Glee Club Will
Sing At Ruhama
On Next Tuesday
The combined glee clubs under
the direction of Mrs. Bertha Sev-
erin -Frost will complete their most
active year with the annual Spring
Concert, May 18 at 8:00 pm. in
Ruhama Church, and the special
music during the commencement
Seventy-five members have rep¬
resented the college with special
music at Baptist associations! meet¬
ings at civic functions, chapel pro¬
gram, college meetings, and other
special affairs. This group or part
of it has been featured throughout
the city and has presented concerts
over Jocal radio stations, at
churches, pad in other Alabama
Members of the Glee Club are:
Girls— Jeanette Amberson, May
Will Atchison, Gussie Burton, Vita
Merlin Boswell, Mary Carter, Anne
Clair Cooper, Gay Craig, Rosemary
Crook, Johnnie Crumpton, Agnes
Eddleman, Harriet Esco, Frances
Feldman, Grace Fuller, Margaret
Gore, Maralyn Hardy, Emily Hess,
Virginia Hess,
Marjorie Inzer, Ellen Ruth Isbell,
Jane Elliott Lampkin, Mildred
Massey. Helen Moore. Merle Mc¬
Carty, Louise McConnell, Mary Lou
Miller, Zola NeSmlth. Winnifred
Petersen, Helen Roberts. Beatrice
Bay, Frances Hay, Zelma Self, Mar
t*l Sharpe, Martha Sutler, Sara
Frances Strock, Maxine Teal,
Louise Taulbert. Rose Tombrello,
Martha Wilburn, Mildred Wyers,
Mildred Downs, Margaret Maxwell.
Louise Jordan, Libby Jean Kbyees
Boy»— Hoyt Ayers, Jack Akin, Hal
Bennett, John O. Black, Wineyard
Brown, Ralph Brunson, Elmer
Brunson, Charles Barnes, Billy
Eppes, Ralph Feild, Roy Fincher,
Vernon T. Frasier, William McKin¬
ley Gilliland, Roscoe Griffin, Ruie
Hendon, Jolm Hollingsworth, Rich¬
ard Hudson, Thomas Hunter,
Granville Mason, Aubrey Miller,
Lincoln Newman, Ellis Payne, Ai¬
mer Pesnell. Archie Prtiitt, L. C.
Radford, Olin Ray, Robert Scogin,
Raymond Scroggins, Thomas Stone.
W. T. Wimberley. and Jared Wal¬
On To Hollywood! is iht slogan of Howard 'atS'us
• — ' '£T&
Sb Si trsti sssttffe&YsL
jg SfiLZiSlZT'S. * n-
“«*. *»
To Hollywood ! _ _ _ _ _
Mountaineer Play Is Next
On Boards Of Masquers
More Than 500
Attend Claeses
* In ExtensionUnit
The extension department at
Howard has become one of the most
active parts of th* college work
with more than 500 students attend
ing afternoon and evening classes
In Birmingham and many of the
towns in Alabama.
Mare than 75 course» have been
offered this year by the 23 faculty
members, many of whom are mem¬
bers of th* regular college faculty.
Next year an even more extensive
school J* being planned as the da-
mand becomes greater, Director Oa
S. Causey has announced.
ment the role of Meg Hunt, the
mother whose son Sid, played by
Frank Vines, has Just returned
home from the World War. H. K.
Martin, a masterly portrayer of
character tfarts, is again shLiing in
such a role, this time as Bavid
Hunt, the ancient and interesting
grandpa ppy.
Henry Anderton, stage minager
and member of the cast cf the
comedy success “Importance of Be¬
ing Earnest," is playing hit first
mountaineer role, that of And? Low¬
ry. the mail -carrier. Margaret
Burfoed. one of the Masquer: i’ moat
valuable younger actresses, takes
part of Jude Lowry, the ^inter¬
Strong Cast To Present
Noted Pulitxer Drama
In Chapel Wednesday
Climaxing their most successful
season at Howard, the Masquers,
dramatics organization, will present
the Pulitzer Prize Winner “Hell-
Bent Fer Heaven” in the college
auditorium Wednesday night May
19, at 8:15 o’clock.
Antoinette Sparks, director, has
chosen a strong cast to produce the
famous drama of North Carolina
mountain folks. Lee White, vet¬
eran of the Howard boards and of
the Birmingliam Little Theater, is
playing the leading role of Rufe
Pryor, the religious fanatic, whose
machinations cause strange and ter¬
rible tilings to occur-
[Three-Day Graduation Program Starts May 30
Scholars Are
Honored At
Chapel Event
idents Who ' Maintain
Highest GradesGet
Special Recognition
The culture that you are getting
college will not only enhance
Tour life but obligate* you to guide
the profound change that are tak¬
ing place in American life today.”
aid Dr. James S. McLestdr, speaker
a the second annual Scholarship
Dsy at Howard Tuesday. Dr. Me
Lester also discussed the two main
(actors in these movements, en
rironment and heredity.
Chairman of Scholarship Day was
Dr. John
who planned the an
cull event last year. On the com
with him were Dr. H. M.
Acton, Prof. Paul Bales, Dr. A. B.
Bliss. Miss Annie Boyett and Prof.
C. If. Lancaster.
Twenty-two students were hon-
cred st this special program. Col¬
lege honors were represented by
Dick Clay and Serena Boykin. Pre
liminary college honors went to
Harold Baxley, Anne Joe Ryan.
Louis Roberts, and Mildred Wyers.
In the high class honors group
were Hubert Mate, Mary Ellen Ad
kins, Sam A Levy, Jean H. I^Fur
tey, Earl Wilson, Raymond Scrog
fins. Charles Clark, Nash Collier.
Katherine PurlfOy, Bonnie Sazera,
Archie Pruitt, D. C. StringfeUow,
Harwell Davis, Roecoe' Griffin,
Anne Clair Cooper, and Robert Da
Candidates for the degree with
honors in their special fields are
Dick Clay. Mollie Anderton, Ru
pert Fussell, Catherine Ham, Hu¬
bert Mate, Catharine Covington,
i’«y Askew, Hugh Frank Smith,
ind Sybil Baird.
Class Marshals
Students with the highest aver
ige quality points in their respect
ive classes were choeen as marshals.
Head marshal was Harold Baxlejl
Junior marshals 'were Louis Rob
oil, and Anne Joe Ryan; Sopho¬
more, Blanche Walls. Karl Wilson;
freshmen, Charles Clark, Bonnie
Class honors went to Mollie An¬
derton. Wilbur Borom. Catherine
Covington. Henry Williams. Roy
Nans. W inford Lawley, Blanche
Walls, Glen Perry.
Gussie Burton was awarded the
Alpha Delta Theta cup for highest
aholarship among Freshmen in
Hat sorority.
tfteen men have served Howard
lege as presidents. They were
5. Sherman, Henry Talbird. J.
It Curry, E. G. Thornton, Sam
R. Freeman, James T. Murfee.
Dill, B. F. Riley. A. W. Me
ia, A D. Smith. F. M. Roof. A.
Montague, J M Shelburne, John
Dawson and T. V. NeaL
his year the Howard Crimson,
lent weekly, lad ita that toed
loess manager. Next year It wiD
-e its first co-od editor.
She’s In New York For Screen Test
■ - 'V.
Seniors To
Get Degrees
June First
President Ed Spencer
a s s Events;
Texan Main Speaker
Dr. F. s. Groner, president of the
College of Marshall. Marshall,
Texas, has accepted the invitation
from President Neal to be the prin¬
cipal speaker at the graduation ex¬
ercises, Tuesday, June 1, at Ru¬
hama Baptist Church.
The graduation exercises will
complete three big days for the
Seniors this year. Following the an¬
nual concert of Dr. Paul de Lau-
nay’s students on Saturday night,
,Dr. John H. Buchanon, new pastor
of the Southslde Baptist Church,
will deliver the baccalaureate ser¬
mon at the 11:00 up. services at
Ruhama, Sunday, May 30. Preced¬
ing the services will be the aca¬
demic procession composed of the
Seniors, members of the faculty, and
speakers for the occasion.
Senior Class Day
Monday is annual Senior and
alumni day on the campus. Senior
exercises will begin at 10:30 in the
(«liege auditorium. Following a
program of musk, seven students
vrill address the class, using as their
subject: “The Practical and Cul¬
tural Value of My Major Field.”
The speakers will be Hugh Frank
Smith. English; Alex McCutchen,
economics; Hubert Mate, languages;
Hoyt Ayers, religion; Rupert Fus-
se-U, history; Mollie Anderton, sci¬
ence; J. V. Stuart, math.
The class president’s address, to
be delivered by Ed Spencer, will
outline the true value of a liberal
arts college and diacibs Its place in
the field of education. Awarding
of medals to a group of students
who have been active in some par¬
ticular field will take place on
class day.
Immediately after the Senior ex¬
ercises the alumni will hold their
meeting at ItsOQ a m. The annual
luncheon will be in the college
cafeteria at 1:00.
Reception Far Seniors
Monday night the Seniors will be
honored with a reception at Mamie
Smith at 8:30, closing the ac-
tiyitles of the day. This is an an¬
nual Senior and faculty affair.
Graduating exercises will begin
at 10:30 Tuesday. The college Glee
Club will sing special music for
both this program and the services
on Sunday.
Honors to be awarded this year
are: the Paul de Launay musk
medal; the V. W. C. A. loving cup
to 'the coed considered by th* Y.
W. C. A. cabinet to be the most
representative “Y” girl; the Hypatia
loving cup; the two A. D. Smith
malh awards; the Mrs. L. O. Daw¬
son cup to the Senior man who is
con tide red the highest type of
ieUan gentleman the Gall Pat-
t Graduation Program,
: 1 :
ОГ Сотри
• UTo
Birmingham, Ale., Thursday, May 13, 1937