, and
und that I had never observed, a
ockingbird close enough to enable
e to do this, though they had be5b
Krai, me nil my life. I wanted my
■es open- But they were tightly
Public Speaking To Be Taught
In Dramatics Department
By Miss Sparks
Two courses In dramatic arte will
be given at Howard this year, accord¬
ing to Miss Antionette Sparks, dra¬
matics director. The first-year course
In play production will cover princi¬
ples of production and the second-year
course will emphasize special flelde,
such as make-up, scenery and cos¬
Plays given by the play production
class last year under the direction of
Miss Sparks, -were: "Lady Windemer’s
Fan," “The Taming of the Shrew,"
"Dulcy" and 12 one-act plays in the
college auditorium before large audi¬
ences. “The Taming of the Shrew"
was presented also in Cullman.
Some of the plays which are being
considered for production this Fall,
eays Miss Sparks, are: “Hay Fever,"
“Midsummer Night’s Dream," "Doll’s
House," "The Torch Bearers," “The
Man Who Married a Dumb Wife," and
•Mrs. Partridge Presents.”
The “Howard Masquers," dramatics
organization, was organized by Miss
Sparks last year. Claude Smith Is
president Membership is limited to
36. chosen by a membership commit-
The Executive Committee of the
Baptist Student Convention held a
three-day meeting on the Howard
campus laet week to make plans for
state work this Fall. Representatives
from Howard, the University of Ala¬
bama. Judson, Montevallo. Auburn and
Troy State Teachers’ College were
present. r
“The Alabama student convention is
unique in that it bolds its meeting
and makes plans for it ('all work be¬
fore the opening of the Fall semester,
whereas other state conventions wait
until school opens,” said Davis Coop¬
er, Jr„ state Baptist Student worker,
who attended'the meeting.
Among those attending the meeting
were the following state workers and
college - representatives :
W. H. Preston, of Nashville, Tenn.;
Miss Kathleen Hagood, of Montgom¬
ery; Mrs. Davis CoopSt, Jr., of Mont¬
gomery; Robert Hlngeon, Jr_ of Tus¬
caloosa; Margaret Mead, of Montgom¬
ery, and Mr. Cooper.
College representatives, Howard,
Estha Mae Irwin, John Johnson and
Guasie Heifner.
University. Wllheminn Quarles and
Joliet te Mather.
Auburn, Randall Parrish, Cecil Pad¬
gett and Rosamond Callao.
Judson, Margaret Hodo, Leewyn
Jackson, and Mary Loftln.
Montevallo, Margaret Frances Mer¬
rill, Antress Busby and Christine Beas-
The Howard Masquers plan to sell
season tickets, entitling students to
see every play Riven during the.year.
Public 'speaking at Howard this year
will be In the dramatic arts depart¬
ment and will be taught by Miss
Miss Sparks says that a banquet,
given at the end of the year, where
every member of the class has a
chance to speak, affords an excellent
opportunity for a check-up on the
what has been accomplished and has'
proved very successful in her classes
ШЫ ЭДпшагЬ
One wonders at the countless ones
w io live and see, yet rail to breathe
ai d touch with any depth of feeling
oi degree of understanding. Breath-
li ; to most ;>enone Is nothing more
tl an a necessary operation that must
b- performed in order that they “may
h. ve oxygen for their bodies, a blolo-
gi :al r eed. The sense of touch, too,
h s become a senaatlon needed to tell
w ten
part of the body la in con-
with another object. Whatever
p eaib:iltiea i.n object might have lor
pi jaeiig our sense of touch are usually
1c it to us. Development pf the sense
touch la woefully lacking In us.
• .
I wandered about the yard, feel¬
ing the flower» here and there In
their beds. But after the mock¬
ingbird's song and the realization
that I knew very little about him
even though I had watched many
of them often, spoiled all my pleae-
aure for the rest of the day.
)■ • • •
Flowers and objects I knew so well
i temed strange .things that I did not
I now at all.
B. c.
Howard Victory
Over Southern To
' Be Hear On Air
The 9 to <i victory over Birming¬
ham-Southern in the Legion Field
dedication game In 1927 will be
broadcast with sound effects over
WBRC at 7:30 p. m. Friday by
Frank King. The broadcast will
follow a banquet at the Bankhead
Hotel for high school coaches at¬
tending the coaching school and
Howard varsity football men.
Howard's line-up for the 1927
game fellows: Wilkins and .Spicer,
ends; Clifford Brown and “Ox"
Clark, tackles; Rhndy and Roberts,
guards; “Soupy" Suddqth, center;
Bancroft, quarter; Bud Harris,
John Girrett, Bradley and Buskirfc
in the 1 iack field.
Added To Faculty
Special Edition
Home Economics Department
To Be Opened At Howard
Classes Begin Immediately Af¬
ter Registration Has
Been Completed
Home Economics, Commercial
Art Are Being Offered
For First Time
Dr. John Xan Will Be Head of Newly-Created Department With
Mina Lenore Holloway Instructing
Dr. John Xan will head the department of dietetics and home
economics which will be opened at Howard College this Fall, accord¬
ing to an announcement made by President Neal, of Howard. Dr.
Xan is also associate professor of chemistry at Howard.
Miss Lenore Holloway, formerly of
Montgomery, will come to Howard as
instrnctor in home economics and
dietetics at the opening oi the Fall
semester, Dr. Xan has announced.
Dr. Xan, in addition to his
newly-created Job as head of this
department, will continue to teach
chemistry, Dr. Neal says.
Mls3 Holloway attended Judsop Col¬
lege two years and transferred to Bat¬
tle Creek College. Mich., from where
she received her bachelor of science
degree with a major in food and nu¬
trition. She has completed two years'
graduate study toward her master of
science degree in Columbia Univer¬
She was dietitian in the Norwood
Hospital the last two years.
In addition to her work In the home
economics department Miss Holloway
will have charge of the dining room
in the girls’ donatory at Howard this
Dr. Xan ia considered well
equipped for the poet he will fill
as head of the department of
dietetics and home economics
since he hae made an intensive
study of foods and nutrition, hav¬
ing minored in physiological chem¬
istry while studying for hit doctor
of philosophy degree.
The basement of Mamie Mell Smith
Hall, dormitory for Women at How¬
ard, has been excavated this Summer
and unite for teaching home econom¬
ics will be set up there.
Plans call for expansion of work In
the department of dietetics and home
economics at Howard during the next
three years to offer four year's work
leading to a major In this field.
Work In the department will meet all
requirements of technical schools, ac¬
cording to Dr. Neal. The home eco¬
nomics course will be designed es¬
pecially to offer teacher training for
those desiring to enter that profession.
Registration is already under way
at Howard, although'' formal registra¬
tion will not open until Sept.
Registrar Oscar S. Causey. Indications
from pre-opening registration are that
enroUment this Fall will be far In
excess of that of last Fall, says the
Formal registration for freshmen
will, be held Sept. 6and 6. Upperclass¬
men will register Sept. 7, and classes
will begin immediately.
A full number of courses will be
offered at Howard thie Fall In all
the liberal arts fields with special
. courses being offered in home
economics, commercial art and
| - typing and shorthand, according to
the bulletin.
Home economics and commer¬
cial art are being offered at How¬
ard this Fall for the first time.
Dr. John Xan will bead the de¬
partment of home economics, with
Miss Lenore Holloway as Instruc-
' tor. Miss Altda Towns will teach
commercial art.
A course In astronomy Is also be¬
ing added this Fall. ''it will be taught
by Prof. J. F. Robermel.
Regular courses to be offered this
Fall include the following: Bible,
biology, chemietry, education, Eng¬
lish, French, German, Greek, history,
Italian, journalism. Latin, mathemat¬
ics, metallurgy, music, physical edu¬
cation, phyBlcs, pro-medical courses,
religious education, Spanish.
The following is a list of Howard’s
faculty for the coming year:
Thomas V. Neal, A.B. D.D.; Hul-Cee
M. Acton, Ph.D.; Paul D. Bales, A.M.;
William E. Bohannon, A.M.; James
Luther Brakefleld, Ph.D.; Percy P.
Burns, A.M., Litt.D.; James H. Chap¬
man, A.M., Th.M.; L. O. Dawson, A.B.,
Th.B., D.D.; Paul de Launay, A.R,
LIc.Mus., Doc.Mus.; Theophilus B.
Eagles, A. M.
James Kimmlus Greer, Ph.D.; James
A. Hendricks,
Th.B., D.D.;
George W. Hess, Ph.D.; Louis
W. Lohr. M.B.A.; Vernon L. Man-
gun, Ph.D.; Henry M. Martin,
Pb.D.; Augustus H. Mason, A.B., Doc-
tear d’Unlversite; John R. Sampey.
Jr., Ph.D.; William N. Thomas, Ph.D.;
John Xan, Ph.D.; Oscar S. Cansey,
French Haynes, PhJ>.; Lovick-
P. McLane, A.M.; Emily Cate, M.S.;
Joslah D. Bancroft, M.D.; William H.
Bancroft, A.B.; Paul Barnett, A.B.;
Charles Howard Blanton, B.8.; Ora D.
Bohannon. A.M.; Annie B. Boyett,
A.M.; Roy Curtis Green, M.D.; Victcg
Jones, A.B.; Nina Leftwich, A.M.
Cameron McLean, Distinguished
Concert Baritone; Kenneth McDonald,
A.M.; W. B. Prescott, Jr., MJ>.; John
Fisher Rothermel,
Leila May
Smith, A.B.; Antionette Sparks.
Thera Mae Towery, A.M.; Lee Mc¬
Bride White. A.B., D.D.; Fred G.
Wlegand; Ralph M. Wood. B.8.; Ma¬
bel Willoughby, A.B.; Marie Boat.
Isom Reported Improved
From Injuries of Fall
John Isom, Howard sophmore, who
was Injured in the early Summer when
he fell from * second-story window
of the boy’s, dormitory, is reported
greatly Improved.
He is able to walk with the aid of
a cane and has gone to his home at
Holly Pond to spend the remainder of
the Summer vacation. He plans to
return to Howard this Fall.
"Colleges must broaden their
straight and narrow path of entrance
if they expect to serve effectively In
the development of citizens," said Reg¬
istrar Oscar S. Causey, of Howard,
speaking at the annual meeting of the
Association of High School Principals
in Montgomery on "Relation of Schol¬
astic Success In College To The High
School Curriculum."
Mr. Causey continued. "The prop¬
erly developed curriculum in the bands
of well trained educators must de¬
velop a better trained citizen. Edu¬
cation has been trailing in the de¬
velopment of American civilization."
Based on a study of 931 college stu¬
dents who did all or part of their wCTt
In 28 colleges, technical schools, nor¬
mal Bchoole and universities, 260 of
whom did not receive a degree, Mr.
Causey saye that the present system
of admitting students to colleges is
only 21 per cent to 25 per cent ef¬
ficient. and that this does not mean
entrance requirements should be low¬
ered, but that they should be broad¬
ened, and that conditions should be
changed as speedily^ae possible to al¬
low high echool principals to spend
all their working time in supervising
the training of citizens rather than
so much fitting studengB Into college
preparatory courses.
"We are now In the transition peri¬
od in education somewhere between
the economic and social stage but In
neither. If education is to justify it¬
self— if it le to justify the mlllfone of
dollars spent in it — If it is to maid-
tain its present public Interest that
causes one person in every four In the
country to be connected with educa¬
tion either as an employe or as stu¬
dent It must e top following and begin
to blaze the trail that leads to the new
social order,” Mr. Causey concluded.