Volume 47
Number 14
Dean Makes Statement
On Cafeteria Problem
In answer to questions and
protests from students con¬
cerning the food and service
in the college cafeteria, Dr.
William Pratt Dale, II, Dean
of Students, issued a state¬
ment to the campus press
The statement came after
meetings and discussions with
representatives of the student
body, faculty, administration
and cafeteria management
earlier this week.
Dean Dale’s statement reads:
1. At the time the College
moved to the new campus in
1957, a decision was made by
the trustees and the adminis¬
tration that the best method of
providing food service would be
to lease the operation to a
thoroughly competent and re¬
liable concern. Accordingly,
bids on the operation were tak¬
en and the contract was award¬
ed to Southern Caterers. The
contract provides that the op¬
erators are completely respons¬
ible to the College in the food
service operation and the ad¬
ministration has a continuing
concern that the operation be
th best possible.
2. The Business Manager of
the College is the administra¬
tive officer who works direct¬
ly with the food service op-
e r a t
r s. Any suggestions,
comments, or criticisms re¬
garding the food service can
and should be made to the
Dean of Students through
the Food Committe on which
there are representatives of
the student body, the faculty
and the administration. The
Food Committee makes reg¬
ular reports to the Dean of
Students who immediately
files these reports with the
Business Manager and the
food service operators. Un¬
der the established proced¬
ure the cafeteria manage¬
ment is required to acknowl¬
edge and answer such mem¬
oranda on the day received.
The Food Committee also has
authority to bring comments,
suggestions and crit'cisms
to the desires and tastes of the
academic community.
In crcer that this procedure
may produce the best results, it
is necessary that any com¬
ments, suggestions or criticisms
concerning the food be made
directly to the Food Commit¬
tee. Dr. Lee Allen serves as
Chairman of the Committee
and the Committee will take
immediate action on any such
advices it receives.
The foregoing paragraphs
deal almost exclusively with
the responsibilities of the
food service operators. In or¬
der for the system to work
proper'v, however, certain re¬
sponsibilities must also be
assumed by members cf the
academic community. Among
these are the following:
1. No individual should get
in the cafeteria line without
having in his possession a meal
ticket or cash with which to
pay for his meal. If a meal
ticket is lost, the Individual los¬
ing the ticket can obtain a new
one for $1.00 frcm the cafe¬
teria operators. There will be
a table in the main cafeteria
for this purpose. If the old
ticket turns up at a later date,
it will be taken up by the cash¬
ier. The reasons for this are
2. Every effort is being made
to accelerate the movement of
the lines in the cafeteria so
that no person will be required
to remain in line more than
fifteen minutes. This is a max¬
imum figure and every effort
will continue to be made to re¬
duce this time. 8ervice is on &
first come first served basis.
No student should break into
the line. Both lines will be kept
open as long as tl>ere is a suf¬
ficient demand for this to be
3. There is no excuse for
bad manners in the cafeteria.
For this reason, what is con¬
sidered to be acceptable con¬
duct in any respectable eat¬
ing establishment will be re¬
quired in the College cafe¬
teria. All College rules will
be enforced by members of
the staff of the office of Stu¬
dent Personnel Services.
4 As a result of suggestions
made by members of the stu¬
dent body, semester meal tic¬
kets will be issued next fall on
the basis of five-day or seven-
day weeks as the student my
desire. Thus, those student*
who wish to be away from the
campus on weekends will be
required to purchase only those
meals which they will be pres¬
ent to eat.
As Dean of Students. I am
ccnfldent that with the full
cooperation of all concerned,
the cafeteria will continue to
make a valuable contribution to
the total college program.
Howard students are staging the Christmaa pageant at
Dawson Memorial baptist Church Sunday night at 7:30.
Students portraying the Biblical account of the adora¬
tion of the Christ are. left to right. Tommy Smith. Tom¬
my Blaci . David Glaxner and Tim Hodge*.
_ - .
. — --.—V.- ue noi.aay Dreaxiast -and last
and of Chrl.'tmas! night 'fas the annual Women's
His ride through Christmas Residence Hall party,
ilea will b<- envlsicned by Tonljht the band will be
nany boys and girls waiting feted La the traditional Chrlst-
or "their special wislu” But mas spirit at the home of the
m at Howard, even though bandmaster. Mr. Floyd McCoy,
'most of oi. r students” no Monday through Wednesday
onger drean: jingle
sleigh Chrlstnas will- be emphasized
des. college students
till have with special meditations at
Christmas fun. Morning Watch.
Starting Dec. 7 the holiday Tuesday BSU sponsors its
«son officiary opened. Ap- yearly party for the colored
iropriate owners wi re the help or the campus. The party
iitudent Deans who hac Christ- will be' in the lounge of the
ms dinner at Cobb Line and Men’s Residence Hall,
exchanged gifts. On t ie lflth also will be the
The follo ving nigl.t BSU campus Christmas dinner and
iponsorec an All- Campus carol s-liging.
'Christmas Pirty as the Won- The Male Chorus wtll social -
ilcrful Week-End feature, for lze with their annual party
‘he season Tuesda i night.
Howard Joins 'Southern
To Sponsor Debate Tourney
Memphis F.tate was the vie- Howard was Dean Fadely. who
Isr when IntTcolleeiat? debat- placed third In the after-din-
Choirs Greet Christmas
In All-Campus Convocation
“From Heaven Above to Earth I Come.” will be the theme for the
campus-wide Christmas Convocation in Seibert Hall next Wednesr
The combined program of Christmas music by the various
Howard choirs will Include numbers by the Ladies’ Chorus, directed
by Mrs. Kathleen Martinson; the Male Chorus. Mr. Jack Rowe; the
Chapel Choir, student directors; and the A Cappella Choir, directed
by Dr. George Koskl.
Thp program will end with two numbers performed by the
mass choir.
The Howard Auxiliary will hear the Christmas musical program
In the Chapel December 18. at 11 a an.