Open House
Girls Dorm
Volume 43
Organization Shots For
Annual Begin Monday
Organization pictures will be made for the Entre Nous on
January 14 and IS.
The schedule will be set up similar to last year’s operation
and will run continually during
the two days. Students will be
excused from daane during the
time the pictures are being made,
u necessary.
Prices are $16. half page, $06,
one page and $80, two pages.
Tour group will be scheduled
temporarily, but if you do not
wish to appear in the annual
please contact Public Relations
Office immediately.
Men are requested to wear
coats and ties; women, solid light
colored blouses. H-Club will
wear their jackets and choirs
will wear robes.
Individual fraternity pictures,
and any other organizations de-
iiring same, will be made during
chapel periods of January IS and
15. Fraternity group pictures will
be made along with other organi¬
Sorority individual pictures will
be made January IS and 14 (Mon¬
day and Tuesday) evenings.
Group pictures will be made then.
Presidents of the individual or¬
ganizations are to return the
completed form to Tom Cleve¬
land in the PRO. Each group
head will receive a copy of
the form with complete instruc¬
tions in the mail.
1:50— Kappa Phi Kappa
2:00 — H-Club
2:10— Women’s Intramural As¬
2:20— Physical Education Majors
9:00 — Phi Alpha Theta
9:05— Phi Gamma Mu
9:10— International Relatione
9:25 — LP.Q.C.
9:30 — A. Ph. A.
9J5— Phi Delta Chi
9:45— Kappa Psi
0:56 — Lambda Kappa Sigma
10:00— CHAPEL
10:80— American Chemical So¬
10:35 — Mission Band
10:45 — Ministerial Assn.
10:55 — YWA
11:05 — Brotherhood
11:15— Agape
11:25 — Wesley Foundation
— Hypatia
11:40 — Chapel Choir
11:50 — Library Club
1:00— Pi Delta Phi
1:10— Spanish Club
0:10— Math Club
0:20 — FTA _ _ _
0:30 — Civiorum
0:38 — Ushers Club
0:40— Theta Alpha Phi
0:50— Masquers
10:00 — Religious Drama Guild
10:10 — Forensic Forum
10:16— Lambda Chi
10:26— Sigma Nu
10:35— Delta Sigma Phi
10:46— Pi Kappa Alpha
10:55 — Inter-Fraternity Council
11:00 — Panhellenic Council
11:10 — Ladies Chorus
1 1 :20 — Student Guild of Organists
11:30— Mu Alpha Chi
11:40— Kappa Pi
11:50— English Club
1 :00 — Business Women's Organi
1:10 — Omicron Delta Kappa
1:20 _ Trident
1:30 — Alpha Phi Omega
1:40— Kappa Delta Epsilon
1:20— Pharmacy Wives
NOTE: Band will be taken at
12:40 on Wedawday on the Park¬
ing Lot
Lottie Moon Drive
Still Progressing
In the midst of the rush and excitement of Howard’s first
Christmas on the new campus, students stopped to receive a
new perspective concerning the real spirit and meaning of
Realizing anew that “unto you
b born this day, in the city of
David a Savior, which ia Christ
the Lord" Howard students sought
to send these “good tidings of
great joy" unto the for corners
of the earth by giving to the Lot¬
tie Moon Christmas Offering for
Foreign Missions.
After twenty-five days em¬
phasis on foreign missions, stu¬
dents gathered on December 17,
1957, in the Library Auditorium
tor the all-campus Lottie Moon
Christmas Service. The inspire -
Uonal Mesaage was brought by
Kiss Marjorie Stith, State Young
People’s Secretary from Mont¬
Following the message, students
®ent forward to place their offer-
tog under a cross of candles, re¬
luming with a lighted candle.
— wiui a ugiucu wimci vwmv—
•ymbolizlng their desire to carry Dorm.
Christ, the Light of the world to
a world of darkness.
For many students, the giving of
this offering climaxed weeks of
sacrifice. Some ate fewer and
lighter meals for several weeks;
others did various jobs around the
dorms for fellow students for
which they received small fees;
and some even sold blood to
downtown hospitals.
The goal for Howard College is
$2,000, a part of the $5 million
goal of the entire Southern Bap¬
tist convention. This offering will
continue to be taken until the
week following ezcabs. This em¬
phasis on foreign missions is spon¬
sored by YWA and includes the
entire campus.
Anyone desiring to give who
does not know how to do so shall
contact Linda Jones, Women's
How wonderful it is to see all
you nice people again. In my idle
moments during the holidays I
was able to catch some interest¬
ing bits of information from my
friends, the winds. According to
these sources the two top dogs
on the Crimson staff became of¬
ficially engaged during the Yule-
tide. The North Wind told me
that Editor Carolyn Blackwell got
a stone from Roy Leeth, and Busi¬
ness Manager Wimpy Bethea pre¬
sented Nancy Harden with ditto.
It seems that Wimpy is going to
be sufficiently occupied with mar¬
ried life and and will not be able
to run for Editor in the spring
election. To our sweet Editor and
our loveable Business Manager 1
wish the best of everything.
My Loving Cup goes to the
Homewood Police. They are al
ways there when anything is
brewing. They keep law and
order on the Howard campus by
performing little services like in¬
terrupting a Carol Sing and
searching the car of the Brother¬
hood Vice-President These boys
in blue are really helpful and
The boys gave a “shower” to all
the dorm monlton just before the
holidays. Most of the monitors
took It as a joke. Some tried in
vain to put the "bad children’’ to
Peeked la on a Greek party
the other night Of all things,
they were playing rock school.
Some of them sang Christmas
carols. Maybe the Greeks are not
as radical as we thought
Where did Myra Gay get such
a glowing personality? This
chick is really cool. Wish we had
more like her.
Aa the new year begins per¬
haps we should take Inventory of
ourselves and seek to improve
ourselves In every way. There are
few good things in this life and
with a spirit of unity and sincerity
prevailing we can overcome many
obstacles. Like the knights of yes¬
terday let us follow the gleam of
love and friendship — with the
true Howard spirit
It wou4 be long before finals.
It might pay if we start brushing
up on our subject matter in order
to be prepared for this blessed
event. Don4 let the professors
catch you with your brains down.
The guys really enjoyed show¬
ing all the jills around on the day
of Open House in the boys’ dorm.
However some of the boys were
disappointed because their rooms
•re not visited as often as
others. Maybe next time they
won’t even make the bed and
sweep the floor.
Saturday night, the “Friday
Fling” will be flung, one day late,
in the Women’s Housing Unit in
the third floor lounge. Unpack
that suitcase and have a fling.
My first bouquet of the new
year goes to Wayne Fleming
and Ann Booker for their faith¬
ful ess at Morning Watch in the
Roberts To Head
Emphasis Week
by John C. Bosh
Plans are in the making: for Howard’s Annual Christian em¬
phasis Week.-
Gene Roberts, General Chairman of the Christian Emphasis
Week Committee of BSU, an- -
nounces that t h# dates set for this
year's services are February 17
through 21. Dr. Warren F. Pones,
Professor of Psychology at Stetson
University in DeLand, Florida and
Dr. Herbert F. Jackson, Professor
of Missions at the Southern Bap¬
tist Theological Seminary in
Louisville, Kentucky, will be the
Committees making arrange¬
ments for the week met Tuesday,
January 7 to begin solidifying
plans. Committee heads are: Hos¬
pitality Committee, Anne Moore;
Seminar Committee, Tommie
Jean Byrd; Program Committee,
Walter Morris; Program Person¬
nel, Sue Morton; Publicity Com¬
mittee, Renny Johnson; Music
Committee, Dee Soloman; Spe¬
cial Conferences, Bobby Hender¬
son; Time and Place, Betty Long;
Spiritual Preparation Week, Wal¬
ter Johnson; Staging, Bill Wil¬
hite; Art Display, Mary Catherine
Gene has been working since
late November on preliminary
plans with the aid of last year’s
General Chairman, Rod Davis.
Announcement of completed ar¬
rangement* will be made in com¬
ing weeks.
Shirley Garland Places
In Short Story Contest
Shirley Garland, a student at Howard, has been named sec¬
ond place winner in the Mission Story Contest for Student
Summer Workers, sponsored by the Office of Promotion of the
Home Mission Board. Miss Gar- - - -
land did her summer mission
work under the Baptist Home
Mission Board in Texas with
Spanish-speaking people. The
title of her winning story is, "Let¬
ter to a Latin Child.”
Other winners in the contest
were: first place, Evelyn Cleve¬
land, Seneca, South Carolina, who
worked with language groups In
California, and third place, Bar¬
bara Smith, Douglasville, Georgia,
who worked with the Indians in
New Mexico.
The stories were judged on:
Heart appeal coming from bless¬
ings received as a student sum¬
mer worker; blessings brought to
someone, a family, a community
because of the riiinlstry of a sum¬
mer worker; writing style, dra¬
matic effect, composition, and
proper use of English.
452 Baptist college and semi¬
nary students served as student
missionaries this summer under
the Baptist Home Mission Board
Student Summer Mission Pro¬
gram. They worked with the reg¬
ular home missionaries in taking
census, Vacation Bible schools, re¬
vivals, visitation, and in almost
all types of mission work carried
on by the board.
(Applications are now being
sent out for the 1958 program.
Students interested in summer
mission work should write for an
application to: Student Summer
Mission Program, Baptist Home
Mission Board, 151 Spring Street,
New W„ Atlanta, Georgia.)
Friendliest To
Be Crowned
At 8 Tonight
Tonight the Howard Bulldogs
will tackle Jacksonville State at
Causey Gym.
At the halftime, the friendliest
teachers and students will be an¬
nounced, climaxing Friendship
Week, which was sponsored by
WIA. Everyone is encouraged to
attend and support the Bulldogs
and find out who the friendliest
folks on campus
Musical realm. Aim Is right there
behind that piano and Wayne
leads the singing without fail
every morning.
I «appose seme of you are com¬
plaining because of the chilly
weather we have been having. I
think, however, that the winter
has a great advantage over the
summer because winter gives us
a reason for keeping warm with
love and other indoor sports.
When yon start talking about
the weather, it’s time to quit
Bye, bye.
Hayes To Present
Sr. Recital Monday
Baritone Charles Hayes «rill be
presented in Senior Recital by the
Howard Music Department on
Monday, January IS.
In the recital, e requirement for
his Bachelor of Music degree in
Sacred Music, Hayes «rill render
musical example* of 17 Century
songs of the English and Italian
schools, and three numbers by
two of the greatest composers of
German lied — Schuman and
A feature of the program will
be the aria “Madamina” from
Mozart’s Den Giovanni, in which
the Don's valet describes, in very
inticing terms, the many loves of
his master who is the famous Don
Juan of literature.
Following a song cycle of Ralph
Vaughn Williams, foremost 20th
Century English composer, en¬
titled “Songs of Travel” «rith
words by Robert Louis Stevenson,
Hayes will present an interest¬
ing and inspiring group of sacred
songs and spirituals. Including
Johnson's arrangement of the fa¬
vorite, “Nobody knows the Trou¬
ble I See.”
Annette Bolton Trent will be
the accompanist
Samford University Library