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Birmingham, Ala., Friday, May 26, 1944
Number 26
H-Day Plans
Thirty-Five To Be
Graduated June 24
Thirty-live seniors have met the
dead-line in applying for^dggrees
Mrs. Lewis Kirkland, registrar, an¬
nounced yesterday.
With the announcement, Mrs.
Kirkland gives a warning that any
senior who has failed to file ap¬
plication must do so at once. Those
who aIteady~Ha^e- applied for de¬
grees are:
Ruth Ogletree Allen, Martha Kate
Anderson, Yancey Lamar Anthony,
Harry Charles, Jr., Cecil Grif¬
fith Culverhouse, William Douglas
Davidson, Martha Patterson Ed-
feldt, Thomas C. Franklin, Nellie
Louise Friel, Efro Gatsis, Clayton
(Continued on Pfcge 4)
Faculty Members
To Speak On Radio
How We Should Revise Our Edu¬
cation for World Citizenship will
be the topic under discussion when
four members of Howard’s faculty
appear on Judge Feidelson’s "Edu¬
cation Forum Tuesday evening.
To begin at 9:30 on radio sta¬
tion WSGN, the discussion will be
led by Dr. Hul
Acton, Dr. Wil¬
liam P. Dale, Dr. Harry J. Sarkiss,
and Mr. John N. Baker.
The education forum, under the
direction of Judge Charles Fiedel-
son, Birmingham News editorial
writer, invites leaders and persons
interested jn education to appear
on the program.
Play By Nell Brown
To Be Given Today
Written and directed by Nell
Brown, Junior and member of the
Experimental Production class, ,the
one-act play "Premiere For Two”
will be given this afternoon at 4:30.
Second in' the present semester
series of productions, the play is
open free of charge to all interest¬
ed in attending.
The cast for today’s performance
includes Sue Patrick, Ned Gunter,
Martha Pat Edfeldt, Vivian Barnes,
Erie Moorer and Paul Connair.
Assistant director is Gay Daniels;
Ross Rainer designed the sets.
Howard to Maintain
Present V-12 Quota
That Howard will maintain its
present strength of 'Navy trainees
during the national emergency was
assured Maj. Harwell G. Davis,
president, when he attended a con¬
ference, May 12-13, at Columbia
in New York for heads of schools
having the Navy V-l2 program.
Maj. Davis stated that the quota
for the semester beginning in July
has already been assigned and that
new men will arrive July.
Looking forward to the term be¬
ginning in November, Maj. Davis
said that an equal number of men
are expected for the Fall sertiester.
Calhoun, bomber pilot with the
American Air Force in England
will speak in Chapel at 10:30 Mon¬
day morning. Before entering the
service Col. Calhoun was a student
Advanced Journalists
Plan Hike To Bald Rock
An over-night trip to Bald Rock
is in store for members of the Ad¬
vanced Journalism class who will
leave early. Saturday afternoon and
return Sunday.
Meeting at the back of Main at
1:15 the group will go in cars
to the -toot of the mountain, then
hike to the summit.
Meals planned for the outing are
supper Saturday evening and break¬
fast and lunch the next day.
Class members intending to go
are Kitty Bruner, Miriam Gann,
Mary Nell Pass, Jeanne Vann,
Betty Simmonton, and Sara Mc¬
Neill. Chaperones are Mr. J. F.
Rothermel and Mr. and Mrs. Basil
Kappa Pi Presents
Alpha Alpha Chapter of Kappa
Pi, honorary and . fraternity, is pres¬
enting an exhibit of water colors
by Joe W. ftancy,, widely known
Alabama artist in the library this
BSU Fun Night in Causey
Gym at 7:30 Tuesday evening—
every one come.
Summer School
Open To High
School Seniors
A number of high school seniors
who are being graduated this spring
already have registered for the first
term of Summer school at Howard
College, which opens June 5, Prof.
O. S. Causey, director of the Sum¬
mer school, has announced.
These students will be able to get
in a maximum of eight semester
hours before the regular session of
school opens July 8, Prof Causey
pointed out.
During the Summer school’s two
terms, the first running from June
5 to July 8, and the second from
July 10 to Aug. 12, courses will be
taught that’ are identical to those
offered in the regular session of
college. Several - classes will be
held in history, English, eduSation,
psychology, biology and sociology.
These courses will be taught by a
separate faculty from that used in
(Continued on page 2)
Press Association
Is Organized
Organization of the Alabama Col¬
lege Press Association was com¬
pleted and plans for duties to be
performed were made when rep¬
resentatives from eight Alabama
colleges and universities met in
Auburn May 12-14.
Meeting its purpose of giving col¬
lege journalists an opportunity to
cooperate and consult on publica¬
tion problems and of helping to-
meet problems brought on by the
war, the Association has already
gone to work.
Among officers elected during
the convention is vice-president,
Bill Brown, business manager of
the Crimson.
Classes which meet at will be examined at
8:30 Monday 1:00 Monday, June 19
8:30 Tuesday 1:00 Tuesday, June 20
9:40 Monday 8:30 Wednesday, June 21
9:40 Tuesday 1:00 Wednesday, June 21
10:40 Tuesday , 8:30 Thursday, June 22
11:40 Monday 1:00 Thursday, June 22
11:40 Tuesday 8:30 Friday, June 23
1:40 Monday " 1:00 Friday, June 23
All sections of Physics 3 will be examined at 8:30 Monday,
June 19.
All sections of English I and English II will be examined at
8:30 Tuesday, June 20.
All sections of History I will be examined at 1:00, Friday,
June 16.
All sections of Spanish I Will be examined at 1:00, Saturday,
June 17.
LENGTH: 8:30-11:30 and 1:004:00. AND' WILL COVER THE
P. P. BIJRNS, Dean.
e Complete
Day s Celebration -
To Begin At 11:00
Stunts, Miss H-Day Contest,
Athletics, Dance Are Scheduled
In the Spring every one’s fancy (at Howard) lightly turns to
thoughts of H-Day and one week from today, June 2, H-Day Will,
again be celebrated with the fun beginning with stunts in Chapel
at 11:00 Friday morning and ending with a dance given by the Tarmac
Club at Roebuck Country Club, Friday evening.
• ‘ Based on the theme, “U. S. S.
Howard,” the .day’s celebration will
open with a welcoming address by
Major Harwell G. Davis to guests,
including local high school seniors
who will be Howard’s honor guests
for the day. ’ .
Four groups on the campus are
in charge of stunts to be presented
Friday morning. The civilian stu¬
dent stunt is being directed by
Sue Patrick. Dr. George Faust
wrote the faculty skit and Miss
Lola McCullough is directing it.
The Navy stunt is being handled
by Seaman Bob Norman.
A special feature on the morn¬
ing program will be a presentation
of excerpts from Gilbert and Sul¬
livan’s “H: M. S. Pinafore”, with
Mrs. Kathleen Martinson, Miss An¬
toinette Sparks, Miss Katherine
Horton and Miss ’Alida Townes
handling music, staging, dances and
sets respectively.
Students who are producing the
civilian stunt are:
Costume: Mary Gilliland, Thom-
asine Johnson, Mrs. Edith Creel,
Mary Ruth Riddick, Martha Miller,
Ruth Faucett and Mary Ann Bos¬
well. Props: Bill Prescott, Nona-
Kirkland, Nell Brown. Stage man¬
ager, Jon Crow. Lights, Hugh Mor¬
ris. Cast: Hugh Morris,- Clayton Gil¬
bert, Jeanne Mangum, I'Belle Whit¬
man, Virginia Masis, Jimmie Dol-
vin, Virginia Ingram, Davis Reav¬
er, Billy Baker' and Mary Jo Whit-
Members of the faculty to ap¬
pear Friday are Dr. Harry J. Sar¬
kiss, Lt. James Case, Mr. Nash Col¬
lier, Mrs. I. R. Obenchain.
Leading parts in “Pinafore” will
include Seaman Joe Stammer as
Corcoron; Lt. James Case, the Ad¬
miral; Janyce Ward, Mrs. Cripps;
(Continued on Page 2)
DIRECTS H-DAY— Miss Katherine
Horton, girls’ physical education
instructor, has charge of this year’s
H-Day celebration. She replaces
Dr. Robert Owens in this position.
Dr. John Hill Is
Chapel Speaker
Dr. John Hill, connected, with
the Baptist Sunday School Board
at Louisville, who. has been
leading a revival meeting at 85th
Street Baptist Church this week,
was speaker in Chapel this morn¬
In Birminghapi for the week of
May 21-26 Dr. Hill has spoken in
early morning services at East Lake
Park at 7:00 each morning and
at 85th Street Baptist at 7:45
each evening.
Chaplain Davison Is
Visitor To Cam pus
Returning to Birmingham Sunday
after several months in the Pacific
Ch. Vernon Davison was on the
campus this week. Former profes¬
sor of Religion here, Ch. Davison is
now a chaplain in the Navy.
Assigned to a cargo vessel, the
U. S. S. Zoella Lykes, Ch.- Davison
often works with troop:: being
transported to Pacific duty.
On the campus with the former
professor were his wife and daugh¬
ter who will go to California when
Ch. Davison returns to San Ihancis-
co Sunday to resume duty.
A Capella Choir And
Glee Club Sing. At USO
Members of the A Capella Choir
and Girls Glee Club entertained
service men at the USO center
down town Sunday afternoon.
Soloists for the occasion hwere
Janyce Ward, Dorothy Wise,\and .
Margie Jean Orr. Janyce Ward”
sang three numbers, "I Threw a
Kiss into the Ocean,” “Be9ause”
and “Shine on Harvest Moon”.
Dorothy Wise sang “Mah Lindy
Lou” .and Margie Orr, “I’ll See You
The :hoir and glee club were
under the direction of Mrs. Kath¬
leen Martinson, director of music
at Howard.
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