Samford Crimson
No. 9
Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama 35209
Friday, February l«, >973
February 19-22
Emphasis Week
A time for openness
Christian Emphasis Week, to
be held February 19-22, is a
special week which occurs
annually. It enables the
student to learn more about
himself and explore aspects of
the Christian life in the con¬
centrated activities of one
week. Ata time when the world
is full of prejudice, hatred, and
falseness, a whole person must
be open. He must be open to his
own identity. He must see the
people around Mm through
clear but understanding eyes.
He must also realize that God
is completely open to Mm.
Because he strives to be fair in
all relationsMpe, he cannot
dose Ms mind to God.
“Pardon me, is there room
on this bench?” is the cry of all
cf us when we want ac¬
ceptance. Are we ready to
accept ourselves and the
people around us?
“God doesn’t live in man
made houses” is encouraging
for those of us who can only see
God from a human aspect. God
is divimty and is therefore
tolerant and loving of us to the
point of perfection.
“Fresh air and sunshine" is
something long needed and
much heralded in the church
today. Are churches really
more open now? What are the
methods churches can use to
show their love?
“Swimming into the
waves” gives us the im¬
pression that even when we are
able to swim instead of sinking,
we can still find resistance.
There are undeniable con¬
sequences of openness.
“Free at last to risk” was
first said by one who felt that
CEW Continued on Po«e 4
These smiling faces, all Samford students, spent several weeks planning Christian
Emphasis Week, slated for next Monday through Thursday. February 19-22. They are. left
to right. Nancy Arnold. Jimmy Ailor, Lynn Hazelgrove. Jim Holiday, and David Bean.
“Celebrate Life” musical
here Thursday night
The first “Christian folk
musical” was bom over six
years ago; it was called GOOD
NEWS. Since its birth, this
youth oriented music form of
the church has grown by leaps
and bounds. Musical after
musical has come and gone
and kept the kid, the parents,
and the choir director hopping.
But many observers could not
help but notice the fact that
most of these “musicals” were
very much alike.
Now there is “Celebrate
Life” by Buryi Red and Ragan
Courtney. It is probably
related to the familiar form
called “Christian folk
musical”, but it is certainly
much more. The sound is
absolutely fresh, exciting, and
dynamic. The message is
extraordinarily profound. It
will be the climax of Christian
Emphasis Week, and the
performance promises to be
worth the billing.
For the last two months
approximately 200 Samford
students have been rehearsing,
preparing for the coming
performance, under the
direction of Bob Burroughs
with the help of Johnny Boozer.
During CEW, the singers will
rehearse every night under the
added direction of Ragan
Courtney, the writer of the
Christian Emphasis Week
Music led by Dr. Gaude Rhea
MONDAY, Feb. 19
19: I* Gw pel— "Pardon me, is there room on this bench?"
JOHN WESTBROOK . . . Baylor University athlete . . .
first black athlete in Southwestern conference ... na¬
tional staff, Fellowship of Giristian Athletes . . pre¬
sently, consultant in interracial ministries. National
Student Ministries.
12:00 Luncheon with Physical Education personnel . . . JOHN
0:90 Banquet with varsity athletes .' . . JOHN WESTBROOK
7:30 Beeson Auditorium— “God doesn’t live in
man-made houses." . . . JOHN WESTBROOK
TUESDAY. Feb. 20
10:10 Chapel— "Fresh air and sunshine"
RAGAN COURTNEY . . . actor . . writer . dramatist
. . . lyricist of "Celebrate Life" and “Hello World” . . .
CYNTHIA CLAWSON . . professional singer . . regu¬
lar on CBS summer show . . new Mrs. Ragan Courtney.
7:30 Beeson Auditorium— "Just Ragan"
10:10 Chapel— "Swimming into the waves"
RON WILLIS . . . home missionary to Haight-Ashbury,
San Francisco . . . author . . . home missionary to Ban¬
gor, Maine . . . presently, minister to "Street People" of
First Baptist Church, San Antonio.
7:30 Cafeteria— Coffeehouse
10:10 Chapel— “Free at last to risk"
7:30 Seibert Gymnasium— "Celebrate Life"
Class Schedule
Christian Emphasis Week
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Regular class and Convocation assembly schedule
Tuesday and Thursday
First Period
Second Period
Convocation Assembly
Third Period
8:00-8:55 a.m.
9:05-10:00 a.m.
10:00-11 :05 a.m.
11: 15-12: 10 p.m.
book and lyrics to “Celebrate
Courtney is an extremely
talented dramatist,
choreographer, and writer; Ms
personality is certain to add a
dimension of depth to the
entire week. (For biographical
information on Mr. Courtney
see article above). He will
also bring with him his
talented wife, Cynthia Clawson
Courtney, who will be singing
the female solo parts in
Thursday night's performance.
The performance will be held
Thursday night, February 22 in
Seibert Gymnasium at 7: 30. All
Samford students are invited
toattend, as well as interested
individuals or church groups
from the surrounding area.
Samford University Library