Howard College, October 30, 1953
No. 5
New Dept. Formed For Speech, Drama
Hour Televised
[In Library
All students are cordially invited
I to the Firestone Hour, television
program, in the library each Mon¬
day night at 7:30, sponsored by Mu
Alpha Chi, Howard's music frater¬
nity. The fraternity also invites stu¬
dent to attend record concerts,
which will be presented ui the Stu¬
dent Activity Building once each
[ month.
On Tuesday, the following new
I members were initiated into mem
bership of Mu Alpha Chi: Ladell
Payne, Jerry Warren, Alice Jo Tur¬
ner. Joan Tummins, Joe Jackson,
Jane Decker. Melbaline Camp,
Eleanor Ann Harwell, Howard
Wright. Marie Rose, Malcolm Shel-
| ton. Judy Brown, and Jane Duffey.
The policy for membership in the
| fraternity has recently been
changed. Any person who has been
a student at Howard for one semes¬
ter, who has a 1.5 scholastic aver¬
age, and who is interested in the
promotion of musical interest and
| activities on Howard's campus is
j invited into its membership.
Pre-Med Student
To Do Graduate
Work At Harvard
Joe Claude Bennett, Howard
pre-medical student, received word
last week that he had been ac-
| cepted at Harvard Medical College.
Bennett, who will graduate in
May of 1954. is the president of
AED. a local medical fraternity.
Bennett will be the first medical
student to go from Howard to
Harvard since World War
Howard students have gone to
Northwestern and three have gone
to Johns Hopkins Medical College.
Bennett was also accepted at
Johns Hopkins and Northwestern,
but he decided upon Harvard.
A. Edouart Painting
Is Displayed In Art
Case By Kappa Pi
Kappa Pi, Honorary Art Frater¬
nity is this week displaying in the
exhibition case in Old Main a paint¬
ing upon oak wood of Marie An¬
toinette during her imprisonment in
The Temple.
Dean Margaret Sizemore bought
the painting from an old castle
near London. Many of the castles
are being dismantled and centuries-
old objects are sold at auction.
While driving about the countryside
she discovered this painting. Many
of the wealthy land owners com¬
missioned artists during this era to
paint their walls in historic scenes.
The artist is A. Edouart of the
Royal Academy of Art in London.
Marie Antoinette Imprisoned in
The Temple" is one of five known
works of Edouart, each of which
have hung in the Royal Academy.
Each are signed, A. Edouart, R. A.
Marie Antoinette, queen of France
is shown imprisoned In the Temple
Beauty, Poise, Scholarship Are
Miss Homecomine Qualifications
Editor, The Crimson
Beauty . Poise . . . Scholarship.
Howard's “Miss Homecoming” will
be selected on this basis when the
student body attends the polls for
final voting next Tuesday and
Wednesday in front of Old Main.
From a field of twenty-nine,
voters chose seven finalists last
week, and one will be named queen
after Wednesday's final election.
The remaining six will compose
the queen's court
The official announcement of the
winner will not be made until half¬
time of the homecoming game be¬
tween Howard and Southwestern of
Memphis Saturday afternoon.
Campus organizations were well
represented on the numerous peti¬
tions, and two groups, Lambda Chi
Alpha and the Women’s Athletic
Association, are jointly sponsoring
one candidate. Sue Cox. Another
having dual sponsors is Ethyl Van
Dyke. Her backers are Pharma -
ceutal Association and Kappa Psi.
Placing the crown on the head
of the new queen, will be last
year's winner. Blanche Beard. The
winner will mount the throne after
the announcement, and the cus¬
tomary ceremony will follow.
In the running this year are Lee
Brown, Alpha-Kappa Psi: Gloria
Franklin, ADPi representative of
Pan-Heilenic; Sarah Atherton. Al¬
pha Delta Pi: Roxie Calvert, Alpha
Delta Pi Pledge Class; Frances
SO representative of
Also Wade Barriger, Beta Sigma
Omicron; Betty Carl Hendon, Sig¬
ma Nu: Carolyn Douglass. Phi Mu;
Doris Ann Britton, Phi Mu repre¬
sentative of Pan-Hellenic; Lynn
Guriy. Sigma Nu Pledge Class;
Janet Jordan, Male Chorus: Betty
Dotson. Scops Speech Club; Hula
Jo Morris. Mission Band: Pat
Barnes. Junior Class.
Also Margaret Reece. A Capella
Choir; Katie Graham, YWA; Mel¬
baline Camp. Spanish Club; Emily
Joe Allen. Kappa Phi Kappa: Sue
Cox, Lambda Chi Alpha. WAA;
Jo- Alice Jones. Howard Student
Senate: Betty Rickey. Delta Zeta
representative of Pa n-Hellenic;
Barbara Fenn, Ladies Chorus.
Others are Ethyl Van Dyke,
American Pharmaceutical Associa¬
tion and Kappa Psi; Billie Pounds,
German Club; Mary Ann Kendrick,
Mu Alpha Chi; Flonnell Fuqua,
Delta Zeta: Jane Mitchell. Howard
Band: Gloria Tolbert. Psychology
Club; Dot Amos. Ministerial As¬
Elias Ladas, a student in Phar¬
macy at Howard who spent most
of his life in Greece, spoke to a
meeting of the Birmingham Retail
Druggist Association on “Pharmacy
in Greece" during the group's ob¬
servance of United Nations week.
Dr. Byrum, director of the Division
of Pharmacy, gave a brief talk on
.•The trends in Pharmaceutical Ed¬
stripped of all semblance of her
royalty, with only a small window
show, yet, her regal bearing. The
pathos of the scene is clearly shown.
Crimson Staff Writer
Effective next semester, the de¬
partments of speech and drama will
be united into one department to
be called Speech and Dramatic Arts,
it was announced this week by
Dean P. P. Bums. The new depart¬
ment will be under the joint direc¬
tion of G. Allen Yeomans and
Henry C. Lindsey.
Some of the basic and advanced
courses which will be offered are:
forensics, radio and television pro¬
duction. speech correction, oral in¬
terpretation, religious drama, lyric
theatre, and theatre production.
All present speech and drama
activitifes will be under the spon¬
sorship and guidance of the new
Students who choose Speech and
Dramatic Arts as their area of con¬
centration will take basic courses
in speech and drama and will have
enough electives to permit them to
concentrate on some particular
phase of the new curriculum.
In commenting on the union of
the two departments, Major Davis
stated that he thought it was abso¬
lutely the practical thing to do, and
that it would result in strengthen¬
ing and enlarging both fields of ac¬
Henry C. Lindsey la shown reading the drama register magazine
Players of which he is an editor. Mr. Lindsey will present his first pro¬
duction, beginning next Tuesday, since he arrived at Howard. The play is
The Point of Mo Return. (Crimson staff photo.)
Radio Program
Cast Named
The cast for the “Silver Coronet,"
the first Radio Work Shop produc¬
tion. was announced today by G.
Allan Yeomans, speech department
Cast members are Patricia Bar¬
ron, who has the leading role; Mary,
Queen of Scots; Jerry Weeks will
serve as announcer and narrator;
J. Leon Boyd as Bothwell; Charles
Love as Leicester; Harold Mixon
as Shrewsbury; and Max Macon as
the Guard.
Production crejr . members are
Nell Henderson, Gary Sizemore,
Tom King, and Joel Oswalt
Betty Dotson
Named Y.W.A.
Girl Of Month
Betty Dotson, a senior from Bir¬
mingham. has been chosen as
Y. W. A. girls of the month for Oc¬
tober. She is the Program Chairman
for the third floor Renfroe Circle.
When Betty was asked to serve as
an officer in Y. W. A. she willingly
accepted, but added that she has
never been a Y. W. A. before. “We
think that she deserves a great deal
of credit because of her enthusiastic
interest in our organization, and be¬
cause of her desire to make this a
great year in Y. W. A. at Howard."
Y. W. A. president said.
Betty's parents are Missionaries
to Africa, and they are leaving this
week returning to Africa to their
mission field. Besides being a
Y. W. A., Betty takes an interest in
World Missions in general.
A friend that ain't in need is a
friend indeed.
BSU Holds Convention
Here November 6-8
Crimson Staff Writer
The WORLD, the WAY, and YOU. These words, mak¬
ing ,up the theme of the Alabama State B.S.U. convention, will
be considered from many angles the week-end of November 6-8,
at the First Baptist Church here in Birmingham.
Keynote speaker for the opening |
session on Friday night will be Dr.
Ray F. Robbins, associate professor
of New Testament at New Orleans
Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr.
Robbins is well known in Howard,
having taught Bible and Religion
here for six years.
Devotional leader, Friday night,
and main speaker, Sunday morning
will be Andy Blane, Director of
Baptist Student Work at the Uni¬
versity of Kentucky. Mr. Blane
lived in Guatemala for a number of
years. He was one of the program
personalities at the Southwide Stu¬
dent Retreat at Ridgecrest in 1952.
He also attended the Fourth Baptist
World Youth Conference in Rio this
iC«nUnned on Page 2)
MA Elects Five To
Bus Committee Posts
The Ministerial Association has
elected five students to serve cm
the Bus Committee during the 1953-
54 school year. They are J. D.
Harpe, Chairman; Joe Whitt, Cur¬
tiss Flowers, Dale Brown, and Jim
Any organization desiring to use
the bus will make application to
this committee.
This committee will recommend
to the Ministerial Assocaition five
other students for this pouitlon. All
committee members are drivers.