Noted Alabama Author
Will Speak In Chapel
By Gordon Lockhart
Mr. Wesley S. Thompson, author of “Tories of the Hills,
will speak in chapel next Monday and Wednesday. His topic of
discussion will be "An Epoch in Alabama.”
Mr. Thompson’s book tells of the people of the hills of Winston
and adjoining counties who remained loyal to the Union during
the War Between the States. The foreword in “Tories of the Hills”
is by Dr. A. B. Moore, Dean, Graduate School of University of
Born near Guln in Marion Coun¬
ty, Alabama, Mr. Thompson was
reared in the locale of his story and
has known and talked with many
of the characters in the story. He
spent twelve years gathering ma¬
teria Ifor this historical novel.
Many of the events portrayed in
the book have been challenged for
authenticity until the author has
offered to verify the(acta described
with documentary evidences.
Mr. Thompson has for years been
a student of history and a dose ob¬
server of human nature.
He was graduated cum laude
from Southwestern State College,
Weatherford. Okla., in 1MQ, and re¬
ceived his M. A. degree from OMa-
home University in 1M4. He has
taught in several county schools of
Alabama including Jefferson Coun¬
ty. He now resides in Berry, Ala.,
where he is pastor of the Church
of Christ.
"Tories of the Hills" is available
in the library among the collection
of Alabama manuscripts.
by the History department
Dr. George V. bens is
Choir’s Home Concert
To Be At Phillips H. S.
The A Capella Choir, home from their annual tour, win per¬
form their homecoming concert Tuesday, February 9, at 8:30 p.m.
in the Phillips High School auditorium.
Howard students will be admitted on the presentation of activ¬
ity cards. Charges to adults will be $1.00, and to students not at
"ward $.25, tax included.
Choir m embers are: First soprano,
iris Ann Britton, Bessemer Mel-
line Camp, Jo Ann Foeaet, Gerry
fie, Kathleen Methvin. Ma urine,
nford. Birmingham. Second so-
ano, Sarah Atherton, Union
rings; Roxie Calvert Rogersville;
iry Ann Cieutat Evelyn Nelson.
>bile; Frances Pate. Tuscaloosa;
d Margaret Reece. Tarrant City.
inisterial Banquet
ears Dr. R. G. Lee
r. R. G. Lee. pastor, Bellevue
itist Church, Memphis, Tennes-
brought an inspiring message
he Ministerial Association Ban-
t Thursday night February 4.
he theme of the banquet was
ok for the Silver Lining." It
c place in Fellowship Hall. Best
e Methodist Church.
dical Missionary
Speak Thursday
x year*
are both
First alto, Ruth Allen, Alice Jo
Turner, Birmingham; Betty Aus-
bora. Sylacauga; Carolyn Brooks,
Pensacola. Florida; Mary Anne
Kendrick. Mobile; and Joan Tum-
mins, Nashville. Tennessee. Second
alto Judy Brown. Birmingham;
Jane Decker. Albertville; Jane Duf-
fey. Lang dale; Eleanor Anne Har¬
well, Mobile; Jeanette Jordan.
Chattanooga, Tennessee; Jean Tay¬
lor, Elba; and Virginia Wesley. En¬
First teRor: Jack Day. Bessemer;
Ronnie miburn. Tuscaloosa; Dale
Morrison. Birmingham; and Jerry
Warren, Wetumpka. Second tenor;
Mervyn Altman. Columbus, Ga.;
Talmadge Butler. Dothan; John
Head East St. Louis,
Langston. Bessemer; Morris Batley.
First bass: Don Jackson. Charles
Talbert, Bessemer; Jerry Moore.
Ladell Payne. Birmingham; J. D.
Phillips. Florence; Charles Woods.
Holly Pond. Second bass: DWt
Barrett, Birmingham Ca ne,
Moulton; Jasper Jenkins. Oiatta-
nooga. Tenn.;
Ladner. MobUe;
Paul Tadlock. Dothan; Joe Whitt.
Haleyville, and James Wise. Citro-
Martha Gilliland, medical
onary to Nigeria. West Africa,
ipeak at the combined meeting
lisaion Band and Ministerial nelle
nation. February U. oJiadew" ' Roanoke, Tallassee. En-
Gillilaad and her husband. Andalusia. Selma.
ddOnie, GUUlgnd. have been W*- ___ Greenville,
Towns Included In the tour were
Add Clanton. Montgomery. Greenville,
Mobile. Pensacola.
Linden. Bessemer and Tuscaloosa.
Debaters Win
Two More
Howard's varsity debate squad
added two more victories ot its cur¬
rent record Friday night on the
Howard campus.
Its affirmative team, Nell Hen¬
derson and Martha Ann Bankson,
and its negative team, John Hayes
and Tom King, defeated two visit¬
ing teams from Alabama College
for Women.
The debate was on the current
inter-collegiate question of Free
The Howard team was in action
this week also. They attended the
annual West Georgia College Tourn¬
ament at Carrollton, Georgia
scheduled for yesterday. Several
southern colleges and universities
competed in the meet
The overall 1953-54 season’s rec¬
ord for the Howard squad is an
impressive 13 wins and five losses.
The team will compete in one
more major tournament during the
year. This is the annual Azalea
Tournament at Spring Hill College.
Walmsley To
Exhibit Art
Mr. William Walmsley of the Art
department is exhibiting six oils
and two lithographs as a part of
the Birmingham Festival of Arts.
Another oil. “Hot Steel and Fur¬
nace” is currently being shown in
the National Steel. Iron and Men
Exhibition at the Art Museum.
Shown in the Festival of Arts
are: "Witch Doctor,” "Madonna and
Child," 'Bill," "Gloria,” “Man and
Wife,” "Jealous Flowers," and
"Spectre” and “Murderer."
They will be shown through
Of more than 500 works sub¬
mitted by artists from the forty-
eight states, only 115 were accepted.
Also included in the Festival of
Arts this year is tee A Capella
Choir concert and an organ con¬
cert by Miss Betty Louise Lumby,
Howard music teacher, it will be at
3:30 pA Sunday. February 14, at
the First Presbyterian Church. As
a part of the Festival studio tour,
the Howard Art department will be
Around 000 people usually par¬
ticipate in the tour.
SS Requires
A Full Load
—if you are classified 1-SC for this
semester you must be In summer
school and must be taking a full
load now and this summer.- Fifteen
semester hours is the minimum
number hours to be considered a
full load. Students classified 4-D
must give their draft board evi¬
dence they are being sponsored by
an organized «fturch or show ordi¬
nation papers. It Is the students
responsibility to ask Mr. Todd to
send information about himself to
the draft board.
It is not your average but your
rank in your class that is most im¬
portant. Freshmen must have fin¬
ished his first yea» ia tha upper
one-half of his class. Sophomore in
the upper two-thirds and Junior in
the upper three-fourths.
If you have any question or prob¬
lems about selective service talk to
Mr. Todd. Registrar. ^
To Judge Beauties—
’54 Entre Nous Finals
Tommy Dix, former movie star and now resident of Birming¬
ham, will judge the “Miss Entre Nous" contest this year.
Miss Lily May Caldwell, Mr. Fred Woodress, and Mr.
Georges Bridges will judge the preliminary contest. This first
judging will be held this afternoon at the Home Economics Build¬
ing at 3:30. At this time, the three preliminary judges will select
the twelve top beauties. These girls will be shown in the beauty
section of the 1954 Entre Nous.
The results of the preliminary
contest will not be announced until
the stage presentation in the audi¬
torium on the night of the tenth.
Mr. Dix will then choose "Miss
Entre Nous" and the five beauties
from the twelve girls chosen by the
preliminary judges. The other six
girls fn the top twelve will com¬
prise the favorites in the annual.
All of the girls in the contest will
appear in the stage presentation.
Mr. Dix will be remembered for
the roles he had in several movies.
He achieved his first success in the
Broadway production of “Beet Foot
Forward.” He later re-created bis
role in the movie of the same name.
In this production, he introduced
the song, "Buckle Down. Winne-
As the Crimson went to press,
twenty-eight girls had been en¬
tered in the contest Other candi¬
dates were expected before the
deadline. The candidates are Caro¬
lyn Adams, representing Lambda
Chi Alpha; Dot Ames, Hypatia;
Curtis, WAA; Betty Dotson. Scope;
Carolyn Douglass, Phi Mu; Pat
Evans, Beta Sigma Omicron; Jo
Ann Fossett, Library Club; Gloria
Franklin, Psychology Club; Barbara
Ann Harrison. French Club.
Jennice Jones, Ministerial As¬
sociation; Jo-Alice Jones, Alpha Phi
Omega; Bobbie Jean Justice, Italian
Club; Mary Anne Kendrick, Mu
Alpha Chi; Pat Law, Sigma Nu;
Betty Pittman, Spanish Club; Dot
Ramsey. Delta Zeta; Dot Sheeley,
Ladies’ Chorus; Peggy Thomas,
Gloria Tolbert, International Re¬
lations Club; Bettye Vardeman,
Alpha Delta Pi; Ann Webb, Phi Mu
pledge class; Mavis Wilson. Mission
All students who failed to fill out
the Entre Nous information form
during registration are requested to
oome by the Public Relations Office
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the basement of Main in the next
Wade’ Barrlger, Pi Kappa JUptaj »o do so. It to
Blanche Beard. Girls’ Donatio»*;
Jean Bice, Alpha Delta Pi pled*
class; Bonnie Bolding, Chess Club;
Ann Chancellor, Delta Sigma Phi
pledge class; Myra Crawford. Beta
Sigma Omicron pledge class; Sue
(bat the staff have this lnforma-
the clam section at the
can be completed.
All senior* are especially urged
to list their honors for the senior
section on this sheet
Samford University