me to Howard
Program at Phillips High School
К2ЛГЛ- виамгагг
Study courses — more and better
ones are being taught at Rnhama Bap¬
tist Church each evening this week.
Monday night all the different classes
Started off with a bang and it Is prob¬
able that a. new record will be set
this week i* the number of awards
Howard College has now a real B.
8. U. Study Course Last week Miss
Luclle Loyd, State Student Secretary,
was on our campus for the entire
week and taught two classes dally.
The B. S. U. Manual proved to be a
most Interesting and delightful book
and those that were able to take the
course seem highly pleased at the
working of such an organisation.
The classes as a whole were well
attended and the interest in this new
organisation for Howard Is very keen
Indeed. It is hoped that the students
of Howard will familarize themselves
with the B. S. U. Organisation and
understand something of its work and
lust the place that It will fill on our
The organisation, according to Miss
Loyd, has been tried out on a number
of campuses over a period of years
and it has been found to fill the bill.
No definite thorough going organisa¬
tion was perfected here last week.
Applause like a tornado of hail against a tin roof was the ver¬
dict the student Body of Phillips High School gave to the program
presented in their auditorium last Wednesday morning by a group
of Howard students — alumni of Phillips.
Night, night, black night Mist, fog, slowly rolling volumei of
it Sodden sodden sounds. Stillness, silence. The fog lifts, loahrs,
lifts and lowers again. With impenetrable intensity it envelopes one,
shutting out all and leaving one with a sense' of detractedness. V
Pilgrims Progress is being taught by
Prof. Sampey. This class is proving
to be one of the most popular of the
courses that are being taught. All
of the other classes havea nice en¬
rollment and when Friday night rolls
around there will be a large number
to take the examinations.
On last Sunday evening a fine re¬
port was made by each of the unions
which shows that they are all really
doing some very fine work. The in¬
terest and enthusiasm is running high
and each union Is trying to have their
entire membership take the study
courses this week.
Remember the date, Saturday even¬
ing. February *8, for on that date
pulled— yet. it la almost ripe now.
Come one. come nil, to this general
social and we assure you that you
will have the time of your young Ufe.
Th§ social committee Is Working hard
‘on the plans for the gala occasion and
a mighty fine program is being. Work-
Following each number on the 46-
minute program there was a storm tor
an encore.
John L. Johnson delivered one of
the most brilliant short speeches ever
made for Howard College, and for
Phillips on “Opportunities Offered by
Howard College." He set forth .con¬
sistently and without exaggeration,
conditions and advantages retained at
Howard in every phase of college Ilfs
interestingly. The 12-mlaute address
seemed like a brief one of three; so
vividly did Johnson paint the situa¬
tion at the Baptist school.
On February 15th, Clay Knight, of
Arab, Alabama, and Howard Col¬
lege, was declared one of the
inner* of the *5fl prise given by
the Illinois Central System as a re¬
sult of their essay contest on the sub¬
ject, "The Place of the Railroads in
the Life of the American People." The
By Jessie Lee Ansley
Miss Luclle Loyd I* the recently
appointed Student Secretary for Ala¬
bama Baptists and has been at How¬
ard during the past week conducting
a study course in the Baptist Student
Union Manual. Miss Loyd came to
that the organization may be put over
later in the year so as to begin full
force st the opening of school next
year. From time to time there will
be articles appearing in the Crimson
on the B. 8. U. SO that students wOl
become faniiliar with it and know
really what It is all about.
work, and was on the Howard cam¬
pus a week during January, so we al¬
ready know how charming and how
efficient she is. She has really big
Ideas for the future of religious ac¬
tivities in the colleges and universi¬
ties of the state and especially for
those in Howard. During the two
weeks she has been here she attend¬
ed practically every student religious
meeting of any kind, and with her in¬
telligence and experience and earn¬
estness her Influence is already
strongly felt Howard has evidently
endeared Itself to her, for she says,
that she can express her sentiment
for the school in the words of the
popular song, “Let Me Cali You
Miss Loyd feels that if the entire
student body of Howard College
would organise for the promotion of
a correlated and definite religious
program that would include every
student there would be a definiteness
of purpose and of program that would
Miss Thomas sang the “Blessed Dem¬
oiselle,” accompanied by Ivy Pearl
Ray. James Dillard closed with a cor¬
net solo, “Cherie." Prof. Going, prin¬
cipal of Phillips, gave the visitors a
cordial welcome and invited them to
Miss Thomas’ clear voice alone
would have made the program a suc¬
cess, and was the outstanding feature
of the musical part. She is a pupil
in the Howard College School of Mu¬
sic.’ “The Blessed Demoiselle" gave
her opportunity for full range and
endurance. She handled the piece ex¬
ceptionally welL
Miniature "Crimsons” were given to
each person as a program. The lit¬
tle papers had a. general and brief
resume of college activities, complete.
Tom Mayaer, Morgan Baker and Mar-
their worth to the nation and pointing
out their growth.
Another step has been made now
by Mr. Knight of Howard College and
by Curtis Webb, of Birmingham-South¬
ern, who was also announced winner
In this contest They have been en¬
tered in the competition for the grand
prize of 6100. Announcement of the
winners of the grand prize Is expected
to be made within the next few weeks.
men? The nearer we approach the
more bewildered we become. And
now an unfamllii
our fog-tensed e
fine It as the min
and the cursing !
slightly older m
At last, we de¬
walling of babies
chldlngs of their
srs. For babies,
Entrants in the contest were from
virtually all the colleges and universi¬
ties in the United Slates.
The program to be offered by the
Howard College Glee Clubs, at the Jef¬
ferson Theatre, on evenings of March
3rd and 4th, is different from any
other type of glee club program that
you have ever witnessed. It Is a pro-
bodies HWj:
Phillips High School Is
The Glee Club Orchestra will be a
treat wtfhln itself. It is one of the
dnapptest orchestras to be found in
Alabama. They have
act with the
latest popular pieces and novelty en-
ELLARD N U M L L Y, Beuth’e
emier jevenll. wrt.rtalnsr. snd
u win experience both the novel
the soul thrilling music in this
art There la something there for
Council should be considered one of
the greatest honors, carrying greatest
responsibilities, of any position In the
school, is Miss Loyd’s firm opinion.
She goes on m> say. The Baptist,
of the State have realised that If the
denominational schools are to be the
centers of training for future church
leadership thdre must be a denomina¬
tional student organization function¬
ing on the campus. Texas Baptists
led is the work for students and Dr.
Boone 404. of , TnacalnpsjL, who
eyes, shifting
to be
we c4
Bit Game