Birmingham, Ala, Friday, April 1. 1921
Class History
Reading from Left to Right:
Top Row— Hare. Pbrnall, Pr*
Second Row—
etc hem, Stepl
Third Row— Jarrell, Buckner,
Fourth Row— Bennett, Min C -
Fifth Row— Knowlee. Pan, Mlae Arnold,
Sixth Row— Vaugn, Min ‘-agow,
Seventh Row— Willingham, Rl - -
rescott, r lower» ,
phene, Mlae Clever, Min Graves, J. C. Lee, Morris, W. Manaaco.
,e Ml** Sowell, Mlae Upchurth, Miss Young, i. C. Lambert, Roes, Oden,
Gibbe. Min Harris, Miss Foster, Mlee Kirk, Andereon, John Kirk.
- ’ ■ Miss Steele, Min Clark, Min Webb, Jordan, Norwood.
. . . _ loward, Miss York, Drake, Gillespie.
Riddle, Mallory Gaines. Logan. Bains, Askew, J. B. Lambert.
(Continued on Page
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FRESHMAN — 1920-1921 1
Having fli.ished bis evening meal a stalwart son of
soil sat slouchily
Inclined ima arge rocking chair recuperating mind, body and soul from the
tolls of a lo ig August day. Various ond sundry thoughts drifted lazily
through his 1 rata. He summarised briefly certain happening of the past
reflecting che, (shed memories of his high school days as well as other choice
events which tood out boldly in his past life. Dismissing all Lhoughta of his
P;‘*i he now t irects his attention to the possibilities of the future.
«>n the wi II in the room where he is sitting there hangs * calendar; on«
of hose largi affairs with a “We Treat You Right" advert sement of the
nearest store on it
With a su iden revival of interest the boy in the chair rise* and turns his
■' ‘ ion to tl e calendar. Turning one leaf he counts the numerals until a
certain date, and half aloud to himself says. "Only twenty-seven more days
until the 13i.h of September when 1 shall enter Howard.” .
September 13. 1920. the beginning of the 1920-21 session of Howard and
also the birth of the Freshman class of that period. Freshmen? Yes, indeed.
Approximately obe hundred and thirty of them from the southern Isle of
Cuba to the northern state of New York, "fresh" in many senses of the word,
scrambling and pushing Into the Registrar’s office. We had come, we had
seen in part and It was up to us to conquer.
R'ghe bravely did we begin onr career as students of Howard College.
Stout-hearted and with a determination to Burmount all obstacles which
might cross our way we set out to reap laurels of fame as a Freshman class
jof Howard. With the exception of certain warm — oh! so -warm— receptions
j of upper clansmen mir journey
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