I**-. t\
,mpus Buildings 1
>t New Names
names of a former first lady
" trustees of Howard Col-
L, been given to campus
1 i,, their honor, Presi¬
de S. Wright announced
ng action was taken at
meeting of the Board
liwees of the college on May
Actual designation of the
Lis took Place last week.
. Vail Davis Hall is the name
formerly known as
ence Hall A. Honor-
ell G. Davis, whose
incellor of the Col-
I the
it's R<
l Mrs. &
jnd was its president from
1958. the truestees desig-
u vail Hall as the title of the
Wing The action came as a
Lmmnis expression of deep and
fin* appreciation for Mrs. Da¬
is <jevo(ed and selfless service
■the college." according to tlie
ululion of the Board,
lien s Residence Halt A has been
|„ed Crawford Toy Johnson
The late Mr. Johnson was
ijjdenl of the Coca-Cola Bottling
ipany in Birminghamam and
a Howard trustee for six
. the resolution naming John-
Hall, the trustees noted Mr.
lasnn's "able and energetic ef-
i to secure moral, material and
bocial support for the college.
especially during times of econom¬
ic distress."
The designation of the Biology
Building as Thomas D. Russell Hall
honors a present member of the
Howard Board of Trustees. Mr.
Russell is president of Rus¬
sell Manufacturing Company. Alex¬
ander City. His father preceded
him as a member of the Board of
Trustees, of which he himself has
served as a member for several
years. According to Board spokes¬
men. Mr. Russell's service as a
member of the Financial Commit¬
tee of the Board has beeen dis¬
Announcing the name transitions
at this time. Dr Wright said that
appropriate dedication programs
are being planned for each build¬
ing. He noted that details will be
announced at a later date.
VOLUME 50— NO. 15
DECEMBER 20, 1963
four Open
lo Student's
kuls may still sign up for
I Howard College New York The-
r Tour for March 22-28. 1961.
|lV lour is uot limited to speech
dramatic arts majors. Any
who would like to spend
luck of theater viewing in New
Vt are eligible for the tour,
pr Harold Hunt, sponsor of the
would like to have a tenta-
list before Christmas of all
i to make the trip. A final
he completed by the first
i of January.
tils may sign up in Bu-
iaa m
Debaters Get
Most Points
In Tourney
Howard's Debate Team again cap¬
tured honors last weekend in the
Birmingham Invitational Tourna¬
ment. Birmingham - Southern and
Howard were co-hosts.
Howard's team had the highest
number of points, but was ineligi¬
ble for the sweepstakes award
which went to the Univesity of
Southern Mississippi.
Linda Thomas and Dick Conville
won first place for tire varsity neg¬
ative team: Mozella Pettus and
Buttons Clark, second place for the
varsity affirmative; and Dottie
Goodwin and Rebecca Bates, third
negative for the no vie., team. Mari¬
anne Scifres and Saralyn Monroe
also participated in the Tourna-
Westminister. University of Ala¬
bama. Springhill. Mississippi Col¬
lege and University of the South
were among the 30 schools rep¬
resented in the Tournament.
. . . Especially during the holiday season. Adding ornaments te one
of the many trees making the campus festive, are I te r, Linda
Payne, Glenda Evans, and Jane Stillings.
... A hint for 'ole St. Nick never
hurt. Hanking an empty stocking
with care in hopes that . . . to
Dell Flowers.
Christmas Vacation Begins Today ,
Climaxes Week's Yule Festivities
Campus Christmas activities cli¬
max with the dismissal of classes
or the holidays this afternoon.
The official beginning of the
Christmas vacation is 5 pm.;
classes will resume at 8 a.m. on
Monday. January 6.
Preparations for the holiday sea-
lumberland Law School T
fo New Home During Holidays
•w the holidays, the law school
1 move into the new Memory
to Robinson Hall Beginning
I January, the building will be
We as class space for law
*ew building will house the
present enrollment of 120
’ r»im for at least another hun-
1 students
Hall was named in
of the late Birmingham
гон у
wh,, served as a member
[ Howard's Board of Trustees for
a Quarter of a century and
' was instrumental in the reloca-
f °f Cumlierland Law School at
dipped with every modern
to encourage and aid
of the law. it is a place
I lormi,! beauty
l'n air-conditioning system for
Hall will he operated by
mental pool and fountain
J lr“* of the building.
['“M door facilities including the
faculty offices and
.A lounge and locker
’me moot court room are pan-
black walnut.
appointed court-
and equipped so
slate and federal courts may
sessions in it The seating ca-
ly B SM, and judge's eham-
^ jury room adjoin the
I hall.
L,w library
David Winning ar looks over (he neaHy-complefed law library
where he will be doing his research
me holidays.
The main floor and
son on campus have been varied.
The Women's Residence Halls
Christinas party, held Dec. 12. fea¬
tured the selection of hall sweet¬
Recognized at the all-campus
gathering were Mickey Castleber¬
ry. Herman Cobb. Wayne Atche-
son. Rafael McDaniel. Bob Nip[>er.
Richard Queen, John Davis. Hut
Har|»er. Johnny Jones. Don Lytle.
Ronnie Simms. Bill Troutman. Jer¬
ry Matthews. Paul Miller, and
Rusty Ryan. -v
Under the sponsorship of Alpha
Phi Omega, an all-campus deco¬
rating party Saturday night raised
a 21 foot-tall Christmas tree in
the cafeteria. The tree and other
ornaments will be used by various
groups who will use the college
facilities during the holidays.
BSU-backed projects for the holi¬
days included a Christmas party
for the janitorial employees of the
college on Tuesday, a carol sing
on Wednesday night, and a Christ¬
mas sunrise service this morning.
Thursday night's Christmas ban¬
quet featured a student talent pro¬
gram. carol singing, and the selec¬
tion of Miss Christmas Spirit. Ad¬
ministration officials who were
present also participated in the
program and Dr. Leslie S. Wright
gave his official Christmas message
to the student body at the event.
Dell Flowers. Miss Christmas
Spirit, was selected by the Men's
Dorm staff.
Sigma Nu's annual Christmas
tree lighting in front of the library
was held Wednesday night.
Open house at both men's and
women's residence halls yesterday
included selections for the best dec-
TTie Jan. 6 resumption of cU
es will be closely followed by
beginning of dead week and fi
examinations on Jan. 17.
Chorus Gives
Yule Concert
Howard's Male Chorus and A
Choir will be featured in
ert on several radio
TV programs in the coming
Cappella C
Excerpts from the Howard
Christmas show will be seen on
the Morning Show from 7 until
8 30 on Channel Six. This was
shown originally on December 7.
broadcast from the chapel, and
will be on in entirety again on
Christinas Morning from 5 until 6.
The program will also he on
WBRC Radio on December 25 from
10:30 until 11:30 p.m.
A special 30 minute show on
WAPI Radio featuring the male
chorus only will be played on
Sunday December 22 from 1:30 un¬
til 2 p.m
The Christmas show will be seen
all over the state on ETV on
Christmas night at nine o'clock. It
will be carried on educational chan¬
nels 2. 7. 10. and 26.
On the second floor are the law li¬
brary, classrooms, additional facul¬
ty offices, seminar rooms, librar¬
ians offices and a book
lab ’
The library has a
around three sides with the
north side free to admit natural
light. The main floor ana mez¬
zanine provide space for 100 read¬
ers and 51.000 volumes.
Future library acquisitions will
go to the unfinished third floor
where additional classroom and of¬
fice space will be provided when
Most campus facilities will close
for the entire holiday period. The
library will be open on Dec. 21
from 9 a.m. to 12: on Dec. 26. 27.
30 and 31: and on Jan. 3 and 4
for the convenience of students.
Hours of operation will be 8 a.m.
to 4:* pm- Samfo
Dr. Roy McClain, pastor of
the First Baptist Church of At¬
lanta. will be the guest speak¬
er at the all-campus convoca¬
tion January 8.
Newsweek Magazine has vot¬
ed Dr. McClain one of the na¬
tion's top ten preachers.
Serving in other capacities.
Dr. McClain has been Baptist
Hour radio speaker and is au¬
thor of several books
Dr. McClain will be here
through the Ruhama Bible Con¬
ference in Birmingham.
ri ! ij T