Loyal Howardite~^
Classes To Be Suspended After 10:30. Dr ^ Daw
son Will Break Ground In Gala Ceremonies
Sigma Delta Chi Goe*:
Impressive Ceremony Took
Place May 7
Miss Cate Will Head Physical
Education Department
By Loe« Salter
M< D .iKiB of Sign a Phi Epsilon fra-
lern: t; ■ were to begin arriving li Blr-
minj bun today for tyo installation of
Sign a Delta Chi at. Alabama Gemma
Chaj tur of that fra ernlty. Large dele¬
gate ni from Auburn and the Univer¬
sity >i Alabama we e expected.
In aldition to Alt bama and Aubnm.
repn*eantatiies were to come from
Unl/erslty of Tennes¬
see. 3 liversity of Florida, Tulant.Unl-
rers! t; •. University of Misatoslpp and
probilly other 1 istltutlons. '.'here
are d cty-three act ve chapters ot S.
By Mary Frances Long
Five members of the Junior class
were "tapped" for membership In Hy¬
patia. Senior honor sorority, at exer¬
cises held on the campus May 7. The
new members of the sorority are
rlne Slaughter, Mary Elizabeth McIn¬
tosh, Beatrice Newman. Mayme Low¬
ery and Frances Elliott.
The "tap day4 ceremony took place
In front of Main Building, before an
audience of several hundred students
and friends. Dean Burns spoke on
the meaning of Hypatia. A short
musical program was followed by
talks on the origin and history of Hy¬
patia by Leila Byrd Beasley and Irene
By Mary Francis Long
Two new faculty? members have
been engaged for next year, accord¬
ing to President Dawson. The new
department of physical education for
girls will be headed by Mias Emily
Cate, while Bertrand
win be an
Instructor in biology.
Classes suspended at 10:30.
installation of Y. W. C. "A. officers
in front of Main Building.
Crowning of May Queen.
Breaking of ground for new build¬
Howard-Auburn baseball game.
the p»st two years, the director of
physical education In the T. W. C. A.
of Lynchburg. Va. She received her
B. S. degree in physical education at
North Carolina College for Women, at
Greensboro, and her master's degree
at the Univereity of South Carolina,
where her major subject was the re¬
lation of biology to the problems of
physical education. Miss Cate has
attended classes in physical education
at Wellesley College and at the State
College of North Carolina, under Mrs.
Mary Channing Coleman, vice presi¬
dent of the southern section of the
American' Physical Education Associ¬
ation. She was the director of physi¬
cal education in the schools of Win¬
ston-Salem and of Durham, North Car
ollna, before going to Lynchburg In
1928. Miss Cates Vlll attend the
Joyce Cran sports camp at Wellesley
as further training for ’-er work at
Howard. Of interest to State Baptists
to the fact that Miss Cate Is a cousin
of Dr. W. W. Hamilton, president of
the Baptist Bible Institute of Now Or¬
Mr. King was graduated from How¬
ard last year. He is at present study¬
ing for his master's degree at the Uni¬
versity of Iowa. While at Howard he
specialized in biology and achieved
a high rating as a student
An ic ng national offlcem who will be
here f >r the ceremonies Is Willit m L.
PhlUif s. grand scc-etary, with bead-
luarers In Rlchnic nd. Va.. Henry J.
Port r. of Lie Per -er Clothing Com¬
pany s precedent i t the BlrmiuKbam
Sororities Help
The newly chosen members
were tapped with yellow rosebuds by
the Senior members of the sorority.
Membership in Hypatia is based on
present influence in school and prom¬
ise of future usefulness as evidenced
by possession of these qualifications:
General scholarship, character and
personality. Interest in college activi¬
ties and college honors.
The Senior members of Hypatia are
Leila Byrd Beasley, president: Lazelle
Roberts, Sarah Hargrove, Irene Hack¬
er and Ann Moore.
New Building
The student body and faculty of
Howard College to indeed grateful to
Dr. J. D. Heacoek. The first day of
the drive for the fund for the Student
Activity Building, he was a generous
Df. Heacock has a persdhal interest 1
ie Hu.wanl.aiu5 UUnka tbu,L the "Idea '
Such enthusiasm! At the rate
everyone to bringing in subscriptions
there will soon be enough money to
build a "castle." The organisations
are qertalnly cooperating. Each has
rding to me nbers of Sigma
Delti !!hi, installati >n ceremonle* will
begin Thursday morning. Induction
>t m Habers will continue through FTl-
i[jay. AanivRJe, -will come to *
!loe« with
ban q let and dan<e at
Holl'v ood Country Club Friday i ight
Thue - rill eea the hst of 81gmar Jelta
2hi a i a local, and fraternities at
fl will welcone one of the
itrong ist national
-genlzatlons lit the
iMJuni r > to the campus.
Mr Phillips probi bly will arrive in
31rmir gham Wedne idsy night. He is
hnown to ntimeroui members ol the
cohere contingent In Birmingham, hav¬
ing i lilted here several times before.
Then are more tlisn sixty alumni of
Sigm t Phi Epsilon in Birmingham,
rapre soling many of the major
< -chock of the natltn.
.Ini It itione to the installation
tiancc i it" Hollywood Friday night aave
been Letted to various members of
Irate n ities at Howtrd and Birr ting-
ham-: leathern; Th > following an¬
nounce nent has beet: issued attendant
lo tin ;omlng of S. P. E. to Howard:
"The Grand Chap er of Sigma Phi
Kpsiln Fraternity announces the es¬
tablish: aent of Alabama Gamma Chap¬
ter a' :io ward
e. May 16. 1!>30."
of the Students’ Activity Building fits
Into the scheme of things at Howard
better than anything conceivable." Dr.
Heacock earnestly believes that the
plan will be a stimulant to other con¬
templated advances lor the college.
The Student Body will moot assured¬
ly profit, for this project will “encour¬
age, Bud accommodate their ambitions.
The building will be an asset to the
constructive and wholesome thoughts,
the energies and aspirations that
measure the propensities and needs of
a collegiate student body."
Those who foster the Idea that “it
can’t be done" are harboring "bunk”
in thqlr mind and the thought smacks
of “yellow.'1
Dr. Heacock has a most pleasing
personality and is an Interesting
teacher. He has studied Industriously
and achieved his reputation by his
own’ abilities^ After
money. ....
Already the Alpha Delta Pi’s hare
had an Easter Egg Hunt and tuned In
quite a sum. The Delta Zetas had
charge of the Collegiate Night at the
Golf Links, and they made a good
report. Everyone will dine a? kings
at the Cafeteria May 18, for the Sigma
Iota Chi’s are having a chicken dinner
then. Just .what the Alpha Delta
Theta’s are planning to a big secret.
But It will be great. The Phi Mu’s
are going to sell Blue Books the week
of exams. Candy is going to be sold
on a certain day by the Beta Phi
Glee Club Director
Howard Graduates Win
Class Elections To Be
Another graduate of Howard Col¬
lege recently won an aeslstantshlp In
the' graduate schools of a university.
Mr. S. A. Lecroy is the latest student
to be thus honored. Mr. Lecroy has
Just received notice of hto appoint¬
ment to an assistantship In the de¬
partment ot chemistry of Louisiana
State University. In addition to the
honor, the appointment carries with it
exemption from all fees and four hun¬
dred dollars in cash. Mr. Lecroy grad¬
uated from Howard two years ago.
This year he has 'been tdaching chem¬
istry In the high school of Brundldge.
having gradu¬
ated from Howard in 1892, he entered
Tulane Medical School and then to the
New York Post Graduate"" School of
Medicine. Later he attended Johns
Hopkins for more post graduate work.
In 1898 Dr. Heacock was elected
County Physician. Serving faithfully
for nine years, hto service wae ended
Hti was president
by his resigning,
of the Jefferson County Medical So¬
ciety and also of the. State Medical
Association of Alabama. .,
At the present Dr. Heacock is serv¬
ing on two standing committees of the
State Medical Society. Also, this Is
his fourth term ae president of the
Alabama State Tuberculosis Associa¬
tion. He to Medical Director of the
Protective Life Insurance Company —
one of the largest insurance com¬
panies In the South.
The Board of Trustees of Howard
College and the Baptist Hospital
claim Dr. Heacock as a most loyal
Howard College wishes to express
ite deep appreciation for the service
which Dr. Heacock has rendered. I
Howard Auxiliary
Meets At Cafeteria
Miss Helen Johnston Is another
graduate of the class of 1928 to win
distinction. Miss Johnston had the
honor of being co-author of an article
In the April number of the Journal of
Physical Review, the leadlug publica¬
tion in America in the fields of physics
and physical chemistry. It to very un¬
usual for a student to make a dis¬
covery worthy of publication In such
a Journal before the completion of re¬
quirements for .the doctor’s degree.
Miss Johnston is la her second year
of graduate work. As further recog-
e, lived i valuable addition tills week.
A hard some made-to-vrder glass show
case l,a i been present id by McKesnon-
liedsc le -Cblvin-O’Doll, Inc. Mr. Hogg,
hsad ol the laboratory supply depart¬
ment ol that concern, realized the His¬
toric v due it the chemical cabinet
g.ven io the college last Founders'
d it was thro igh his interest
that lit ; company constructed a per¬
il ane: it resting placi for the relic.
oinat was used by Professor
Davis when te was professor
ol' nntui al philosophy In 1855. A wide¬
spread ntefest has be in shown In the
relic, a: id tout month one of the na¬
tional p lenlcal journal a carried an ac¬
its presentai Ion to the col¬
lege. Chemical cabinets were just as
much a pixt of the ( alentlflc equip¬
ment" of a co llege tlgh
у уеагв
ago as
jludent laboratory deito are today,
nut Ho'rard Is one ol the few ineti-
tetiom n cho country
possess oae
of the
Ig nnl spec-in» ns. The Davis
:a blue t
made even
:<re valuable by
reasoi >f the emlnei t position Its
erner a ihioYsd In I he ducational life
ntlon of her superior qualifications,
she has been appointed head assistant
in the department- of chemistry In Bar¬
nard College of Columbia Univeraity
for next year.
Prof. Sompey: "First TU take
some sulphuric acid and then I'll take
some chloroform."
Cy Young: "That’s a' good idea."
by Prof. Whoozls
Howard Review
installation V P E Maxi 1 fit h
™ 0F *™TS
о. г. л.
ющ тд ц[
futures of i№ dh
By Hairy Bertram Cohen
With ground for the new Student Activities Building to be
broken today, with Y. W. G. A. offices to be publicly installed, with
the May Queen to be crowned with laurel wreaths, and with the How¬
ard-Auburn baseball game lo climax the day's activities, Howard's
May Day Festival is being observed with traditional color and gala
holiday spirit. ^
Classes have been suspended for the
remainder of the day. to allow every
student oportunlty to participate In
the festival. Many alumni, outstand¬
ing Baptists of the State, contributors
to the new building, and friends of
the college have arrived and will take
part In the celebration.
Booths on the campus, conducted by
the various fraternities, sororities,
and organizations, are furnishing
thrills, laughs, and entertainment with
their carnival extravagance. The Y.
W. C. A. booth to a dispensary of pink
Contrary to the custom of allowing
the Y. W. C. A. to sponsor the Col¬
lege Carnival, the college to giving the
May Day Festival this year to derive
funds for the erection of the new Stu¬
dent Activities Building, ground for
which will be broken today.
The festival will begin at 10:30 with
the Installation of Y. W. C. A. officer*
la iront of the Main BeUtllag. The
girls, dressed In white, will be ar¬
ranged In the form of a triangle. Miss
Sylvia Sisson, new president, and
MIt-e Beatrice Newman, retiring presi¬
dent, will make brief talks. Miss
Rosa V. Strickland, principal of Pow¬
ell School, will be a prominent figure
in the Impressive ceremony.
Crowning of the May Queen will
climax a spirited contest held for the
past week for mistress of ceremonies.
Breaking of ground for the new
building will take place at high noon,
with President Dawson digging up the
first clod of earth.
Between li:30 and 2:00 Intermis¬
sion will bo granted for lunch at the
College Cafeteria, where a special
festival dinner has been prepared.
The Howard-Auburn diamond per¬
formance at Berry Field will climax
i the busy round of activities. Both
teams have been priming themselves
for the occasion, and are expected to
furnteh the spectators a spirited holi¬
day game.
Photographers from the Birming¬
ham dally newspapers will be on the
campus^oday to photograph various
phases of the May Day Festival.
By Beulah Poore
Between elxty-flve and seventy
members of the Howard Auxiliary
met Tuesday at the cafeteria at 10:30
for a business meeting and lunch.
Professor T. R. Eagles gave the
main address. Fred T&te expressed
the gratitude of the student body for
the cafeteria. Mrs. T. H. Johnston,
Mrs. Horace Adams aud others spoke
at this meeting^
The Howard Auxiliary gave a ris¬
ing vote of thanks for Mrs. Latch’s
careful supervtolon of the cafeteria.
They were certainly pleased with the
way she did things.
One hundred new members was the
report of the membership committee.
After much discussion the auxiliary
decided to buy the radio In the cafe¬
Those on the committee for the
Parisian lunch room from June 28 to
28 are: Mrs. T. H. Johnston, treas¬
urer; Mrs. J. T. Doeter, cake; Mrs.
Clayton Eubanks and Mrs. Fuller
Manley, hostess: Mra. A. F. Almgren
and Mrs. T. E Bondurant. steam table;
Mrs. Tom Lea, waitress, and Mrs. A.
H. Reed, kitchen.
Don’t forget that yon are going to
lay off your diet that week and really
ea^ for proceeds go to refurnish the
receiving room and renovnte the en¬
trance of Renfroe Hall.
03 1