Ч' *40
Y. M. C. A. Delegates To
Attend State Meeting
B.S.U. To Sponsor
“ Baptist Honor
According to R. B. Caine, Jr., presi¬
dent of the Y. M. C. A., there will be
three members of the local Y. M. C.
A Cabinet who will attend the annual
meeting of the Btite Student Y. M.
C. A. Council, which ie to be Jield At
Auburn November 9 and 10.
Hubert Bearer, of Birmingham-
Southern, la president or the State
Council and will be In charge of the
opening meeting.
Representatives are eipeoted from
ever r College Y.
И. С.
A-. In the state.
Important campus problems and ef¬
fective Y.
C. A. methods are to be
'Three rears ag6 this annual meet¬
ing was held at Howard College, and
last year the meeting was at Birming¬
Cabinet Meets
The weekly cabinet meeting has
been announced for Thursday night
of this week, according to the presi¬
dent. The final plans for those who
shall attend the meet at Auburn shall
The local Baptist Student Union, In
accordance with plans adopted at the
recent State Convention, will foeter
at Howard the “Baptist Honor Day."
This “Honor Day” Is to be observed
Friday November 9, instead of No¬
vember 11, as observed by the Baptist
denomination of the Southland.
On Friday at the chapel egerclse ex¬
planation as to "Baptist Honor Day”
will be made and plans for observa¬
tion will be set forth.
The honor of the Southern Baptist
has been threatened by the actions, of
a former treasurer, C. S. Carnes, who
borrowed nearly $1, 000,001) In the
name of the Home Mission Board of
the Southern Baptist Convention, and
failed to return same. It
up to
every member of the denomination to
help uphold the honor of this great
body, and we as students are to do
our part toward helping xarry out the
plan of “Baptist Honor Day.”
ins Have Most Versatile Attack In Conference To
Against Dillion’t Cohorts. Battle b Feature T3t Of
S. L A. A. This Week
Chattanooga brings to tbe Magic
City this week the leading claimant
for the 8. 1. A. A. title to battle the
Bulldogs of Howard College in the
feature S. L A A. game of the week
at Legion Field on Saturday after¬
noon at 2:30.
Boasting the most versatile back-
field in the conference, the Moccasins
will no doubt try to show Magic City
fans that Howard’s forward wall can
be penetrated and Howard Is Just as
determined to hold their own against
the Serpents from Lookout town.
With a fall corps of backfleld stars,
all of whom can pass with the best of
’em, it seems certain that Chattanoo¬
ga will resort to the aerial game early
In the affray. Thus far the Bulldogs
have not been able to break up passes
of the enemy as well as one might ex¬
pect, bat In every game they have
shown greater proficiency la that de-
November 24 ia the BIG day at How¬
ard College. First, Howard begin» the
day by showing Birmingham and those
visiting the city how to put over a
real parade, and then the Bulldog
team shows thousands of football fans
how Howard puU over a football
game. But Just on the eve of this
big day a really BIG night is to he
This night, November 23, Is to be
tbe occasion of tbe Home-coming
Banquet at Howard College. Prof.
Oscar C Causey is In charge of the
annual banquet. According to Prof.
Causey this banquet Is to be a far
great success than the one of last
“Boilermakers’* Make Initial Ap¬
pearance or Year Last Fri¬
day In Chapel
Those who attended chapel last Fri¬
day had the rare pleasure of hearing
the famous “Boilermakers Orchestra,"
Howard’s own exponents of Jazx.
The program of the orchestra con¬
sisted of three popular numbers. “Out
of the Dawn," “Pickin’ Cotton,” and
“Old Man Suhshlhe, Little Boy Bine
Bird." The popularity of the or¬
chestra may wen be attested by the
thunderous applause following the
playing of each melody. The music
was well rendered and well arranged,
proving that the orchestra has been
undergoing some hard work In prac-
Tuesday, November 13, at 2 o’clock
In Dean Burn’s classroom Beta PI
Theta, French honor fraternity, will
hold its semi-annual try-out All stu¬
dents of French above French 1-2 are
eligible, except freshmen, if they have
an average of
in French.
Dr. H. C. Acton will be In charge of
the try-ont If you are interested In
French ontslde of the classroom work
come and try out. Be prepared to
read a short selection in French to
demonstrate your ability to pronounce.
A story will be read In French to be
the Dawn,” and all the Boilermakers
chimed In lustily on a singing chorus
of “QJd #an Sunshine." The saxo¬
phone section was unusually geod and
deserves special mention, in fact, ail
Chattanooga has taken on all com¬
ers this season In an Impressive way
and have bowed In defeat only at the
hands of Vanderbilt.
The Bulldogs came out of the Choc¬
taw battle In fair shape and Coach
Dillon should be able to muster his
favorable comment. He won his right
to membership In the Allied Arts Club
soon after the opening of school last
year In tbe art section, and since that
time has been active In the work of
Lawson ia a graduate of Phillips
High School of this city where he
won many honors during his stay
there. Since coming to Howard he
has taken an active part In college
activities and last spring a booth
which he designed for the Annual Y.
W. C. A Carnival won first prize for
being the most unlqne booth In tbe
carnival. The theme of the booth
was “King Tut Jr.”
Injured Sunday
Dies On Tuesday
Frank Gibbs, sophomore and mem¬
ber of Chi Sigma Gamma fraternity,
died early Tuesday morning as a re¬
sult of Injuries sustained in an acci¬
dent pccurrlng Sunday. While riding
his motorcycle It collided with a
street car throwing him from the
cycle breaking his left leg in several
places, fracturing his hip and Injuring
him internally. He was rushed to 8t.
Vincent’s Hospital but his injuries re¬
sulted In his death early Tuesday.
Gibbs was a special messenger for
the post office and was on duty at the
time he was Injured. Eye witnesses
Ink sketches have brought forth mech
tenor bao)o. director;
“The law of success to sacrifice,”
said Dr. J. B. Dillard of Sonthalde
Baptist Church last Wednesday In as
address to the student body which Dr.
J. C. Dawson said was the beat he had
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pus may wM in entrant for tbe
Beauty Section of tbe Entre
to IQefleer Sod-
Tbie week is leet cbence to or-
doth, editor-in-chief. "T
Selections should be made this
This Is Another
selected should be placed m a
sealed envelope and tinned in to
Howard Year
MmSnddtob. Additional infor¬
mation may be aeeured from tbe
edftor hf The Entre Hern.
Yea, Bulldogs!