'We Crimson
Vol.62 No.16
May 13, 1977
SGA marks final meeting with appointments
Newly installed Student Government
Association President Robert Lane makes
a point at a recent meeting. SGA Com¬
mittees for 1977-78 were announced and
possibilities for more on-campus activities
for next year were discussed.
by Shirley Cary
Thursday, May 5 marked the final
meeting of the Student Government
Association for this semester. SGA com¬
mittee appointments for 1977-78 were con¬
firmed and plans for next year were
SGA President Robert Lane announced
that blueprints for lighting the present ten¬
nis courts or possibly constructing ad¬
ditional courts are being studied. He also
informed the newly-elected senators that
the SGA Entertainment Committee is in
the process of purchasing new projectors
to make weekend movies on campus more
enjoyable to all who attend.
Afterwards, Senate members discussed
ways of providing more on campus en¬
tertainment, especially on weekends - for
the coming year. Plans for making
Homecoming 1977-78 into a major event
with more emphasis on students were also
debated. A return to a traditional float
competition and parade were mentioned.
SGA Advisor Dean Martin informed the
Senate of the possibility of reduced rate
tickets being offered to Samford students
to major downtown concerts such as the
recent Neil Diamond performance. Martin
also announced the expansion of the
present Career Exploration Seminar into
major programs that would aid Samford
students greatly in their decisions. Any
student interested in receiving such
assistance in evaluation which careers are
most suited to his abilities and desired
lifestyle should contact Dean Martin in his
office in Beeson Student Center.
Omicron Delta Kappa, National Leader¬
ship Honor Society, initiated its new mem¬
bers Tuesday, May 3, 1977. Membership in
ODK is restricted to those who excell in
scholarship, leadership, character, and
service to the University.
Following the initiation, the officers for
1977-78 were elected: President - Robert
Taylor; Vice-President - John Earnest;
Secretary - Deborah Frey.
The following are the new initiates and
their major activities :
George Edward Adams - Ministerial
Association, Secretary, M. A. of the Year.
Joel Lawrence Alvis, Jr. - George V.
Irons Scholar; Who’s Who in American
Colleges; Pi GAmma Mu - Secretary; Phi
Alpha Theta - President; Lambda Chi
Alpha - Step Sing Director; Debate Squad.
Jane Marie Amason - Alpha Lambda
Delta ; Outstanding Freshman in School of
Education; Hypatia; Kappa Kelta Pi;
Alpha Delta Pi; Summer Missions Chair¬
man; Summer Missionary; Sigma Nu Lit¬
tle Sister and Pledge Sweetheart; Angel
Flight; Student - Trustee Relations Com¬
Gary Wayne Barkley - Who’s Who in
American Colleges and Universities;
Sigma Tau Delta; Student Government
Association - President and Executive
Assistant; Lambda Chi Alpha - Secretary;
Debate Squad.
Steven C. Benfield - Colonial Dames
Award; Who’s Who in American Colleges
and Universities; Student - Trustee
Relations Committee; Campus Ministries
- President; Scholarship Committee;
Student Relations Committee; Student
Life Committee; State B.S.U. Vice-
Bonnie Diane Berry - Hypatia; Student
Government Association - Vice-President;
Junior Class President; Sophomore Class
Vice-President; Campus Ministries
Greater Council; Discipline Committee;
Student Life Committee; University
Joan Ellen Blackburn - High Class
Honors; Phi Kappa Phi; Pi Gamma Mu;
Kappa Delta Pi; Student Marshall; B.S.U.
Choir; Miss Entre Nous Favorite; Delta
Richard Franklin Bodenhamer - Who’s
Who in American Colleges and Univer¬
sities; Campus Ministries Greater Coun¬
cil; BSU Choir; Summer Missionary;
Alpha Phi Omega; Samford Theatre;
Samford Crimson -Editor.
Robert Augustus Cargo - Phi Eta Sigma ;
Phi Ka^>a Phi; Campus Ministries - Vice-
President; Executive Council; Coor¬
dinator of Campus Families.
Julie Susan Edwards - Who’s Who in
American Colleges and Universities;
Hypatia; Alpha Delta Pi; Campus
Ministries - Executive Council; Summer
Missionary; Samford Theatre; B.S.U.
Choir; Spanish Club - Vice-President.
Deborah Elaine Frey - Zeta Tau Alpha ;
Panhellenic Officer; B.S.U. Choir; Most
Friendly Female Student; Alpha Phi
Omega Little Sister and Pledge
Sweetheart; Entre Nous Beauty;
Homecoming Finalist.
Paul Stewart Garrard - Who’s Who in
American Colleges and . Universities;
Campus Ministries - Vice President; Hear
and Now Singers.
Karen Fay Henderson - Alpha Lambda
Delta; Hypatia; Student Government
Association-Senator; Student Center
Board; Campus Ministries; Delta
Omicron; Alpha Phi Omega Little Sister;
University Chorale; Samford Singers.
Ann Parker Kqight - Kappa Omicron Pi;
Hypatia; Chi Omega - Treadurer; Sigma
Nu Little Sister; Religious Activities Coun¬
cil; Entre Nous Beauty; American Home
Economics Association.
Dan Hardy McCrary - Phi Eta Sigma;
Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Alpha Theta; Pi Gam¬
ma Mu; Who’s Who in American Colleges
and Universities; Dean’s Scholarship
Cumberland School of Law.
Rosemary Rogers Mims - Alpha Lamb¬
da Delta; Hypatia; Student Government
Association Senator; Parent’s Day Chair¬
man; Apha Delta Pi; Miss Samford
Finalist; Pensez.
Dale Elizabeth Quin - Alpha Lambda
Delta; Sigma Tau Delta; Pi Mu Epsilon;
Phi Alpha Theta; Pi Gamma Mu; Phi Kap¬
pa Phi; Hypatia; Who’s Who in American
Colleges and Universities; Gamma Sigma
Sigma; Step-Sing Chairman.
Malcolm E. Roebuck - Phi Eta Sigma -
President; Alpha Epsilon Delta - Vice-
President; Phi Kappa Phi; Who's Who in
Continued on page 2
In Memoriam
By Shirley Cary
A University-wide Memorial Service in
honor of Miss Mary Elizabeth Forman will
be held May 18th at the final convocation of
the semester in Reid Chapel. The late Miss
Forman, who was a former Associate
Professor in the School of Education, died
the last week of April after an extended
illness. President Leslie Wright and Dean
Garner of the School of Education will par¬
ticipate in the service. “A German
Requiem” by Johannes Brahms per¬
formed by the combined A Capella Choir
and University Chorale will highlight the
Dr. Paul Hall, Head of the Music School
of Education, who will conduct the choral
work, stated that the memorial service
was a result of a deep desire on the part of
Samford’s music students and faculty to
honor "a greatly beloved person." Dr.
Claude Rhea, Dean of the School of Music,
“We feel Miss Forman was a true friend.
Through the, years our music students
have been greatly touched and helped by
her and her spirit of helpfulness and sup¬
port. This service is our way of paying
tribute to a master teacher.”
Dr. Rhea went on to say that Brahm’s
work was “one of the most moving in all
choral music.’’ Dr. Hall described the
work further as being nonliturgical and
based on selected assurance passages
from the Old and New Testament such as
Isaiah 61. 1 Peter 1, and 1 Corinthians. Cin¬
dy Helms will accompany the combined
120 member choir as they perform the
work. Soloists will also be Samford studen¬
Miss Forman, a long-term supporter of
the arts and in Dr. Hall’s words, “a real
champion of what we've been trying to do
in the music school,” taught at the Univer¬
sity of Alabama and Florida State College
for Women before joining the Samford
faculty. She received her AB degree from
Agnes Scott College in Georgia, her MA
from the University of Alabama, and did
additional graduate work at Columbia
University. Miss^Forman was a member
of Phi Beta Kappa Honorary, Delta Kappa
Gamma Honorary, the American
Association of University Women, the
Family Counseling Association, the Moun¬
tain Brook Board of Education and the Jef¬
ferson County Mental Health Association,
in addition to a number of state and
national education organizations.
Miss Forman, who had traveled widely
in the United States, Mexico, Canada,
Europe and the Near East, was a member
of South Highland Presbyterian Church,
where she taught a Sunday School Class.
IN MEMORIAL - This the final issue of the
1976-77 Crimson, is respectfully dedicated
to the late Miss Mary Elizabeth Forman,
who served Samford University as an
Associate Professor in the School of
Education from 1944 until this semester
when she became seriously ill. The
popular and well-known professor passed
away Friday, April 29, 1977.
1977-78 SGA officers installed, (left to right) Robert Lane, president; Bonnie
Berry, vice-president; Shasta Parker, secretary; Forrest Cook, treasurer.
ODK initiates new members
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