Volume 44
Howard College, October 10, 1958
Number 6
Coeds Seek Crown
1 1
YKI HKAH YKI Latest flash new* op HOMK-
l OMINOl Korty-two wonderful end beautiful Howard co-eds
bare bent nominated for Mlaa llnmtrmtiltiir
by various
«rganiratlons on the rampu*
Preliminary elections will be
Hold Tuesday and Wednesday,
October 14 and 19 In front of
(he library, at which time 10
(Inallst* will Ire selected
Ity this time probably all of
you have seen the picture dis¬
play of the 41 candidate* which
* In the "Doghouae" Bo, look
the *lrl* over and go vote for (jv-
in on October 14-19. v,«
(See page 4 for Pictures)
nomlneea and their spon¬
soring organisation* are a* fol¬
low*: Mary Ethel Horn, Helen
Huntley, Ann Bowles, Gloria
Kirkland, and Kelli Oross, Hon¬
orary Dorm repreaenlallvea;
Mvlaryn PHiaelle. RBI I Choir;
Judith Dean, Sophomore Clam;
Nelda Chadwick. Phi Della Chi;
Julia Alice Grenede, PI Kappa
Alpha and Sigma Nu: Rettye
Thomaa, A Pff A; Jean Hayea.
Kappa Pal; Buale Como,
Newman Club; Kalle Parnell.
Brotherhood; Joyce Crump, Al¬
pha Kappa Pdi Margie Craig.
Tan Kappa Alpha; Mary Ellsa-
beth Jonea, Lambda Chi Alpha;
AubH Olaaa. Delta Blama Phi;
Desna Findley, Wealey fellow
Marlha Coa, SNEA; Martha
Sutherland, Acapella Choir;
Sue Clemente. Usher’* Club;
tllnHa Kirkland. Bpanlah Club:
Sue Townaend, Alpha Delta PI;
Joy Gentry, Delta Seta; Georgia
Daniel, Delta Otnlcrmi; Anne
Monro. I,adlea Chorua; Linda
Mnrrtaon, Tau Beta Sigma;
Jackie Turner. Clvlnrum; Caro-
l rn Veager, phi Mu; Mary Ethel
Horn, Ela E potion; Pal Pettey,
WIA; Alice Glynn, YWA; Ban
Hra Bmlth, Theta Alpha Phi;
Julia Ann Gunnel*. Mlaalon
Band; Martha Roper. English
* Tub; Carolyn Plummer. Kappa
pal Inn; Reggie Keene,
WHGA; Ronnie Buckner. Re
hgtmia Drama Guild; Linda
Jonea, Girl'» Dorm; Gall Hyle,
Kappa Phi Kappa; Bhlrley Gar
•and, M A; Anne Henderaon,
KnnnrflyV Works
I pr I ii ml At Opening
The general public la cordially
Invited »o attend the formal open¬
ing of the Pine Arta Building of
Howard College, Bunday after¬
noon. October II, from 1:90 uoUl
Mo pm
Pouring and aaalatlng at Ur# tea
he Mr* I
**||* В
Mr* Harwell Q. Davla. Mr*
Trank Bam ford. Mra Clara Rice,
Mr* John Fincher and Deen
Margaret Blaemore.
The tea will honor Mm. Dorla
Wslnwrtght Kennedy, whoae one
almw will be ethlbltod
"'rough November
Well, here we go again with
our little new* from the nnae col
After four weeka the general
roMcenatta of 'The Steeple la "It
atlnka." We all can't be Henrietta
Heartbeat* The ateeple like#
people. But If that'a what you
want that'a what you wilt get
The South Alabama Pair waa
the heat yet according in report*
from certain Howardllea who at¬
tended the gala event Hunter
Draper, a aenlor from Monlgnm
ery. really aeerned lo enjoy the
bumper car* at the fair He
went every night Juat to ride the
bumper car* Muat have been es-
lleward'a answer to Teh Hun
ter, Buthern Blm*. la quite upael
irver the fart that he hnan't been
mentioned In Henrietta Heartbeat
once thl* year Too had S'llhem,
you Juat haven't done anything
exciting, hut your day will come
Heard that Reed Polh la taking
up wreatllng llieae days III* flrat
eaperleoce waa aucceaaful a* he
came out over Hunter ''Bumper
car*' Diaper.
The I4.W.O.C. recently had their
flrat meeting of the year.
Gartman waa reelected president
of thla eaclualve little organisa¬
tion. Harold "hee hee" Holder
will be vlca president and Tom
"Entre Noua" Cleveland, Secre
7. PennH favorite day la Fri-
day. Guess why? ft rhymes with
What I want to knew la when
la 1.0 0. going to let out the new*
as to why they eglatf
Since Lynn Wevta has token up
the guitar, John Burann ha* been
searching for a new pastllme
After all there are no gtrla left
after Davla wow* them all. Heard
he recently clelmed that fourteen
girl* called him In one week. By
the way, Buraon'a new pa*ttrne
la hula-hooping Man, la he the
Well, that's about
for thla
week Henrietta stole the root of
my copy
Changes In Homecoming
Two change* have been made in the Homecoming
1. Homecoming display# <m (he camptla will lie judged
»• Я
dO a in. Saturday, Ottdber M Inatrad ni 7 W pin on
Kriday night. Therefore, all displays imisi l»e ready hy
V) a m October IS.
i The paradeiwlll heglu at
Instead of 10:00 a m.
s« previously announced.
Rev. Ueorge Ragley, State Training Onion Director, and Dr. Harold 8ever. paator of
the Dauphin Way Bapttot Church of Mobile, are shown presenting a check for |S,U7I to Presi¬
dent Leslie Wright
The check, which represents I0| individual gifts, will gn to boost the Howard College
Chapel-Kellgloua Kducatlon Blind, This gift la part of the pledge made by the Mobile Baptist
Association. Kerb association in the state has pledged a certain amount to the fund.
Dauphin Wuy Presents
Check lo Religious fund
A rherk fur 9.4, 1171 from the Itotjphhi Wav Baptist Chttrrh
u( Middle, leptwuting lOi Individual gift*, has boosted the
Howard College Chapel Mcllgioi
RIB 1 ,*00 IB. Thl* total represent*
over half of Utg $900,000 goal for
the religion* building The entire
cost of construction la set at WOO,.
000 for the building of which
$900, two will come from the Ala¬
bama Baptist Blate Convention
and the other 1900,000 from the
state wide pledgee.
The building will hnuae a
chapel with seating for
ple, clesa room* for all rellgloua
courses, offices of the Department
of Bible nod Religious Education,
Kdurntion Ptind to
hrlatlan Training,
building will be located to
ght of the Harwell G Davla
ry and Juat behind the R!
Building While holding all
the religious claatea, the building
will be the center of all student
religious activities such a* morn¬
ing watch, vespers. Mlaalon Band,
and Agape It will also contain
prayer room* for solitary prayer
and prayer mates
Miss Entre Nous To
Be Crowned Nov. 13th
The Miss Rntrs Neu* Beauty I’agrant tins been «Hied
tiled fur H pm Thursday, November 1.1, at Shades Valley High
Kadi organisation will aelecl one girl to represent (1 In
the contest.
The qualifications are as fol¬
I She may be a freshman, soph
outer*, Junior or aenlor, In¬
cluding transfer student*
% flhe must have an over all av¬
erage of I point
9 Bhe must Intend to remain In
Howard College all of the
1999-99 academic year. When
you name your candidate and
enter her In the contest, your
organ Iratlon thereby confirm*
that she will, be enrolled In
Howard during both semesters
of 1999-99. "
4 former Miss Entre Nans' are
not eligible tn enter the con¬
■ach candidate's name muat be
turned In lo Dean Slremore’s of¬
fice not later (ban Monday, Or
tober IT, 1999
Each girl must submit an
portrait to i
• either Deen Blr.emore'e
or to Mra. Myrs Coreoran
In Public Relations Office by Fri¬
day, October 91, 1999. These «pfe-
tlirea will then be sent to Miss
Gall Patrlrk of Hollywood. Call-
fornla, a Howard alumna, and she
will Select 'Moat Photogenic '
Other divisions In the contest
are: ’Moat Beautiful In Evening
Gowk’, Best Looking In Sports
wear*, 'Miss Congeniality' (To be
selected by the candidates).*
For Year
PI Ksppa Alpha Fraternity Im*
elected new officers for both the
artlves and the pledge claae.
Active officers are Doc Ussery.
Kldent; Joe Milano, vice pres
t; Jim Braden, secretory:
Tommy Anderson, treasurer:
Gene Martin, historian; Pete
Hanna, sergeant at arms; and Bill
Boykin, Chaplain.
Pledge officers are Roy Bar
net», president; Jim Smetaglla,
vice president; Robert Dillard,
secretary; John Nordan, trees
Uter; Wny Bandy, historian; and
Bill Klelh, sergeant at arms
Dp. George V. Iron*
Given Certificate
At the recent Stale Convention
of the Alabama Division of the
Children of the Confederacy, a
certificate of appreciation was
awarded to Dr. George V. Irons.
Head of the Department of His
This certificate was amnna the
very first awards of this char
actor made by this nrgaoltalinn
In the citation, appreciation Is
pressed for the historic and pa
trlntle material* made available
by Dr. Irons for the programs of
the various Chapter* of the Chll
dren of the Confederacy,
Makes Plans
The preliminary Judging will
л й
n •
be held al a Judges'
nn Frl- At Breakfast
day. November 1, beginning at 9
In the 9rd floor lounge of
Women'* Residence Hall. Here all
girls will be Judged In evening
gowns. Bern! finalist* will be an¬
nounced at tba close of ilia tau.
Thoae chosen as semi -finalists
will be judged In street wear
(suit! and street dresses), sports¬
wear (Jamalcas or hermudas),
and evening gowns again. Later
they will be Judged at lunch on
etiquette, poise and charm.
The Howard College Brother
hood met on September 94, at
9:49 a m Attending the meeting
were approslmatelf one hundred
men students
Brotherhood President. Jnhn
Estes, presided and told of some,
of the plans for the year, Other
officers for this veer are: Wslter
Johnson snd Charles Oimfnlll,
program vice-presidents; Paul
(Continued on Page Ii
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