Volume 61, No. 6
Samford University
Friday, November 21, 1975
Birmingham, Alabama 35209
Help make Christmas
a reality for a child
A bus pulls up to the Pittman
Circle entrance of the student
center. Out into the crisp
December air streams fifty of the
most beautiful kids in the world.
Each four-to-ten-year-old is
greeted by a Samford couple who
spend the day with them booing
the coyote on a Roadrunner
cartoon, chasing a frisbee all
over campus, pulling on Santa’s
beard, and getting the best
Christmas present of all, love.
It's all part of Christmas for
Child sponsored each year by
Campus Ministries. Couples
become a part of the fun by
signing up at the Campus
Ministries office by November 25.
Hie couple will spend Saturday
December 6 from 10 a.m. till 3
p.m. being parents to an un-
derpriviledged youngster from
the Birmingham area.
The day ends with a big
Christmas party at which the
children receive presents from
their adopted parents and are
entertained by several Samford
It's kind of sad for both parents
and children when its time for the
kids to pile back on to the bus, but
both are thankful for a great day
spent together.
Pharmacy students attend
convention in South Carolina
Samford University’s School of
Pharmacy was well represented
at Charleston, South Carolina on
Oct. 23-26 by the student mem¬
bers of the Student American
Pharmaceutical Association at
the Region 3 Convention.
Of the 14 schools of Pharmacy
at the Region 3 convention.
Samford 's delegation was the
largest represented with 29 at¬
tending students.
Jeff B. Morgan of Knoxville,
Tenn. is the Samford S.A.Ph.A.
Chapter president also serving as
Vice-president of Phi Delta Chi
Fraternity. Jeff lead a panel
discussion on legislative affairs
concerning Pharmacy at the
Regional Convention.
Two of Samford’s students
were elected to Regional offices
at the convention. They were
Scott Sandlin, Regional. Coor¬
dinator and Steve Wilson, Council
of Students Representative for
the American Association of
Colleges of Pharmacy. Scott’s
duties mainly concern the
arrangement of the 1976 Regional
Convention which will be hosted
by Samford here in Birmingham
next October.
Samford’s S.A.Ph.A. chapter
has received Honorable Mention
for “Chapter of the Year", which
is a national award based on
merit and productivity. The
chapter organization actively
coordinates and conducts drug
abuse programs all around the
central state of Alabama; and
were actively represented by
their V.D. Committee on several
panel discussions sponsored by
the Jefferson C. Health Dept.
Samford’s School of Pharmacy
has gained outstanding
recognition both on a regional
and national level through the
efforts of the S.A.Ph.A.
organization with commendable
faculty-administration support.
Samford track team
hunting recruits
The Samford Track Team has
begun workouts but is still
recruiting fellows who want to
S.A. Ph. A. Officers
From left to right: Dr. H. A. McBride, Advisor; Steve Wilson,
COS Representative; Jeff Morgan, SAPhA Chapter President;
Scott Sandlin, Regional Coordinator; Dean J. E. Wintter, Phar¬
. Missions reps here for
\&orld Awareness Day
SGA replies to
student criticism
Representatives of Southern
Baptist Mission agencies will be
on campu§ Monday as part of
World Awareness Day sponsored
by the Religion Department and
Campus Ministries.
Students preparing for mission
work or who are interested in
Baptist work in that area are
urged to take part in yhat
promises to be a tremendous
Dr. Karl Whirley, a medical
missionary in Nigeria who is this
year’s Missionary-In-Residence
at Samford, will be featured at a
10.00 convocation at the chapel.
Morning sessions begin at 8
a.m. in the chapel and are open to
all students. Area of missions to
be discussed include Home and
Foreign Missions, state missions,
associational missions, inner-city
• Cont. on P. 2
What has the S.G.A. done in the
past few weeks and months? In
recent days the major complaint
is that the S.G.A. doesn't do
anything or at least, anything
that anyone can see. To help
combat this “lack of com¬
munication" we have compiled a
short list of things that your
S.G.A. and Student Senate have
1) There are red and blue
bulletin boards posted in every
building on campus which have
the Student Senate minutes, the
S.GA.-1.C.B., and the Calendar
of Events for the week on them ;
2) there are temporary clocks
in the eating area of the
3) some of the speed breakers
have been removed on the west
side of the campus;
4) a definite study day before
final exams has been scheduled;
5) the use of Beeson Hall for
study has been approved;
^6) the new S.G.A. -I.C.B. gives a
brief overview of the coming
week’s activities;
7) Saturday check-cashing for
Samford students at the Brook-
wood Central Bank drive-in
8) IDs for spouses of married
Samford students have been
parking for students has
been under consideration for
10) activity cards are being
11) Vice-Presidential com¬
mittees meet to give members of
the President’s Cabinet student
12) scholarships are awarded
from funds made from Step-Sing;
and these are in addition to
regular events and functions such
as Step-Sing, recent movies on
campus, concerts, band parties
and some pageants.
If you would like to enter your
input see your class Senators, or
come by the S.G.A. office— 213,
Beeson Student Center.
The Senate meets every
Tuesday night at 6:30 PM in the
Senate Chambers, 3rd floor BSC.
These meetings are open to
everyone interested.
run, throw, vault, or jump. The
program is geared toward the
fellow with average ability and
workouts are fitted to the in¬
dividual. Team workouts this
semester are at 4:00 p.m. on
Monday, Wednesday, and
Most preparation had been
made for this year's season. Mr.
Zeiger had approved at a
generous budget, and new
equipment is being purchased.
Members of the team will be
furnished with uniform, sweats,
and shoes. Transportation and
food will be provided during the
spring for all away meets.
Several meets have already been
scheduled for the spring, and
indoor meets are planned for the
early season. An awards banquet
will be held at the completion for
the season and letter awards and
trophies given. All participants
are given the-'option of taking
track as a physical education
course toward graduation.
If you are considering par¬
ticipation or just want to know
some more concerning the track
program, a meeting is scheduled
for 10:10 this morning (Friday,
Nov. 21) in Beeson Student
Center, room 301, right across
from WVSU. Come and hear
Samford University Library