. . . Pleat* put my name i
Lowery as Friendship-Twirp
book says Glenda Rayburn to Charles
draws near and boys run out.
17 Organizations Vie
Friday In Step Sing
Girls Do The Asking For
Friendship-Twirp Week
Competition will be keen as cam¬
pus organizations vocalize their
way toward Step Sing trophies Fri¬
day night. March 15. at 7:00 in the
This year. 17 groups will be
competing for the four trophies
which will be awarded to winnes in
the class, sorority, fraternity, and
miscellaneous divisions.
Judges will be Everett Holley.
WAPl - TV announcer: Norman
Chase, minister of music at Central
Park Baptist Church: and Mrs. W.
C. Bentley, president of the Alle¬
gro Music Club and organist at
South Avondale Baptist Church
Additional entertainment will be
furnished by a “Barbershop" quar¬
tet composed of Dr. I F. Simmons,
Mr. Russell Donalson. Mr. Ben
Connell, and Dr Nathan Stott.
The organizations entering the'
contest are the Freshman, Sopho¬
more. Junior, and Senior classes.
Pi Kappa Alpha. Pi Kappa Phi.
Sigma Nu. Lambda Chi Alpha,
Delta Sigma Phi. Phi Mu, Alpha
Delta Pi. Beta Sigma Omicron. and
Della Zeta. Also competing are
YWA’s. Methodist Student Move
ment, and the "H" Club.
Committee members for the
Step Sing, which is sponsored by
the Associated Women Students,
are Colleen Latham, chairman;
Catherine Bryant. Joe An H i 1 1.
Kay Calfee. and Tana Lee Vaughn.
Rowe Fund
On The Way
A total of $120 has been con¬
tributed so far to the Jack Rowe
Memorial Fund which is to be used
to buy a harpsicord for the college
music department.
Dr. Newton Strandberg is chair¬
man of the committee to investi¬
gate price and other aspects of ac¬
quiring a harpsicord.
Joe Burt is chairman of the com¬
mittee to raise funds. The commit¬
composed of Male Chorus
member*. 5 1 IV L
The group will present concerts
in Atlanta, Greenville. Charleston.
Chattanooga, Nashville. Knoxville.
Attalla and Tuseumbia.
The program is divided into six
»rts. including “Now Let All the
havens Adore Thee." “Praise We
Smg to Thee". "Prepare the Way,"
"Swd Forth Thy Spirit."
' Now Thank we All Our God."
A Mighty Fortress." “Immortal.
Invisible," "Savior Again to Thy
"Ezekiel Saw the Wheel." "Were
Vou There." "The Golden Harp."
™Jy Manna ”
‘The Beautitudes." “Psalm 150."
*aise .G°d in His Holiness".
Children of the Heavenly Father."
Charlotte* n". "Sour Wood
Mountain", “Cindy". “I Want a
,1: "With a Little Bit of
!?ch '■ "Autumn Leaves". “YouH
fjever Walk Alone" and "Battle
“>mn of the Republic."
Howards Friendship - TWIRP
Week, a week where smiles are
brighter, and bashful girls and
broke boys lake new hope, will
begin its activities Monday. March
TWIRP Week, which simply
means that The Woman Is Re¬
quested To Pay. will be the setting
for several campus-wide events
which have been planned to bring
the student body closer together.
All in the spirit of friendship,
faculty members and students will
vie in a basketball clash Tuesday
night. March 12th at 3:00. Joining
the faculty ranks will be Mr. Undy
Martin. Dr Bill Lunceford. Mr
Leven Hazlegrove. and Dr Ruric
Wheeler, with Dr. Nathan Stott' as
captain. The student team will
compose their rival team.
Another game will he carried on
between women faculty members
and administrative assistants, and
girl students.
Thursday night's Twirp Week
Banquet ushers in the presenta¬
tion of Mr. and Miss Friendship.
Organization nominations, for the
friendliest gjrl and boy student and
man and woman teacher are due
in the office of Student Affairs to¬
day Taking the awards last year
were Joel Hitt. Molly Hodges. Dr
Hulcee Acton, and Mrs Mary
"If you're allergic to daffodils
you had better not come to the
banquet." warned Vonnie Manring.
decorations chairman. The ban¬
quet, which will begin at 6 00 in
the cafeteria, will have as its em¬
cee Ed Abies Entertainment will
include the singing and guitar
antics of Ed Porter and Joe Burt.
Jack Snell and Friends, a read¬
ing by Mozella Pettus. Owen Lay
and his combo, and the "Phi Mu¬
Closing out the week will be the
Step Sing, featuring singing groups
from various campus organiza¬
tions. It will be held at 7 00. March
15th. in the gymnasium.
Faculty director of Friendship
Twirp Week activities. Lindy Mar¬
tin. expressed a belief that "From
the plans it looks as if this is going
to be the best Twirp Week we
have ever had."
Development Council Reports
Campaign Total At $155,000
$8.525 in new pledges and con¬
tributions were reported at the last
meeting of the Development Coun¬
cil bringing the campaign total to
Included in the most recent con¬
tributions was a_$5000 pledge from
the Bank for Savings
In thanking W. T. Cothran,
idem of the Bank for
and Trust, for the pledge. Dr. Les¬
lie S. Wright said.
"I want to express to you my
own deep personal appreciation
and that of our entire academic
for your generous
pledge . . We are also grateful
to you and your associates for the
splendid assistance you are giving
us as members of our Development
This has been most mean-
n the success of our pro-
March 13 at a 7:30 aun.
Optimistic about the further suc¬
cess of the current campaign to
raise $800.000, Mr. Courtney point¬
ed out that:
“Fifty-one prospects gave $167,-
700 in the 1956-57 campaign. These
T. Courtney. Director of
Development, announced that the
same fifty-one pros|>ects have giv¬
en $33(1550 in the current eam-
" These figures seem lo in-
that other contributors will
also give more in the current drive.
Mr. Courtney is emphasizing the
many community businesses who
have already given in the 1962-63
development program listed some
of the recent contributors: The
terminating Co.. Byrd Real Estate
Co.. Elton B. Stephens Foundation.
Joy Young's. Ollies Barbeque,
Voice of Dixie, Clean Linen Serv¬
ice. Watkins Morrow and Co., Mar-
ing Crawford Motor O.. and Gur-c.
ley's Insurance. mTOTuUI
. . . Tom York (on beck) works out as Pat Barnes and Coach James
SHarman watch. Mr. York and Miss Barnes will present their "Morn-
-9 Show" from Seibert Gym March IMS. an Channel i. Several
hundred Howardites will be featured in the telecasts.
Channel 6 To Telecast
Howard PE Activities
The excitement of the televi¬
sion world will come to Howard
nest week when more than 300
Howard students make up the cast
of WBRC-TV's live production from
Seibert Rail.
Channel 6's "Morning Show" fee-
luring Tom York and Pat Barnes
will telecast a special physical
fitness series direct from the How¬
ard gymnasium March 11-15. from
7 to * a m.
Governor George C Wallace has
proclaimed March 11-15 as "Physi¬
cal Fitness Week." and will person¬
ally lead Howard studenLs in exer¬
cises Thursday morning. Tuesday's
4*cial guest will be University of
Alabama's head football coach Paul
Bear" Bryant.
Joining Tom York as co-host of
the event will be Howard's Athletic
Director James Sharman Students
will appear on the show in mass
exercises from the basketball
court, and in demonstrations of
Male Chorus
Plans Tour
Howard's Male Chorus will leave
during the spring holidays to begin
is second annual spring tour, un-
detlhedirection of Mr. Jerry
water polo, synchronized swim¬
ming. diving, basketball, badmin¬
ton. volleyball and handball and
All programs will be open to the
public Mr. George Smith, Howard
co-ordinator of the program, espe¬
cially urged students to attend
"It is very seldom that an op|«»r-
tunity occurs for students to see a
live television production in the
making, and it is ever rarer for
such an event to be right here on
campus. I think that Howard's stu¬
dents would certainly enjoy attend¬
ing at least one of the shows,". Mr.
Smith said.
which are
"For several years there have
been numerous reports concerning
the lack of physical preparedness
on the part of American youth.
These reports have ranged from
a comprehensive survey from serv¬
ice training
Navy, and
in the
“Our desire
way begin to
of the Army,
to reports
this Alabama
Week is to
and in a small
out a solution."
VOLUME 48— NO 21
MARCH 8, 1963