32 .Students Named
To Who's Who List
© toward college s tu¬
be* a selected for man-
Who’s Who Among Stu-
erican Universities
fer student from the University of
Alabama, he is a member of Sig¬
ma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
Robert Byron Embry, a senior
m pharmacy from Alexander City.
He is a member of Pi Kappa Al¬
pha fraternity. Alpha Phi Omega.
Tri-Beta, and the Senate. He is
currently treasurer of the SGA.
He was also a junior class sen¬
Nancy Elizabeth Ethredge, a
senior in elementary education
from Ft. Walton Beach, Fla. She
is a member of ACE, YWA. Bap¬
tist Student Union. BSU Choir and
Is a- former Miss Homecoming.
She has also been a cheerleader
and H Club sweetheart.
Michael M. Finlc Jr., a senior
math and English major from
Birmingham. He is president of
the Baptist Student Union, and is
a member of the Math Club, Min¬
isterial Association. Omicron Del¬
ta Kappa. Kappa Mu Epsilon and
Kappa Phi Kappa.
Ann Harriett Franklin, a senior
sociology major from Millbrook.
She is a member of Hypatia, Bap¬
tist Student Union, Pi Gamma Mu
and is a senior senator.
Katherine Ruth Freeman, a sen¬
ator math major from Thomaston,
Ga. She is a member of Alpha
Delta Pi, president of the dorm
council. Student Government As¬
sociation and Math Club.
Edwin Castleberry Graves, a
from Tal-
NOVEMBER 6, 1964
VOLUME 50— NO. 40
n Elizal eth Bennett, senior
Monjnu' major from Pied-
Sbe is a member of Hypatia,
Lambda Delta. Kappa Omi-
Phi. Eta Epsilon and Alpha
if Omicron I 'elta Kappa, Circle
and Sigma Nu fraternity.
Ur*tts M. drown, a senior mu-
ac major from Birmingham. She
i a member if Delta Omicron, a
choir and the Ushers
jKephine Martin Clark, senior
peech major from Birmingham.
& is president of Alpha Delta-
!f and a member of Masquers
aid the debat? squad.
Richard Lane Conville Jr., a
saior speech major from Bir-
nmgham. He is a member . of
(micron Delta Kappa, Trident, de¬
late squad, eiitor of the Pensez
tad vice president of the SGA in
He was a 1963 Mr. Howard
senior journalism
ladega. He is a number of Phi
Eta Sigma, Omicron Delta Kappa,
Phi Alpha Theta, Trident, Sigma
Nu fraternity and was a Mr. How¬
ard finalist. He is editor of the
Crimson and former editor of the
Bull pup.
Marcia Louise Hearn, a senior
English major from Nashville.
She is a member of the a cappel-
la choir. Delta Omicron and Bap¬
tist Student Union. She was voted
the “most friendly girl on cam¬
pus” in 1962.
Mona Wynello Hurlbert, a senior
from Birmingham majoring in
English and speech and dramatic
arts. She is a member of Phi
Mu sorority. Masquers and has
been a finalist in the Miss Ala¬
bama Contest for the past three
Czrole Elaire Cook, senior ele-
lentary edu< ation
major from
.loultrie, Ga. She is a member
if Phi Mu. A pha Lambda Delta,
Sappa Delta Omicron, Hypatia,
Alpha Thria. ACE and SNEA.
Phillip Dale Corley, sophomore
aw student from Panama City,
Fla., and Birn ingham. He is presi¬
ded of the Student Government
Association .
member of the
Young Democrats Club and was
i sophomore class president.
J*yee Inez Cox, senior elemen¬
tary educatior major from Deats-
She is t member of Alpha
|*ribda Delta. Kappa Delta Epsi¬
lon and ACE.
Tony Wend< II Dollar, senior bi¬
ology major f om Shawmut. He is
a member of Sigma Nu fraternity,
Alpha Epsilon Delta, Omicron Del¬
ta Kappa, C-icle K. Beta Beta
and is a senior counselor.
, Et^ard Weich Donahoo, a sen¬
ior English najor from Birming-
He is a member of the foot-
“WJ aw the H Club. A trans-
Food Survey Will Be
Conducted In Dorms
BY JANE WEST ice in the snack bar, a chan
personnel and additional help
been secured, Martin stated
Rex George Keeling Jr., a jun¬
ior music major from Birming¬
ham. She is a former president of
Delta Zeta, a Miss Alabama fi¬
nalist, and a member of Hypatia,
Delta Omocron, a capella cljoir,
Baptist Student Union and the
(Continued on Page 4)
We need your help.
Keeping up with all the news
on Howard campus Is a next to
impossible task. The Crimson
has only so many staff mem¬
bers, and wa are limited in the
extent to which wo
Within the coming week, stu¬
dents living in the four student
resident halls will be asked to
participate in a Food Preference
Survey being conducted by the
Office of Auxiliary Services at
Four separate questionaires will
be distributed in the dormitories.
Students are requested to circle
the foods which they most prefer
—and the degree to which they
would like to eat these foods.
The cafeteria’s menu selections
have been brought to the attention
of H. Lindy Martin, Director of
Auxiliary Services. Martin has stat¬
ed that the desire of the Howard
food service is “to serve students
John Xan
Armour Lecture Set;
Features Satire, Fun
Miss Doris Gaddy of 1225 North
30th St. and Larry Grant Robb»*
son of Mulga, Ala., have beea
awarded a John Xan Scholarship
for the 1964-65 academic year at
Howard College.
According to Dr. Leslie , S.
Wright, President of Howard
lege, the award is given because
they are “chemistry majors and
show considerable promise for the
future.” He commended their aca¬
demic ability, character and high
moral standards.
A graduate of Clark County High
School. Miss Gaddy is the daughter
of Mrs.
C. Gaddy of Grot*
Hill, Ala.
Robinson is a senior and a mem¬
ber of the American Chemical So¬
ciety and Howard's H-Club. A
graduate of Jsaes Valley High
School, he b the son of Mr. aai
Lecturer in English Literature at
Scripps College in California
Armour has held research fel¬
lowships in England and France,
has written books of biography
and literary criticism, is on the
editorial staff of two magazines,
and does book reviews for several
He is best known for the more
than 5000 pieces of light verse
and even lighter prose which have
appeared in 'over 100 magazines
in the United States and England,
including Th. New Yfrksr, Sahir-
day Evening Post and Look, and
for his books, which now number
27 Several of these books have
been national best sellers, have
been condeuseu in The Reader's
Dioost and have been serialized
Kchard Aimour,
of Ameri¬
ca’s most widely read writers of
taenor and satire,1 will make a
Jhlrn visit
Howard College on
«wember II- at 7:30 p.m.
«e lector :, to be held in Reid
features a Harvard Ph.D.
Mr. Armour has
“osht at si eh institutions as the
{“versity o’ Texas. Northwestern
"wersity. Wells College, the Uni-
eiburg, the University
i. and the Claremont
School. He is now Balch
Staff Meets
At 10 Today
The serving procedure in the
cafeteria has also been an area
of discontent, according to Mar¬
tin. Plans are In operation to re¬
lieve the long lines congesting the
For the breakfast meal, both
service lines and the “speed line”
will remain open until 8:00 a.m.
An investigation is being conduct¬
ed as to the possibility of opening
a third noon meal fine where the
breakfast “speed fine” is operated.
Ia order to assure better serr-
There will, be a staff meeting of
the Howard College Crimson at 10
a.m. today, Editor Edwin Graves
has announced.
Graves said important assign¬
ments for future issues of the
Crimson will be given out at this
• M; lcom Wheeler, editor
"Wisher of the Birming-