Next Friday's lama of The
Crimson will be the last before
the Christmas holidays, doe to
budget restrictions. News of
value between now and Dec. 19
should therefore be turned In
before noon next Monday.
Hie four new members were then
recognized by Talmadge.
They were Initiated Wednesday
afternoon in Main. Following the
ceremohies, members of Howard's
ODK circle held a joint banquet
with members of ' Birmingham
Southern's circle. The banquet was
held on the Southern campus.
Hypatia, Trident and ODK all
hold formal ceremonies during the
first time this year tomorrow night
Maybe well romp on the Battle
Buzzard like Alabama did last Sat¬
urday. Sure hope we can— Gart-
xnan has a fine crew this year.
AJ1 the campus
render Yuletide
have its own pn
e students,
bowed in
the loud¬
ening all
vocal mi
ODK Taps Four
For Membership
Three seniors and one faculty
member were tapped by Omicron
Delta Kappa, honorary men's lead¬
ership society, in a special chapel
program last Monday.
They are Tom Dunbar, Ralph
Jemigan, Rufus Owens, Jr., and Dr.
William P. Dale.
Charles Davis presided, at the
program, which emphasized scholar¬
ship and leadership.
Mrs. Eleanor Ousley, new mem
ber of the music faculty, sang “Hear
Ye, Israel" and “Morning” to open
the program.
Anne Williams, representing Hy¬
patia, girls' honorary society, spoke
about scholarship. Then Paul Tal¬
madge, president of both Trident,
men's scholarship society, and ODK,
gave a brief talk, emphasizing lead¬
ODK circle
with members of
Southern's circle,
held on the
that might appeal to some
It told of a congregation
prayer— when suddenly the
speaker blared out: “Callln
cars, calling cars." The police
radio was mixed up with the loud
speaker - system in the church. A
Howard student tells of a time
when the minister at her church was
delivering the morning message
when the speaking system brought
forth a soft and sweet version of
"Let Me Call You Sweetheart"
GLAD TO 8 EE students enjoying
chapel so much this year. Mr.
' Crawford and his committee have
done a grand Job of making it an
hour to look forward to instead of
an imposed period of boredom. We
think we owe Mr. Crawford a vote
of thanks. And we hope that the
programs ..continue to reach the
same peak they have during the
past few months.
• • •
ONE SORORTTY was very happy
when it learned ‘Ted” could be a
(eminie nickname as well as mascu¬
line. Members were quite shocked
to learn that 'Ted" was to visit
them and wanted to stay in the
dormitory. She is a visitor from
national headquarters, though.
the Omicron Delta Kappa Circle here get
re monies last Wednesday. They are Ralph
Tom Dunbar and Rufus Owens, Jr. The
for ODK membership during special
hristmas Music
Slated For Chapel
A special program of Christmas
will be featured next week
one combined chapel program
the gymnasium.
program, for all students,
be at 1:10 pjn. Tuesday, Wln-
Crawford, chapel committee
choral groups will
music. Each will
its own procession,
brass ensemble, directed by
Ralsis, will accompany the
Forms Here
For Student
(еПотвяЫр* о
t the Dan-
nounced for
Dr. James H.
officer for the foundation here, said
applications and required recom¬
mendation forms must be complet¬
ed by Feb. 15. 1053.
Candidates are accepted on the
basis of their concern for the wel¬
fare of people and a choice of teach¬
ing as a Christian vocation, he
pointed out
Students interested may see Dr.
Chapman for further information,
he said.
location of Howard's new campus
last week. Reminded me of the old
Indian who, upon seeing the atomic
cloud of smoke from one of the
recent explosions, exclaimed, "Gee,
I wish I’d said that!"
Two songs will also be sung by
the massed group. They are "O
Come Emanuel" and “Now
is Come Our Salvation.”
The art department has charge
of decorations and John Newfield,
dram head, will arrange the light¬
The music groups have worked
for some time preparing for the
program, their directors said.
Stronger Outfit Ready
First Home Came
Howard’s Bas|cetballing Bulldogs open their 1952-53 home
season against the Auburn Tigers tomornftv night at 7:30 in
Causey Gym. .
It will be the second time this week Howard has met Au¬
burn, the two teams having met at Auburn Tuesday night.
The fourth 6f Howard’s 24-game schedule, the contest should
match two evenly-matched teams.
French Club
Tours Exhibit
Mrs. Valentino Crezenci conduct¬
ed the French Club on a tour of the
art gallery yesterday.
She pointed out the difference
and similarities of the works ex¬
hibited with French art of the vari¬
ous ages.
Pharmacy Croups
Visit Parke, Davis
About 45 Howard pharmacy stu¬
dents recently visited the home of¬
fice and laboratories of Parke,
Davis and Co., in Detroit.
Dr. L. B. Dale, Jr., faculty mem¬
ber. accompanied the viators as
they inspected the pharmaceutical
firm's research building. They were
told the firm makes more than 1,000
different products.
Pharmacy students here annually
visit one of the nation's outstand¬
ing pharmaceutical houses.
Howard Poet Has
Work Published In
College Anthology
A poem, "Under Ice," written by
a Howard student, has been accept¬
ed for publication in the Annual
Anthology of College Poetry.
It was written by Lenore Yoder.
Denis Hartman, secretary of the Na¬
tional Poetry Association, said the
work was accepted from among
“thousands submitted."
Students Start Work
For $75 Essay Contest
Library Cfub Will Hear
Five Book Reviews
Five book reviews will be given
when the Library Club meets next
Wednesday at 3 pm In the period¬
ical room of the library.
They will be presented by Tal¬
madge Butler, Patricia Barron, Bet¬
ty Pratt, Jessie Kirkland and Gaye
High Schoolers To Be
Morning Watch Cuests
High school seniors will speak in
Moaning w.tch next week
The speakers will be Becky Rob- Uf'
lnson, Monday; Raymond Askew,
Tuesday; Bobby Hall, Wednesday;
Evelyn Fenn, Thursday, and De¬
lores Williams. Friday.
Students in history classes are
preparing essays to enter in the
annual contest sponsored by the Bir¬
mingham Center of the Society of
the Colonial Dames of America.
Prizes totaling $73 dollars will go
to seven winners in
special chapel
program later In the year, ~
students are In classes of Doctors
George Irons and William Dale.
The three top winners last year
were Gordon Joiner, William Snell
and Wllken Winn.
Some of the essay topics this year
are Tbe Quest for Mobile, Alex¬
ander McGilllvray, George Mason,
The Career of Sam Dale, The Salem
Witch Hunt, and Roger Williams as
a Militant Democrat.
For Ed. Committee
Dr. Robert W. Day, of the edu¬
cation department, has been select-
Howard baa four lettermen baek
from last year— Morris Jacobs, Joe
Coon, bury Wilson, and Charles
MllUcan. Auburn loot only two men
via the graduation route, and haa a
whole crew of veteran performen.
It seems Auburn would have the
edge because of this experience fac¬
tor, but Howard is a much better
team this year than last and should
give the Tigers of the Plains a good
Coach Earl Gartman will prob¬
ably start this lineup against the
Tigers: Morris Jacobs and Raymond
Von Hagel at forwards; Joe Coon at
center; and Jim Harrison and Mar¬
vin Breading at guards.
Substitutes who will see a lot of
action will be Davkl Howie and
Billy Jack Noles, forwards; Jerry
Medlock, center; and Charles Milli-
can and Larry Wilson, guards.
Howardltes who remember the
Howard-Auburn games last year,
when Auburn won two-out sf-two
encounters, will be glad to known
that Inman Veal, flashy guard who
waa a thorn In Howard’s aide, has
signed a baseball contract and Is not
playing for Auburn this your.
Also Vince Dooley, another swift
and high-scoring guard, is still re¬
covering from his football injury
and will see limited action.
Coach John Day will load hlo *V
loam Into Its first game as a pre¬
liminary to the Howard -Auburn
battle. The “Bees" will meet the
Hubbertvllle High 8chool five at
p m-
The "B" team boasts fine per¬
formers in Ray Watt, Sonny Roark,
Charles Anderson, Ronald Luckie,
Jim Hiompson, and other fine baa-
Howard has three homo games
tap next week to wind up Ha
baaketballlng until after Christmas
holidays. Tho Livingston game, first
slated for Dec. it. haa been reoet
for the 11th. at Howard. Friday Doe.
U. Florence - hits Causey Gym, and
the next day the Sewanee Tigers
furnish the Howard opposition.
The Sewanee contest will be the
last for Howard until Jan. 3, when
the Red and Blue plays its return
game with Florence at Florence.
Howard Student Wins
Award, Chicago Trip
A Howard student. Page Farmer,
recently won Jhe state 4-H Club
citizenship award and a trip to
The freshman is majoring in pre¬
dental and is a pledge of Pi Kappa
Alpha fraternity.
He has been active in 4-H work
for nine years.
ed to serve on a committee of the
Southern Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools.
He will serve on the Alabama
State Committee of the Commission
on the Secondary Schools, and rep¬
resent private colleges.
iford University