^PnirM on
the staff
Volume 42
Number 29
He One Of Distinction
Mrs. J. E. Dillard, president of Women's Christian Tem¬
perance Union of Alabama, presents Pam Daile$ a cash award
Ifor her winning speech, "Be One of Distinction" given in the
[W.C.T.U. Oratorical contest at Howard College.
Pam is a graduating senior from Centreville.
'Coveted Oscups Given
To Leaders In Drama
Clark Rogers and Lou Jean Porter received the Oacup
\ wards us the Best Actor and Best Actress of the year last
I Monday night in "the annual Oscup Awards Program in the
Clark's prise winning role was
I Hint of BIwood P. Dowd In the
nmody Harvey. This plsy was
(produced last semester
A classic portrayal of Eliza
I Doolittle in Shaw's classic com
My Pygmalion won Lou Jean
flier Oscup.
Bsbs Bryant won the award
for the best supporting player
Ins Nurse Kelly m Harvey, For
llior portrayals of Mrs. Ethel
Jchauvonet in Harvey and of Mrs
IKyunford-HIII In Pygmalion, Caro.
1 lyn Majors won the Oscup award
for the best bit player.
Rod Davis received the best
man-debator award for the year
Bis toam-mata,
won the woman's award for de¬
The program Included two
i.cenes from the two major Mas¬
quer productions of the year
Clark Rogers end Bsbs Bryant
presented a comical scene from
Harvey which took place In Dr.
Chiimley's Rest. Following this
was Act II of Pygmalion. Von
^Koskl was soon once again as the
urcaidlc Prof. Higgins, Lou Joan
' I’orlcr as the cockney Elisa and
Hod Davis as the terribly Brit¬
ish Col. Pickering.
Mr. John H. Johnson, Produc-
lion Director of WABT-TV, pro-
Honied the awards after a short
ond amusing speech shout
pccches at award ceremonies.
Miss Jo Luther, faculty ad¬
visor. was given e gift.
ODK Electa
New Leaden.
Donald Paulson was recently
l <• <: t
d president of Omicron
LciUi Kappa, national honorary
ILiidcrshlp fraternity. Rod Davis
[will assist Don os vice-president
“»d Dr. John Fincher will be the
1 “•> rotary.
Hob Bowers Is the new tress-
or and Dr. Vernon Davison will
be the fraternity's faculty advisor.
Major Davis spoke on "Leader-
I “bip" at the fraternity's annual
bouquet at Ed Salem’s May 18.
[4imbda Chi’s Havi
Parly On Warrior .
Lambda Chi Alpha had a river
party on the Warrior last Satur¬
day at the summer house of
Corkey Burmin.
Members and their dates spent
the time boat-riding and swim¬
ming. L«t« that afternoon v-
cryone climbed ono of the sur¬
rounding mountains to watch the
That night a picnic supper was
servod. Closing out the day's fes¬
tivities wss organized entertain¬
Tho lambda Chls recently re¬
turned from a house party In
Panama City, Florida.
Plans For
Rules , Elects Proxy
Circle O, a body neyvly organ¬
ized on Howard’s campus by
ODK fraternity, had Its first and
second meetings on Tuesdays,
May M and May 31. The opening
business of organizing the group
by the election of officers was
begun with Max Osrlman elected
as president, Clark Rogers was
chosen vice-president, Leon Bed-
sole, secretary; ami Gordon Bry-
ars, treasurer. Tho point system
on which the Circle
wore selected this year were re¬
viewed by James Carr, an ODK
member. A faculty advisor we*
discussed but no action was taken
Facts about a charter and i
constitution were discussed ulon»
with a point system for nexi
year's Circle
candidates. Dor
Paulson and Dr. Fincher mel
with the group to help It in or¬
ganizing properly.
was organized to givr
fftshmon boys a chance to re¬
ceive honors in Howard precedin'
the Juniors end seniors of ODK
Its functions ere service and lead
orship in promotion of freshmen
Candlelight Dinner Tonight
Begins Last Senior Weekend
When 253 seniors receive their degrees Monday, it will mark the Iasi graduation exercise
to 1st? held on the present Hast Lake campus.
Next year's senior class will graduate from the new 1 1 -million dollar site on Lukcshorc
Drive in Homewood.
by Sktrifun
I woe hem when Howard ar¬
rived back In tho 1000's. Of
course 1 was a whole lot smaller
then, and didn't have quite so
many rings around by middle.
But then everything get* older,
and it is avou said that tho older
ono is, the more wise he bacomos.
But regardless of the day that
I actually unfurled by little
leaves and peeked out at the
world, 1 sey that my birthday
was on a day baek In tho fall of
1807, when Howard College ar¬
rived at my site, and built s
school around me.
Of eouree, none of you remem¬
ber beck that long, (with the ex¬
ception of a few faculty mem¬
bers), but those days were nut
tho brightest Dio South had over
soon. Reconstruction was still un¬
der way, and a nation with a
broken heart wasibulloing a new
life on her old ashes.
I never will forget that first
day of school. I woke up early
that morning and naturally the
sun was shining bright on How¬
ard. 1 was Just as green as any
freshman that evor walked this
beautiful ole' campus. And here,
ole' illiterate me, I was going to
get an education out of this new
move, if I had to get it by hook
or crook. ■
I waited patiently for a profes¬
sor to come and bring his class
beneath my branches and lecture
on some great subject so I could
take notes. But that was before
the days of Mrs. V. G. and Dr.
Bailey, so I hud lo Just wutcli the
students clmnge classes.
But through the peaces» of
luasls, or something or other, I
lour noil a little at a time. From
my particular spot on the campus
1 got a pretty well-rounded edu¬
At the close of the century, the
whole world was beginning to
sing and at Howard there were
bicycles and bustles and students
used to ride to school on tho old
trolleys. In 1013, the military
school was done away with, and
a year later girls made their ap-
peorimce ut Howard, Ah, how
well I rsmemer the day. The
few who camo walked around
shyly, but oh how they Improved
the looks of the rumpus.
World wars cams and want,
and wars with Birmingham-
Southern loft scars on the build¬
ings of Howard, scars on our
proud history, and worst of all
scars on me. I don't know why 1
was always the one that 'South¬
ern came to take vengeance on,
(Continued on Page it
This week-end will be filled
with activity for the graduating
The Annual Candlelight Din¬
ner will be held tonight on the
schoql lawn, under traditional
Sherman Oak. Sponsored by tho
Howard Auxiliary and the Alum¬
ni Association, tho dinner will
honor the seniors and see them
welcomed Into tho Alumni or¬
A reception for the senior class
will bo held Saturday night at
the Essex Road house of the col¬
lege President. Major Harwell
O. Davis. The hours of the re
ccptlan are 8-10 p in.
On Sunday morning, a How
urd graduate, Rev. Bronnlo K.
Nichols, pastor of the Forest Lake
Baptist Church In Tuscaloosa,
will dollvor the baccalaureate
sermon. The sermon will be at
the regular morning worship
hour at Ruhama Baptist Church.
Graduation exercises will also
be held at Ruhama at 10:30 Mon¬
day morning. Dr. Paul Green, of
Baylor University, will deliver
the commencement address.
One hundred arid three seniors
will receive the Bachelor of Arts
Degrees at the exorcises; three
Bachelor of Art* Degrees with
Honors will be given.
Bachelor of Science Degrees
will go to Rfl graduates. Thirteen
Bachelor of Music Dagrces will
be given and 3U Bachelor of Sci¬
ence In Pharmacy Degrees.
(Ir.d.l.lln* with It >cb*U,r of Art. Dt
■rw wltli Honor. STt I Jack Clifford
■< ;Tm - - . - .,U '
r^aj ‘ ‘i ' "J
l , ■ i . ' " ! .
Hypatia Pick**
New Officers
Hypatia hold Impressive Invi¬
tation ceremonies for Joyce Na¬
bors. Priscilla Weeks, Margaret
Faulk, Annette Boyd, Ramona
Allison, and Carolyn Majors. The
new members then elected offi¬
cers for the coming year. They
are'. Rarnonu Allison, President;
Joyce Nabors, Vice-President;
Annette Boyd, Secretary-Treas¬
urer; Priscilla Weeks, Historian;
Priscilla Bingham, Chaplain.
Following the Initiation, old
and new members of Hypatia
met at Highland Terrace Gar¬
dens for the annual banquet.
Martha “Pug" Grimes, retiring
President was mistress of cere¬
A highlight of the evening was
the presentation of a starling sil¬
ver punch bowl servlco to Major
Davis as a gift from Hypatia to
the New Howard Colalge. Jean
Shaeffer, Alumni President,
made the presentation.
Evelyn Nelson was In charge
of the program which Included
Jo Ann Brindley, Evelyn Nelson
and Major Davis, who spoke on
the test qualification for Hypntl*
membership: Promise of Future
Usefulness. Ho omphaslxed the
feet that usefulness is a responsi¬
Tho evening was concluded
with the benediction by Lee Jack-
shin I'.hi* Vrun*. Mallitln.llr.. Kowloon,
lion* Kmii*
nr.ilii.llii* with n IkeHtlnr nl Aim
Dim linili (hrtnlMKlinni kin I Mar Inn
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Hal* Hawaii. If til* ion ; Ota Wli.lt» lli-li,
I'.Hn-nUiy KilnCllon l Wall»» Flcmlns
Hlaliilmi. II. Ilul.nl ! Ol.llra K. C.Ualiy,
Hflwloti : Winiam O.la Cl ‘
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HayliHl lUVlt, KrllSlOUl
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— - _4»iic«. Hanford I Sura J.nt
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