JtWiL •
APRIL 6-12
Volume 44
Howard College, March 20, 1959
Number 24
“Birthday In Venice”
Bares Campus Talent
The cast for the forthcoming production of "Birthday in
Venice" has been announced and production dates have been
*t for May 6-9.
The play will display talents of
the campus in all theatrical
aspects. Mrs. True Robinson of
the Art Department wrote the
script based on an incident from
Goldoni's "Mistress of the Inn.”
Miss Helen Steer, of the Speech
and Dramatic Arts Department
will direct the play and Bill Nu¬
gent, assistant professor of mu-
lie, has composed the music.
Martin Buckner of the Birming¬
ham Civic Ballet will direct the
choreography and will dance the
port of Eros.
Janis Hombuckle, a junior
from Decatur, will have the lead.
She will play Mirandolina, a
young innkeeper who is constant¬
ly being pursued by all the eli¬
gible occupants of the inn.
Ben Hickman of Enterprise will
play Fabrizio, the main interest
in Mirandolina’s life. Playing
the cavalier is Gordon Bryars of
Atmore. The Count will be play¬
ed by Curtis Morrison, Lafayette,
Ind., and the Marquis by Ingram
Gomillion, Montgomery .
Other major roles include the
three sisters who work at the
inn and will be played by Shir¬
ley Garland v^nd Marie Molay,
both of Birmingham, and Mil¬
dred Nelson, Troy. Robert
Daniell, Birmingham, will be
seen as Alberto; Jim Burton, Bir¬
mingham, as the nephew. Gayle
Hyle, Birmingham, will play the
cook; Jodie Davidson, Birming¬
ham, the Countess; and Bob
Naanes, Bessemer, the pageboy.
Others in the cast will be Mary
Alice Beatty, Gail McKinstry and
Eddie Carter, all of Birmingham;
Grethel Gardner, Selma; Virginia
Biddle, Anniston; Tommy Bod¬
kin, Greenville, S. C.; Charles
Sims, Fayette; Jack Merrill, Mo¬
bile; and Ned Russell, Louisville,
Charles Gammill, president of I. F. C., is busy work out plans for Greek Week which will
be held the Wek of April 6-13.
Others working out the retails for the cup and coming week ar from left to right: Richard
Barnett, Mina Butler, Sharon Lambert, Marion Clark: Richard Barnett, Mina Butler, Sharon
Lambert, Marion Clark, Woody Atchinson, Ingram Gomillion, Doug Smith, Jim Braden, Julia
Alice Grenade, Jim Sumner, and Buzzy Satterwhite.
Brotherhood Banquet
Plans “Greatest” Theme
by Frank Harwell
Staff Writer
“The Greatest of These” is the theme for the annual Brother¬
hood banquet, which will take place at the Dawson Memorial
Baptist Church Friday, April 10, at 7:30 p.m.
The ever-witty Dr. Hugh Bailey
will emcee the affair, which will
feature music, some music, more
music, and, to climax the eve¬
ning, Dr. Nelson Hicks, president
of the Bessemer Associational
Brotherhood, will speak.
Tickets are on sale now, avail-
•ble from any B. S. U. Greater
Council member. Only 160 tickets
will be sold, so don’t be without
The price: $2.25- a couple; and
here’s a note for some of you
boys who may be interested; you
can come stag if you wish.
Entertaining us will be such ar¬
tists as the “Dorm Mates.” the
“Faculty Quartet" and Soloist
Billy Turner.
Semi-formal will be the dress.
Kickoff time is 7:30 p.m. April
10— Friday, that is.
Fourth Annual Greek Week
Will Be Held April 6 - 12
During this week the fraternities and sororities have a host of activities planned that will
explain the purpose and activities of the Greek letter organizations. 0
The Chapel and Morning Watch Committee of the Greeks will supply the speakers for
Chapel and Morning Watch during the week. Pi Kappa Alpha will furnish the morning watch
speaker for Monday, April 6. At
Oak Ridge Physicist
Speaks Here Tuesday
Dr. S. I. Auerbach, of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, will
speak at Howard College on the subject of radioactive waste
on Tuesday March 24, at 7: 00 p.m.
on Tuesday, March 24, at 7 p.m.
Addressing a meeting of the
«ta Bela Beta, biology frater¬
nity, Dr. Auerbach will have as
n« topic, “Ecological Research in
Radioactive Waste Areas.” As a
«ember of the Health Physics
Division at Oak Ridge, Tenn., Dr.
Auerbach is well qualified as a
speaker in this area of knowl¬
He has attended the University
of Illinois, Northwestern Univer¬
sity. and taught at Roosevelt
University before going to Oak
The public is invited to the lec-
which will be held in Room
203 Ingalls HalL
Greeks Parade
April 6-12
the Morning Watch service at
7:30 a.m. Dr. Arthur Walker will
speak. Mr. Jack Peyton, an alum¬
ni of Delta Sigma Phi, will speak
at the Monday Chapel program.
Mrs. Katherine Lackmond will
speak for Phi Mu at the Tuesday
Morning Watch program. Wed¬
nesday’s speaker for Morning
Watch will be Mrs. Jack Mackay,
of Delta Zeta. Mrs. Lamar Jack-
son, of Alpha Delta PI, will speak
at Wednesday’s Chapel period.
Sigma Nu’s guest speaker at
Thursday’s Morning Watch will
be A. P:. Longshore. Rev. J. H.
Butler will bring the message at
Friday’s Morning Watch for BSO.
Friday’s Chapel speaker will be
Horton Shamble, representing
Lambda Chi Alpha.
There will be a panel discus¬
sion held at one of the four fra¬
ternity houses each night during
the week. The campus will be In¬
vited to attend. The panel mem¬
bers for Monday night’s discus¬
sion, which will be held at the
Lambda Chi house, will be Mr.
Harold Knight, Lambda Chi; Mr.
George Koski, Lambda Chi; Mrs.
Thomas Dozier, Jr., Alpha Delta
Pi; and Mrs. Luther T. Robertson,
Aloha Delta Pi.
The discussion will be held at
the Pike house on Tuesday of the
week. Members of the panel will
be Mrs. Leila Brown, B. S. O.;
Dr. William Murray, B. S. O. fac¬
ulty advisor; Mr. J. Beasley Wil¬
liams. Pike; and Mr. Lindy Mar¬
tin, Pike representative.
Wednesday night’s discussion
will be held at the Delta Sigma
Phi house. Members for the occa¬
sion will be Mrs. James Hood,
Delta Zeta; Miss Elizabeth Ritch¬
ey, Delta Zeta; Mr. Fred Wolfe,,
Delta Sig; and Mr. Earl Pruitt,
Delta Sig.
Thursday night’s discussion
will be held at the Sigma Nu
house. Members of the panel will
be Mr. G. Allen Yeomans, Phi
Mu advisor: Mrs. Travis Ellis, Phi
Mu; A. P. Longshore, Sigma Nu;
and Fred Orange, Sigma Nu.
A presentation will be held at
the end of the week's activities
where the Greek God and God¬
dess will be crowned. Candidates
for Greek God and Goddess are
Nelda Chadwick and Crosby Rea¬
gan, from Alpha Delta Pi; Bill
Wise and Nancy James, from
Beta Sigma Omicron; Stevie
Khare and Doc Ussery, from Del¬
ta Zeta; Dean Copeland and Rich¬
ard Smith, Phi Mu; Sam Savage
and Marie Salamone, from Delta
Sigma Phi; Jim Sumner and Judy
Breckenrldge, Lambda Chi Alpha;
Joe Milazzo and Gail Wells, Pi
Kappa Alpha; and Jasper Jenkins
and Julia Alice Grenade, from
Sigma Nu.
A Phi
Elect Officers
Alpha Phi Omega service fra¬
ternity recently pledged several
new members.
Members of the pledge class
are: John Crook, Jimmy Parker,
Andy Redmon, Richard Sadler,
Dick Hambrice, Claiborne Seier,
Carey Wallace, Joe Allen, Larry
Armstrong, Gary Wolfskin, and
Bob Barker.
The pledge class voted James
A. Clarke as the name of their
pledge class. Newly elected offi¬
cers are Larry Armstrong, presi¬
dent; Joe Allen, vice president;
Gary Wolfskill, secretary-treas-
Well, here It b Friday again,
and the last Friday In the month
that you folks will see a Crimson.
Next week b mid-term and
there will be no Crimson. The
staff members claim they have
to bone up for those exams.
Stupid folks.
Heard the talent show last
week was really great and Nancy
Neilson, Gail Hyle, and John
Buraon stole the show. Quite a
Tonight the Delta Zeta’s win
hold their annuel presentation at
the Vestavia Country Club. All
Greeks are invited to be there
from 9-12.
Monday after the holidays b
the beginning of Greek Week
and according to the news It b to
be the best yet The Greeks will
take over everything during this
period. At their presentation they
will announce Greek God and
Goddess for the year.
urer, and Carey Wallace, pubUc-
ity chairman.
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