New Student Body
Head To Be Pat
In Office Friday
Rales Governing
At Howard Given
Lemur Kennedy, newly' elected
president of the Student Body at How¬
ard, will be officially Installed to his
office Friday morning In chapel. It le
expected. The president, Carl Park,
explained that the Installation would
take place unless the Student Body
was denied a meeting at that Ume.
Kennedy has advocated especially a
strong cooperation between adminis¬
tration and student body, and has
pledged his support of existing cam¬
pus organizations and aid toward be¬
ginning othres.
Kennedy is a native of Brandldge,
Ala, and is a member of Theta Kappa
Nu fraternity.
Students Receive Annual lit¬
erary Publication With
August Mason, Frances Vail,
And Numberous Students
Are Contributors
30th, and extends through Sunday,
Feb. 5th at 5 P. M.
3.- Silence period extends from Sun¬
day, Feb. 5. P. M„ until Monday. Feb.
6, at 3 P. M. (meaning that during this
period the rushee Is to communicate
with no sorority or fraternity member.
Neither will she talk with any one else
about sorority matters.)
4. In the one peek of ruebing only
non-rinanclal rushing Is allowed.
5. Only one rush party may be given
during the
season, and shall take
place In a home, college building, the¬
ater; or In the form or a picnic for
which party the money spent shall not
exceed twenty dollars ($20.00.)
6. More than six girls (any propor¬
tion of members and
The Library has been very fortunate
receutly in having re ,-ehred several
generous contribution) . About two
hundred and fifty volu oes have been
added. The books
fields. One of the m west books Is
“The Nobel Prize Wb nera In Liter-
by An ale Russel Marablc . The
Kobe! Prize Is the out handing honor
In the literary world today. World¬
wide attention la dravi a to eacli win¬
ner and all Co whom the prise have
been awarded hare b come the suib
feet ol universal study and discussion.
Mrs. Mantle has pe formed iv real
lervice In preparing t Ja book. In it
ire found the facts xmcernio? the
Ives and works of l e winners. A
»rlef account of bis 11 e Is given, em-
jhasis being laid on formative fac¬
ers and experiences • /hich have had
nost Influence upon tl e authors wrlt-
ng. Each «inner’s 1 aportant books
ire studied and tlw . distinguishing
rails of his genius < onsidered. An
m port ant chapter Is that reviewing
he life of Alfred No
and the os-
abllshment of the pri es.
An interesting boo t Is Maberly’s
When Lux Waa
ng.” It is a
Irst hand and vivid iceount of Ufa
“,nd times that have entirely dlsap-
eared. written by a mi rflvor. It deals
flth North went Canadi daring the lest
of the nineteenth century, when
here were no towns ir buildings ex-
< ept for a few Isolate! trading posts;
• /hen huge hordes c f bnfTalo still
i oamed the prairies;
hen red Indian
:ien were still free and wild, and
I arrying on their lne ssant warfare;
■ /hen the Hudson lla r Co. rule was
I ie only law, and tmv il was done en-
I rely by beast or on log sleds or on
I orse back 11 is full from- beginning
I I end of hunting lories, of war
i lories and arecdotes >f the great In-
( Ian chiefs../
A modern book, "Hob rer’s Tims! Our
’ lines-' is a record of sar
I ie great war We * * the whole ex-
The second play to be given by the Dramatic Department
well under way and is to be given Thursday night. February 16,
8:50 o'clock in the college chapel.
The play Is Leland Power’s - - -
Sin i £32 mill PROF. IS
rehearsals, the play Is going to be '
highly entertaining with a 1933 tempo M
sr* - HUNUHtU Hi LLu
Incidentally, the rehearsals are open _
to the public, they are held each Mon- — ... ,
day, Wednesday and Thursday after- Third District Federated Clu
noon at 3 o'clock in the chapel. Mies women Honor
Sparks has declared anybody who Rotherm*!
wishes to see the practices
The winter edition of the Quill,
Howard's literary publication, made
Its appearance Tuesday morning.
The first Issue came In the Spring
of 1929 with Charles Bobbins as edi¬
tor. It Is a literary publication com¬
posed of contributions from the fac¬
ulty, students and alumni, of Howard.
The purpose is to further the liter¬
ary Interests at onr college.
To date there, have been six Issues
of the Quill, every one being a credit
to the college and to the contributors.
Several of those who have contributed
are receiving recognition in other mag¬
azines. Omer Reed, former editor and
frequent contributor, had a poem
printed In Harper's “Best College
Verse for 1931." Other of his con¬
tributions have been published in the
Ruhama W.M.S. Holds
Interesting Meetinfs
Officers of the Woman'e Missionary
Society of Ruhama were installed re¬
cently. Miss Kathleen Mallory, secre¬
tary of the Southern Baptist Conven¬
tion, W. M. S., msde the address of
the evening, and Dr. J. C. SUvender
read the Ninety-Sixth Paalm.
J. Barton, Young People's
rnsheee) to¬
gether off the campus constitutes a
rush parly.
7. No rushes may spend the night In
the home of a sorority girl during rush
are wel¬
Shakespearean costumes, designs by
students are to be used. These cos¬
tumes reflect the golden and pictnr-
esqne period of the late renaissance of
the sixteenth century. The scenery,
too. Is blng constructed by students. It
adheres closely to the simplicity of the
traditional. Those who saw the de¬
partment’s first presentation, "Lady
Wlndemere's Fan,” may be assured of
another delightful and amusing even¬
The cast and production staff Is aa
(Prologue — Doris Bridges).
Petruchlo— Amasa Windham.
Baptlsta— Claude Smith.
Katherine— Dixie Patten.
GrumJo— Robert Hall.
Curtis— Evelyn Ansley.
Nathaniel — Glendolyn Cole.
Gabriel — Stuart Dupuy.
Grerory— Lucille Ralford .
Adam— Marjorie Mauney.
Walter— Edith Smith.
Ralph— J sane
Peter— Evelyn
8. There shall be open rush, hut no
promises may be asked for or con¬
sidered binding if made involuntarily.
9. Sorority members shall not "sling
mud" at other sororities.
10. All rulee regarding any ruehing
are applicable to patronesses, alum¬
nae, friends, and relatives.
11. Penalty for breaking any one of
rush rules shall be deferred pledging.
Length of time shall be determined
by Pan-Hellenic.
12. The penalty -for breaking the
Hondr spirit of Pan-Hellenic Council
(rule No. 9) shall be loss of one vote
In Pan-Hellenic meeting for one year.
Bid Day, Feb. flth, 1933
Monday, 10:30 A. M. — Fraternity
sends list of names and bids to secre¬
tary of Pan-Hellenic in sealed en¬
velope. She in turn gives them to the
Deem of- Women. -
Monday. 11:00 A. M.— List of names
posted on Bulletin Board by Dean of
Monday, 1:15 P. M— By this time
the girls whose names have been
posted must have filled a preference
blank In the Dean's office.
Monday, 3:00 P. M. — One represen¬
tative from each eorority and girls
accepting bids are to report to the
Dean's office. The dean gives a list
of names of those accepting bids in a
sealed envelope to the respective fra¬
ternity representative and give to the
rushee the Invitation to Join.
Yesterday Prof. J. F. Rothermel wae
complimented by the Conservation
Committee of the Third District Fed¬
erated Clubwomen by the planting of
a tree in his honor at Avondale Park.
This dedication was made because
of the outstanding service that Prof.
Rothermel has rendered the club¬
women in aiding them to accomplish
their conservation projects. The work
In which he was particularly helpful
wae In the planting of trees, shrubbery
and grass along the highways and
general beautification . of the roads
throughout Jefferson County.
Prof. Rothermel is the teacher of
jonrnallsm at Howard and has been
for several years. He Is also an em¬
ployee of “The Birmingham New*"
and Is well known In
Rhodes sang the hymn, accompanied
by Miss Clara McEachern at the piano.
Dr. A. Y. Napier, missionary led
the meeting in prayer. Mrs, Jessie
Hudgins, president, waa in charge oi
the meeting.
The January meeting of the Ruhama
W. M. 8. was held on Wednesday, Jan.
25, at the church. Circle No. 10 was
In charge of the program and present¬
ed Mrs. J. W. Edge, assisted by Mrs.
Gordon Thompsofi. Mrs. Mary Etta
Brawn er sang and led the devotional
hour. ■*-
The afternoon session was given
over to business with the president.
Mm. Jeesle Hudgins, in charge. Box
luncheons were enjoyed.
imIc and art
circles, due In part to his column on
music and art which runs In that
paper each week.
His interest in conservation and
garden club work has made him well
known in that field as well throughout
the city.
Cook — Osmar Jacobs.
A Music-master — Jack Robertson.
A Tailor— Robert Ansley.
Bianca— Mary Anderson.
Lncentio — Henry Parker.
Hortenslo— Jack Robertson.
Widow— Doris Bridges.
Ladies — Marine Dupuy, Evelyn John¬
Producing Staff
Holder of Book— Maxine Dpuy.
Setting— Marjorie Mauney, Evelyn
Stage Manager— Claude Smith.
Back Stage — Nash Reader.
Costumes Designed— Edith Smith.
Costumes Executed— Jo High, Eliza¬
beth 8mith, Mary Andereon, Evelyn
Sudduth, Mazine Dupuy.
Publicity — Stuart Dupuy, Eva Har¬
grave, Jeane Hearn, Lurlene Orr, Vir¬
ginia Eagles. Dixie Patten, Evelyn
Johnson. Helen Malone, Doris Bridges,
Properties— Glendolyn Cole.
Lighting— Catherine MunseJJ-
House — Jack Robertson.
Programs— Mary Anderson. Jo High.
f2 *0 For A Name
Who couldn't use $2.50 in gold these
days? Well, here's your chance to
win that tnuc-li in such an easy way.
The dramatic department is forming a
deb ami It needs a name. Alfyou
have *- do is to submit a name tor this
club to Miss Sparks. All students are
eligible and may submit as many
he or she likes. The winner
of thin contest will be announced be¬
tween the acta of The Taming of the
Shrew, the night of February 16. Send
in your names and win this cash prize.
Bob Clark, track coach, announces
that all men wishing to try out l6r
track see him during the day and ar¬
range to begin work-onts at 2 o'clock
rfessor McDonald la To
Teach Mathematic* And
Birmingham News Trophy
Professor Kenneth Madison McDon¬
ald has been added to the faculty of
Howard and begins his work at the
opening of the second semester.
He will teach history principally,
but will have several classes In the de¬
partment of mathematics, says Presi¬
dent Deal.
Prof. McDonald received bis grammar
school and high school education in
Birmingham and took bis bachelor of
science degree at the Massachueetta
Institute of Technology. He received
hie master's degree in American his¬
tory from the University of Alabama,
where he taught seven years. He
spout last year at Columbia Univer¬
sity, where he completed residence
work for his doctor’s degree and com¬
pleted the general examination. He
has also taught at the University of
lie Is a member or Phi Kappa Sigma
Fraternity and serveed In the World
War. He Is married and baa one
ard last- spring. A story of his was
published In The Quill In 1931.
LeRoy Mooney Is now twenty years
old. He comes from Birmingham-
Southern and Is a special student.
' Herbert Msulitz, a senior In the
College, writes prose end verse. He
Is a good musician, and his hobby la
e Crimson wish! i to apologize
Uf negligence :a omitting the
(if Lui tile Bw d and Dortrtby
ter from I he list
« Г
thoee Included
lie “47 Brightest " and "Dorothy
erson from the d ie weeks' honor
Boxing Team Will
Show Tomorrow
Night In Gym
riittmen Will Duplay Wares
(Continued on i’age 4)
Howard te, Former Shangh
Resident, Explain* Situati
Birmingham will get Us first col¬
legiate boxing meet Thursday night
when Howard brings -Mississippi' State
College (formerly Mississippi A. &
M.) here at the new gymnasium.
Howard's fie tic hopes will show at
home for the first Ume. Joe- Biggs,
featherweight, Adrian Taylor, welter-
weight puncher, Roy Kennedy, middle¬
weight; Jack Left and Robert McCar¬
ty. light heavies; Bill Nichole, Ray
Holmstedt and A1 Brown, heavy¬
weights are on the team,, nlthough
only seven will fight Kennedy, Holm¬
stedt and Brown are football players.
Thursday night's test with the Ma¬
roons will be a return engagement,
Howard haring bowed to Mississippi
State recently on a road trip Into the
Delta State. It will, be
program. The Bulldogs won two, Ued
one and lost four bouts in their previ¬
ous battle with the Maroons.
all other for-
-ipanese iraslneei
iiKhai are worth 1
of dolIa-4. So
uslial. She lsauet
1 Chinese nusr. ru
Beginning with the new semester a
new organizaUon 1s forming on the
Howard campus. The "Stray Greeks"
are banding together and show prom¬
ise of being a strong group.
Thoire- ^ho have already Joined Use
organizaUon are: Frank Stacey, The¬
ta Chi at Alabama;
Hughes, Theta
Upsllon Omega, at Auburn; Jsck Leas,
Kappa Nu at Rensselaer Polytechnic
institute: John Armlstead. Delta
Epsilon at University of Morth
Carolina; Adrian Taylor, Lambda Chi
Alpha at A oh era; Martin Agan Theta
Nu Epsilon at Sonthweelarn and Walt
Whitman. Thou Chi at Auburn.
Several other men on the campus
havo expressed a desire to threw in
their lot with these stray HelUnms
didn't want the
one desirt was ao
fearing tie Chine
l Japan struck
of the ultlma-
Ime there we re
the final hour
News Trophy, for the third time
Southern. The trophy was pros
: Tuesday, by John Temple Qra<