AH student* who wish to get
part time work while in school or
graduates who are looking for per¬
manent Jobe should file applications
In the treasurer’s office. These
applications should include qualifi¬
cations, experience, type of work
desired, etc,
Mr. Berry states that this is a
new feature at Howard and all pos¬
sible aid will be given to help in
securing employment. Applications
should be left at once so that the
office will have the material from
which to advertise for Jobs.
Initiation Held
their student activity cards.
So many requests have come for an April Fool edition of The
Crimson that the staff has at last settled on a compromise. Since it is
several days past the All Fool’s Day, we have dedicated the back page
to all fools. Please, aM who find their names on this honored page,
take it in the spirit of fun as it was meant. —
(b) Stunt night. May Day, H
The Howard Crimson
Twenty-Fourth Year
Initial "H" Day I
To Ba Held
On Campus
Something new in student activ¬
ities at Howard will be held today
In the first Howard “H” Day. Ev¬
erything from music to eats will I
be the general theme of the stu-|
dent get-together. Thoae In
of the activities say the day will]
include some of the following;
From 1:00 PJO. to 2:00 Pit stu¬
dents will enter contests, both boys |
and girls. Ellen Ruth Isbell is in
charge of contests for girls. Cecil |
King. In charge for contests for
boys, states that sack races, egg
races, peanut pushes, feeding Coca- 1
Cola with a spoon, and others will
be held.
From 2:00 P. M. to about 3:00 P.
M. students will engage in a pie¬
eating contest, and the champion
will be crowned.
At 3 o’clock the Howard base¬
ball nine will play Acipco, back of j
Main. The game will probably last I
until about 4:30 P. M., when stu-’i
dents will gather under Sherman
Oak for a song session. After this
the free barbecue will be held cm
the campus.
At 7:30 P. M. a combination of |
Stunt Night and a Major Bowes*
Amateur Unit will be held in
chapel. Skits will be presented by
the various campus organisations,
music from talented students etc.
A first prize of 310.00 and a sec¬
ond of $5.00 will; be awarded the |
two best acts.
Mirror Of Ocunpu» Lite
Birmingham, Alabama, Friday, April 7, 1939
Catch Your Eye?
Number 23
Seniors To Shine
April 13 Is
Date Set Aside
For Senior Use
With the swing to Spring, the
athletes at Howard have begun to
use the available time and the
warm weather to brush up on their
tennis, baseball, golf and the like.
The Howard Bulldogs of the Dia¬
mond have been on the field about
one month and the team shows def¬
inite prospects of being as fine a
team as Howard has had in many
years. The individual players on
the squad comprise some of best
talent in the city for “Pro- Ball," but
their work as a team so far this
year has been far below expecta¬
tions. The record of the “Dogs"
is not favorable enough to print
at this time since their only decent
showing was against the Birming¬
ham Barons, but it is the opinion
of this writer that as soon as the
team begins to meet competition
of its own caliber that it will stop
'fiddling" and begin to play boll.
The practice of playing teams that
do not come up to the caliber of
your team Is on eof the surest ways
known to get a team to loafing.
The ••baaebaUers” that have look¬
ed best in practice to date are:
Wayne Dowdy at the bat, Bruce
Little on the mound, Harlow “Kid"
Cather afield. Dowdy, Waveriy
Watkins, and Howard Burks are
the only men, besides the ever re¬
liable Leonard Burton, who have
been hitting the ball consistently.
Eddie Welch as yet has been seeing
every pitcher as a left-hander and
has not been able to get on his bat¬
ting clothes, Dave Triford, the little
fmst-sacker, has been obseawd with
the same mania and be too is far
below expectations in the batting
William Weaver will serve as I Too long have the other
president of the Baptist Student I at Howard had their due notice;.
Union for 1939-1340, according to Publicity, and criticisms. Too
. (long have the seniors dwelt long
announcement made today by the I d lovingly over ^ book,, But
nominating committee. Weaver is I that is to be no more! It has been
at present first vice-president of [arranged! The seniors shall have
the local council and president of THEIR day, and that day will be
the Alabama State B. S. U. Last April J3‘
v„, hA «ArvArf
„nnrtpr for the According to all officials who
y 1)0 Jo. k. things around Howard, seniors
local council. Weaver's home is
т Ьц
not have to
go to classes on .
Talladega. [next Thursday. In fact, any senior
Other officers selected for next [caught attending their regular
year are John Moore j-ist vice- classes will be ostracized. However,
president: Ann Weaver, second vice- [seniors are urged to attend other
president: Margaret McClellan, third classes to let students and faculty
vice-president; Mary Ellen Yancey, know who they are. Seniors will
third ice-president; Bertha Nell | even have charge of chapel on. that
Mason, secretary; Betty Manly Rid- [day.
die, treasurer; Lamar Bennett, re- Special Dress
porter; co-reporter, Lee Anderston; It will be easy to identify seniors
Thomas Hunter and Lillian Al- |°n this day. Boys will be garbed
bright, Sunday School represents- in overalls and girls will have on
fives; Jimmie Wood,
T. U. rep- pink and blue gingham dresses,
resentafive; Mary Armstrong, Y. | Program Planned
W. A. representative; Roscoe Grif- After the senior chapel program
fin. Ministerial Association repre- 1 the seniors will go to Camp Cosby
sentatlve; Martha Merck. Y. W. C. | for lunch and recreation. Margaret
A. representative; Mss Mabel Wil- 1 Burford is in charge of the chapel
lough by, faculty advisor, and Dr. I program, assisted by Katherine
J. C. Stivender, pastor. Walker and Margaret Fancber.
Installation of these officers wiU Frances Johnson and Rose Watkins
be held soon, according to Katherine I those on the dress committee.
Walker, retiring president. Chairman of the food committee is
’ 8 P 'Dorothy Lockett, who will be aided
■ nnii in M ... ,by Thelma Terry, William Wells,
DATES [schenker and Joe Gann. Transpor¬
tation will be arranged by Corley
. - Odum and Le Fawn Pair. Arrange -
Play Dates For I ments for the camp have been made
" Hedda Cabler " by Lanier deLorme.
Mondav - Tuesdav Some Ume be,ore leavine Ior
I Camp Cosby the senior class will
hold a tree planting ceremony on
the campus. LaFayette Walker,
senior class president, will be in
ier.'miop Kril«y,|££«* thi. p^ of the Senior
and Tuesday are the
for the production of
Henrik Ibsen’s “Hedda Gabler” ac¬
cording to
Included in the cast will be Rob¬
bie Owings, Henry Andertom Mar¬
garet Burford, Lynette BorlaiW. Le-
ronzo Reeves, D. C. Stringfellow,
and Edith Hale, ail veterans of the
Howard stage.
A new find of Mr. Kelley, Otha
Putnam, will make his first dramat¬
ic appearance.
Charline Harrison will be book-
boiler. | Change in the date of the “Y"
This play, a very difficult one. Spring Musical places this
will be entirely serious, quite dif- on April 23rd instead of April 16th
ferent from the plays of Shakes- ** originally announced. This, the
peare and Shaw which are being third in a series of musicals, will
presented already. |be presented at 3:30 pm at Mamie
Students will be admitted with I*1®11 Smith Hall and the public are
"Y" Set* Date
For Musical
On April 23
is still the
(Continued on
I invited to
Billie Berry and Mss Rob-
I hie Owings will be soloists for the
evening. Miss Perry, a former How-
| ard student, recently won out in
[the state preliminary contest held
| by the American Federation of
| Music Clubs. Her program will in-
| elude Cadman’s “Sonata;" Glazou-
| now’s “Concerto;" Zigeunerwisen,
| “Sarasate,” and “Nigun,” by Ernest
| Bloch.
Miss Robbie Owings, c’40. will pre-
I sent “Polanalse in C Sharp Minor,"
|by Chopin, and "Romance,” by
of the. Eco-